Tag Archives: Whiplash Treatment Mississauga

TMJ syndrome

TMJ syndrome

TMJ syndrome is broadly classified into 2 syndromes.
The temporo- mandibular joint (TMJ) is the synovial joint that connects the jaw to the skull. These joints are located just in front of each ear.

TMJ syndrome

Classification of TMJ syndrome

TMD is broadly classified into 2 syndromes:
• Muscle-related TMD (myogenous TMD), sometimes called TMD secondary to myofascial pain and dysfunction
• Joint-related TMD, or TMD secondary to true articular disease

Causes of TMJ syndrome

• trauma
• disease,
• wear and tear due to aging
• oral habits, such as chewing gum, tobacco, candy or ice

  • grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw


Signs and Symptoms of TMJ syndrome

• Pain in the jaw
• Clicking and popping sound in the ear
• Pain while chewing the food
• Stiff and sore jaw muscles
• headaches

Treatment for TMJ syndrome

? general

  • • including heat to the joint,
    • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
    • avoiding chewing gum, candy, ice, or tobacco
    • stress reduction.

    • wear a mouth guard at night
    • avoid activities that require you to keep your mouth open such as fellatio
    • avoid eating food that is hard to chew such as steak

If you are interested in knowing a bit more about this syndrome, check out this link .


? Physical therapy techniques for TMJ syndrome may include:

• Jaw exercises to strengthen muscles and improve flexibility and range of motion.
• Heat therapy to improve blood circulation in the jaw.
• Ice therapy to reduce swelling and relieve pain.
• Massage to relieve overall muscle tension.
• Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS),
• Movement of the temporomandibular (TM) joint to release scar tissue that restricts muscle movement and to improve range of motion.
• Ultrasound therapy- to reduce pain and swelling and improve circulation.

If you have any further queries please call PhysioNow. Our experienced Registered Physiotherapists would be happy to help you recover from TMJ syndrome.  There are Registered Physiotherapists at each of our locations that are trained specifically to assess and treat this injury.  Assessment takes about 40-50 minutes and each treatment typically takes about 30-40 mins.  Resolution of TMJ syndrome can be quite rapid with some patients only requiring a few visits for the pain the stop.

Call today!

Heat therapy

Heat and Cold therapy

How it works

When we apply Heat therapy, it improves circulation and blood flow to  that area due to increased temperature. Heat therapy can relax and soothe muscles and heal damaged tissue.

Heat therapy


  • Dry Heat therapy includes sources like heating pads, dry heating packs, and even saunas. This heat is easy to apply.
  • Moist Heat therapy includes sources like steamed towels, moist heating packs, Theratherm heating pads that take moisture from the air, or hot baths. Moist heat may be slightly more effective as well as require less application time for the same results.


  • diabetes
  • dermatitis
  • vascular diseases
  • deep vein thrombosis
  • multiple sclerosis (MS)

 Heat is useful for relieving:

  • osteoarthritis
  • strains and sprains
  • tendonitis, or chronic irritation and stiffness in the tendons
  • warming up stiff muscles or tissue before activity
  • relieving pain or spasms relating to neck or back injury, including the lower back

Cold therapy

How it works

Cold therapy is also known as cryotherapy. It works by Louis- hunting reaction theory. When we apply Ice to an injured site, it reduces the blood flow by vasoconstriction. After some time, it causes vasodilatation and increases the blood flow to the area. This process goes on continuously. This reduces inflammation and swelling that causes pain, especially around a joint or a tendon. It can temporarily reduce nerve activity, which can also relieve pain.

Types of Cold Therapy

There are a number of different ways to apply cold therapy to an affected area. Treatment options include:

  • ice packs or frozen gel packs
  • coolant sprays
  • ice massage
  • ice baths

Cold treatment can help in cases of:

  • osteoarthritis
  • a recent injury
  • gout
  • strains
  • tendinitis, or irritation in the tendons following activity


  • people with sensory disorders
  • uncontrolled diabetes
  • You should not use cold therapy on stiff muscles or joints.
  • Cold therapy should not be used if you have poor circulation.

