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Physiotherapy Blog

How to Treat a Frozen Shoulder: Physio 101

January 16 | 2024
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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What is Frozen Shoulder? Frozen shoulder, also called adhesive capsulitis, involves stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint. The shoulder joint is enclosed in a capsule of connective tissue. Then, frozen shoulder occurs when this capsule thickens and tightens around the shoulder joint, restricting its movement. What does a typical case look like? Often, signs and symptoms begin slowly, and start getting worse. Over a long period of time, symptoms get better, usually within 1 to 3 years. Additionally, having to keep a shoulder still for a long period increases the risk of developing frozen shoulder. For example, this might happen after having surgery or breaking an arm. Treatment involves range-of-motion exercises. Sometimes, treatment involves corticosteroids and numbing medications injected into the joint. Rarely, arthroscopic surgery is needed to loosen the joint capsule so that it can move more freely. It’s unusual for this condition r to reoccur in the…

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Sports Injuries: How Physical Therapy Helps

January 04 | 2024
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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Image by Freepik In the athletic world, sports injuries are a common occurrence while participating in competitions, organized sports, fitness activities, or training exercises. For starters, poor training methods, a lack of conditioning, and/or inadequate warm-ups are a few of the causes of sports-related injuries. At certain times, coping with these kinds of injuries often calls for physical rehabilitation. Physical therapy helps people regain strength and movement in parts of their body after an injury. Additionally, it can help someone manage their pain and prevent permanent damage and recurring problems. What are some examples of sports injuries? Image by pressfoto on Freepik Firstly, common ways that athletes get hurt depend on the kind of sports they participate in. They may be at risk for one or more of these kinds of injuries: Ankle injuries — Just about any athlete who is on…

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How to Treat a Rotator Cuff Tear: Physio 101

December 21 | 2023
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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Image by Freepik The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint, keeping the head of the upper arm bone firmly within the shallow socket of the shoulder. Unfortunately, a rotator cuff tear injuries are fairly common and increase in occurrence with age. What causes a rotator cuff tear? Accident/trauma – Ex. Falling, broken collarbone, dislocated shoulder Bone spurs – Bony growths can form on the top of your shoulder bone. Consequently, these bone spurs rub against your tendon when you lift your arm. This shoulder impingement creates friction between your bone and tendon. Eventually, a partial or complete tear may occur Decreased blood flow – Blood flow to your rotator cuff decreases as you get older. Your muscles and tendons need a healthy blood supply to repair themselves. If blood doesn’t nourish your tendons, they can tear Overuse -…

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Could Your Back Pain Be Facet Joint Syndrome?

December 11 | 2023
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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What is a facet joint?   Image of 2 vertebrae showing the body, spinous processes, and transverse processes Facet joints are located in the spine and are part of the vertebrae. The vertebra has two basic parts. Firstly, the body and secondly, the spinous process which is the bony part you can feel on your back that runs from the neck to just above the buttocks. The joint from one inferior facet (transverse process) of the top vertebrae to superior facet of the bottom vertebrae is called the facet joint. As a result, they are called the connection joint from one vertebrae to another. Facet joints are present on both sides of vertebrae. Facet joints increase in joint space when doing forward bending movements,  and compression while moving backward. Similarly, facet joints also help in twisting and rotation movements of the spine. Finally, they also prevent…

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Plantar Fasciitis: Physio 101

December 07 | 2023
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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What is plantar fasciitis? As the name suggests, plantar fasciitis is inflammation of the plantar fascia — a tough, fibrous band of tissue that runs along the sole of the foot. Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain. It commonly causes stabbing pain, especially with your first few steps in the morning or after being off your feet for a while. As you get up and move, the pain normally decreases. Eventually, it might return after long periods of standing or when you stand up after sitting. It is more common in runners and in people who are overweight. What are the symptoms? Stabbing pain in the bottom of your foot near the heel The pain is usually the worst with the first few steps after a long sleep, long periods of standing or getting up from sitting What are the causes? Inflammation and pain…

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