ANNOUNCEMENT: New PhysioNow Clinic at Trafalgar Rd & Dundas St E - Oakville North Now Open!

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Headaches? See how Physiotherapy can help you!

June 15 | 2023
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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How do Headaches occur? There are many different types of headaches with many different causes. Many people may blame it on the weather, stress, or work, and feel like it is out of their control and that nothing can help their headaches. If this sounds like you, there is treatment available and you do not have to live with your pain. Headaches that stem from your neck or jaw are treatable through physiotherapy and can result in a decreased intensity and frequency or even stop them completely. However, migraines can also be manageable with rehab. What are headaches from the neck? Cervicogenic Headache Headaches that stem from the neck are known as cervicogenic headaches and are a type of referred pain. Referred pain means that the pain actually originates from another part of the body, and not the place where you actually feel the pain. Moreover,…

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January 14 | 2021
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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FIBROMYALGIA Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition. It is often associated with widespread symptoms including fatigue, pain and sleep disturbances.   Causes and Risk Factors It is unclear as to what causes fibromyalgia. However, there are some causes which might be increasing your risk of getting fibromyalgia: Genetics- You could be ay a higher risk for fibromyalgia if it runs in your family Stress- Emotional or physical stresses have been known to aggravate or cause this condition Age- Women have been found to be at a higher risk Symptoms of Fibromyalgia: The symptoms may vary from individual to individual but, following are some of the commonest symptoms- Fatigue- One of the commonest symptom is fatigue Pain- Pain that lasts > 3 months and widespread pain at several sites in the body Sleep disturbances-  You could have sleep disturbances or non restorative sleep (sleeping for long but not feeling rested) Reduced exercise…

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