Here’s a general guide that helps you to decide which to use heat or ice : https://www.healthline.com/health/chronic-pain/treating-pain-with-heat-and-cold#cold-therapy

In General,  use ice for the first few days after an injury.  Beyond that, heat usually does the trick.  There is some evidence that suggests that using ice beyond the first few days can actually slow down injury healing.  It pushes away the healing agents that help you to get better.

If you have been injured and need advice or treatment, please call PhysioNow today.  We are always happy to help!

Benefits of massage therapy 

Benefits of Massage Therapy

There are many Benefits of massage therapy.  Below you will find some of the injuries that benefit most from massage therapy.

  1. Whiplash Injury

    A common injury from a motor vehicle accident, whiplash is a neck sprain resulting from the sudden forces typical of a car crash.


    • Neck stiffness
    • Headache
    • Dizziness
    • Paresthesia
    • Shoulder, back or arm pain

    Benefits of massage therapy

    Massage therapy can be used for the treatment of both acute and chronic conditions. RMTs can work with a wide variety of patients, of all ages, in the treatment of illness, injury rehabilitation and disability.

  2. Fibromyalgia

    Fibromyalgia is associated with widespread chronic pain, fatigue, memory problems and mood changes. It occurs more often in women than in men. It is not a disease, but rather a syndrome that can be managed.

    • Benefits of massage therapy
    • The first will be relaxation to improve sleep.
    • The second benefit is improved muscle tonicity
    • A fifth benefit is diminishing the effects of any anxiety or depression
  3. Low Back Pain.

    The low back is susceptible to strain because of its weight-bearing function. Connection in movements, such as twisting and bending can cause Low back pain. Muscle strain is caused when muscle fibers are over-stretched or torn. Inflammation is common at the site of injury.  This is usually accompanied by pain with movement.


    • Facet joint disease
    • Osteoarthritis
    • Muscle strain
    • Mechanical pain
    • Degenerative disc disease

    Benefits of massage therapy

    Some benefits of Massage therapy for Low Back Pain include the following:

    • Reduced pain.
    • Improved joint mobility.
    • Improving circulation.
    • Improving lymphatic drainage.
    • Reducing muscular tension.

  5. Pregnancy

    Massage Therapy performed during pregnancy can:

    • Reduce anxiety
    • decrease symptoms of depression,
    • relieve muscle aches and joint pains,
    • improve labor outcomes and newborn health.

If you or someone you know could benefit from Massage Therapy,  please call PhysioNow. Our highly experienced Massage Therapists would be happy to help you!

Acupuncture: Neck pain

Acupuncture: Neck pain

Acupuncture: Neck pain

Almost everyone will experience some sort of neck pain or stiffness during their lifetime. However, certain occupations appear to be predisposed to neck symptoms.  Acupuncture: Neck pain may be able to help.

Manual laborers, for instance, have more symptoms than office workers.  The type of work seems to affect the risk. A person’s age and a history of twisting and bending during work can also contribute.

Studies have shown acupuncture: Neck Pain to be effective in relieving certain types of neck pain.  This is especially true for neck pain  caused by whiplash. Some studies suggest acupuncture can treat degenerative neck disorders such as ankylosing spondylosis and cervical spondylosis.  In many cases, acupuncture: Neck pain has worked for patients whose conditions could not be solved using conventional approaches.

¬ Mechanism of action of Acupuncture: Neck pain

  • Release of opioid peptides.Opioids are naturally occurring chemicals in the brain that have apain killing effect. The release of these opioids plays a large role in the reduction of pain. There has been lots of evidence to show that acupuncture stimulates the central nervous system.  This causes the release of these pain killing chemicals.
  • Alteration in the secretion of neurotransmitters and neurohormones.Acupuncture is said to activate the hypothalamus and pituitary glands. This changes the release of these chemicals. These particular chemicals play a direct role in the feeling of pain. It also affects the activity of an organ . Evidence has shown that acupuncture alters this secretion in a manner that reduces pain.
  • Stimulation of electromagnetic points on the body. The 2,000 points of the body that acupuncture focuses on are thought to be special conductors of electromagnetic signals. Stimulation of these areas is believed to start the flow of endorphins—the body’s natural painkillers.¬ Indications for Acupuncture: Neck pain
    • Sudden Force/Automobile Accident
    • Degenerative Disc Disease
    • Overuse/Improper Use
    • Osteoporosis
    • Neck Strain
    • Degenerative Arthritis
    • Whiplash
    • Muscle Tension or Spasm
    • Bone Spur
    • Herniated or Protruding Disk
    • Pinched Nerve
    • Ligament/Muscle Tears
    • Cervical Spondylosis
    • Ankylosing Spondylosis

