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How Physiotherapy Affects Mental Well-Being

August 09 | 2023
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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Beyond the Physical: How Physiotherapy Affects Mental Well-Being When people are asked to imagine physiotherapy, they think of physical rehabilitation involving exercises, stretches, and manual therapy. While these are undoubtedly the defining aspects, engaging in physiotherapy can also lead to benefits in your psychological well-being and overall quality of life, leaving you feeling better both mentally and physically. In this blog, we will cover the lesser-known benefits of physiotherapy on your mental health. 1. Increased Self-confidence and empowerment In physiotherapy, we aim to give patients the tools and knowledge to manage their injury or condition. Living with an impairment can…

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Aquafit: Dive into a fun workout!

July 28 | 2023
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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Aquafit: Dive Into a Fun Workout! Aquafit Trying to get in shape but joint pain is holding you back? Are you looking for a new and exciting way to start exercising? Look no further than aquafit! Aquafit, also known as hydrotherapy, or aqua therapy is a workout done in the water to increase fitness and strength. In this article, we will talk about the top 4 benefits of aquafit and how it can be used by our physiotherapy patients. 1. Low-impact, big results The biggest benefit of that it is very gentle on the joints, minimizing…

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Headaches? See how Physiotherapy can help you!

June 15 | 2023
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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How do Headaches occur? There are many different types of headaches with many different causes. Many people may blame it on the weather, stress, or work, and feel like it is out of their control and that nothing can help their headaches. If this sounds like you, there is treatment available and you do not have to live with your pain. Headaches that stem from your neck or jaw are treatable through physiotherapy and can result in a decreased intensity and frequency or even stop them completely. However, migraines can also be manageable with rehab. What are headaches from the neck? Cervicogenic Headache Headaches that stem from the neck are known as cervicogenic headaches and are a type of referred pain. Referred pain means that the pain actually originates from another part of the body, and not the place where you actually feel the pain. Moreover,…

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Is your ankle sprain not healing? Know what’s wrong.

December 19 | 2022
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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Why is your ankle sprain not healing? An ankle sprain is one of the most common injuries. Rest, ice, compression, and elevation, or the RICE rule, will be the go-to’s for ankle sprains. In most cases, ankle sprains heal between 4-12 weeks depending on the severity of the injury. Though many people will have them to heal with time. However, a failure to seek treatment and physical rehabilitation for your ankle after just one injury is enough to leave it weak. This makes your ankle more vulnerable to future sprains or chronic instability. What causes you chronic instability after an ankle sprain? After an ankle injury, there is damage to the ligaments, tendons, and potentially even the ankle joint itself. Here, the function of the ligament is to limit abnormal movement in the joint. Because of the injury, they will get lax (stretched out), making the ankle more unstable. Additionally,…

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Thumb Pain? Is it DeQuervain’s Tendonitis?

December 05 | 2022
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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Why do you have thumb pain? Thumb Pain DeQuervain’s Tendonitis or thumb pain? There could be several potential factors why you have thumb pain. For instance, arthritis, trigger thumb, or DeQuervain’s Tendonitis. Though, the location of pain and difficulties performing activities can determine what is causing your thumb pain. However, the most common reason for thumb pain could be DeQuervain’s Tendonitis. Let us know something more in detail whether you have DeQuervain’s Tendonitis. What is DeQuervain’s Tendonitis and Thumb Pain? De Quervain’s Pain It is an inflammatory condition, where the sheath around the tendon gets constricted. As a result, it affects the tendons of the thumb and thumb side of the wrist causing pain. Therefore, it gives the inability to use the hand and wrist to their total functional capacity. What do the symptoms of DeQuervain’s Tendonitisfeel like? Firstly, there is severe…

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