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Neck Pain Treatment

October 10 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Neck Pain Treatment Pain in your neck can happen for several different reason  . Neck Pain Treatment can help get you back on your feet quickly.  It can happen suddenly from an accident or fall.  Even sleeping in an awkward position can cause neck pain. Other times it can build up over several months or even years and gradually get worse. And sometimes, it may seem like there is no reason and you just wake up one day with neck pain. Neck Pain Treatment:  Possible symptoms you may feel The way you feel the pain can also vary depending on how the  injury happened. Some neck injuries will have just pain as the symptom. Other neck injuries will include pain but also have weakness and pins and needles as well. Sometimes you will have pain that is just in the neck itself. In other cases, pain is felt more in the…

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De Quervain’s Disease

August 12 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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De Quervain’s Disease/ Texting thumb. De Quervain’s Disease De Quervain’s Disease or nowadays known as texting thumb is a painful inflammation of tendons in the thumb that extend to the wrist. The rubbing of the inflamed tendon against the canal it passes through causes pain at the base of the thumb and into the lower arm. It is commonly seen in females over 40 years of age. Causes of De Quervain’s Disease 1. Simple strain injury to the tendon. 2. Repetitive motion injury. Workers who perform rapid repetitive activities involving pinching, grasping, pulling or pushing are at increased risk. Specific activities including intensive mousing, trackball use, and typing. Other activities including bowling, golf, fly-fishing, piano-playing, sewing, and knitting can also cause De Quervain’s Disease. 3. Frequent causes of De Quervain’s Disease include stresses such as lifting young children into car seats, lifting heavy grocery bags by…

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Hip fracture

August 12 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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A hip fracture is a break in the upper quarter of the femur (thigh) bone. The extent of the break depends on the forces that are involved. The type of surgery used to treat a hip fracture is based on the bones and soft tissues affected or on the level of the fracture. Older people are at a higher risk of hip fracture because bones tend to weaken with age (osteoporosis). Multiple medications, poor vision and balance problems also make older people more likely to trip and fall — one of the most common causes of hip fracture. ? Signs and symptoms of a hip fracture include: • Inability to move immediately after a fall • Severe pain in your hip or groin • Inability to put weight on your leg on the side of your injured hip • Stiffness, bruising and swelling in and around your hip area •…

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Physiotherapy : Total Hip Replacement

May 28 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Physiotherapy : Total Hip Replacement – Do I really need it? Surgeons often recommend that patients seek out community Physiotherapy Surgeons often recommend that patients seek out community Physiotherapy : Total Hip Replacement services to continue with your recovery after you have had a total hip replacement (THR). You may wonder how doing extra treatment would help? – isn’t the surgery enough to correct your hip pain? What is important to remember is that the surgery does take care of the affected joint. However, there is still work to be done to get you back on your feet and back to your desired activities. The surgery involves a cut through the muscles that stabilize the hip. Also, the body has to relearn how to move and function with a new joint. Normally, the usual process for Physiotherapy: Total Hip Replacement surgery involves: • Receiving Physiotherapy : Total Hip Replacement as…

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Carpal tunnel syndrome

May 15 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Carpal tunnel syndrome Carpal tunnel is the entrapment of median nerve at the wrist. Carpal tunnel syndrome leads to pain, numbness and tingling in first three fingers of the hand sparing the palm, weakness of thumb, loss of grip strength and dexterity. Symptoms are usually worse at night and are eased by shaking the hand. Anything that irritates the median nerve at the wrist can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. This can include a fracture around the wrist, swelling due to inflammatory conditions such as Rheumatoid arthritis, changes in the balance of body fluids as in pregnancy and menopause. It can also include workplace factors such as vibrating tools, poor position of the hand, obesity, diabetes mellitus or double crush syndrome. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome needs to be differentiated from wrist tendonitis, cervical radiculopathy, cervical derangement and thoracic outlet syndrome leading to similar types of symptoms. If not treated at the…

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