    ¬ Contraindications of Acupuncture: Neck pain

    There are very few situations where acupuncture is not advised:

    • When someone has a hemophilic condition
    • When a  patient is pregnant – certain acupuncture points and needle manipulations should not be used during pregnancy
    • If a patient has a severe psychotic condition or is under the influence of drugs or alcohol

    Check out this link for a bit more information about the use of Acupuncture: Neck pain.

    ¬ Types of application of Acupuncture: Neck pain

    • Basic needlingNeedles are inserted to a depth of 4–25 mm and left in place for a period of time (from a few seconds to many minutes). There are often 6–12 needles (and sometimes more) inserted at different acupoints at the same time. The sensation is often described as a tingling or dull ache at the entry point. Many people say they feel very relaxed or sleepy, and some report increased energy levels afterwards.
    • Electro acupuncture (EA)A tiny focused electric current is applied to the skin at the acupoints or can be applied to the needle itself.

    If you would like to meet with a Registered Physiotherapist that is trained to do Acupuncture: Neck Pain,   please call PhysioNow today! Our experienced physiotherapists would be happy to help !

Whiplash Mississauga

Whiplash MississaugaWhiplash Mississauga
Whiplash Mississauga is a frequent occurrence. It’s a general term that refers to a neck injury that happens when your body comes to a sudden stop. This type of injury occurs frequently with motor vehicle accidents. The force of the impact causes your neck to quickly bend forward then backward. These sudden movements cause your muscles, ligaments and nerves to overstretch. It results in pain. The severity of the pain depends on the nature of the impact, how old your are and whether there you had any previous neck injury. The most commonly reported symptoms of whiplash Mississauga injuries are pain, restricted range of motion and headaches. It is also possible to have pain and tingling into your arms which can be due to a nerve injury in the neck. In some cases, it is also possible to have dizziness and nausea.

Whiplash Mississauga Assessment
A Registered Physiotherapist Mississauga can assess and help treat whiplash Mississauga injuries. The Registered Physiotherapist Mississauga will first check your range of motion. They will complete a nerve test to determine if anything has been damaged. They will check whether there is any nerve involvement. The Registered Physiotherapy Mississauga assessment will help determine just how extensive the damage is. This information is important to have because it gives a sense of your prognosis. This is a timeline of how long your injuries will take to get better.

If the whiplash was a result of a Motor Vehicle accident, the Registered Physiotherapist Mississauga will also complete the necessary paperwork for your car insurance company. All insured persons involved in a Motor Vehicle accident in Ontario are entitled to receive Physiotherapy Rehabilitation and Registered Massage Therapy Mississauga. The Registered Physiotherapist will be an advocate for you. They will help to guide you through the sometimes complicated process.

Whiplash Mississauga Physiotherapy Treatment
The Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Mississauga treatment plan will consist of a combination of heat and electrical modalities for pain management. This will be followed by hands on techniques to mobilize the joints and stretch your muscles. Rehabilitation exercises will be added as tolerated to increase strength, flexibility and activity tolerance. Registered Massage Therapy Mississauga is added early on to the treatment.

Goals of Whiplash Mississauga Treatment
The goal of treating whiplash injuries Mississauga is to reduce pain. A further goal is to return you to your normal activities.
It is important to get treatment for whiplash Mississauga as soon as possible so that your injuries can start to heal properly. If your injuries goes too long without treatment, your symptoms can become more chronic. This can cause you to take longer to get better. It is therefore important to set up a Registered Physiotherapy Mississauga assessment soon after the injury happens. This helps you to have optimal opportunity for healing. Call PhysioNow to book an appointment Now!