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Why You Should Do Pelvic Floor Muscle Training During Pregnancy

September 19 | 2023
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Pelvic floor muscle training, when done in a structured way, helps to prevent certain complications during pregnancy and labour. These changes occur due to hormonal and anatomical changes. The complications that usually occur are incontinence, perineal tears, pelvic organ prolapse, less active pushing required during second stage of labour. Why is pelvic muscle training important? Pelvic Floor Muscles The pelvic floor is a set of muscles attached to the spine at the back and to the pubic bone at the front.  Importantly, these muscles are the key supporter for the uterus, bladder and bowel. Some activities of daily living help women maintain their pelvic floor strength to functional level. Unfortunately, pregnancy and childbirth lead to the potential injury and weakening of these muscles. As a result, pelvic floor dysfunction is common after childbirth. This includes urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapses, dyspareunia and perineal tears. Significantly, this…

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Thumb Pain? Is it DeQuervain’s Tendonitis?

December 05 | 2022
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Why do you have thumb pain? Thumb Pain DeQuervain’s Tendonitis or thumb pain? There could be several potential factors why you have thumb pain. For instance, arthritis, trigger thumb, or DeQuervain’s Tendonitis. Though, the location of pain and difficulties performing activities can determine what is causing your thumb pain. However, the most common reason for thumb pain could be DeQuervain’s Tendonitis. Let us know something more in detail whether you have DeQuervain’s Tendonitis. What is DeQuervain’s Tendonitis and Thumb Pain? De Quervain’s Pain It is an inflammatory condition, where the sheath around the tendon gets constricted. As a result, it affects the tendons of the thumb and thumb side of the wrist causing pain. Therefore, it gives the inability to use the hand and wrist to their total functional capacity. What do the symptoms of DeQuervain’s Tendonitisfeel like? Firstly, there is severe…

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Benefits of massage therapy 

December 17 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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There are many Benefits of massage therapy.  Below you will find some of the injuries that benefit most from massage therapy. Whiplash Injury A common injury from a motor vehicle accident, whiplash is a neck sprain resulting from the sudden forces typical of a car crash. Symptoms Neck stiffness Headache Dizziness Paresthesia Shoulder, back or arm pain Benefits of massage therapy Massage therapy can be used for the treatment of both acute and chronic conditions. RMTs can work with a wide variety of patients, of all ages, in the treatment of illness, injury rehabilitation and disability. Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is associated with widespread chronic pain, fatigue, memory problems and mood changes. It occurs more often in women than in men. It is not a disease, but rather a syndrome that can be managed. Benefits of massage therapy The first will be relaxation to improve sleep. The second benefit is improved muscle…

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De Quervain’s Disease

August 12 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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De Quervain’s Disease/ Texting thumb. De Quervain’s Disease De Quervain’s Disease or nowadays known as texting thumb is a painful inflammation of tendons in the thumb that extend to the wrist. The rubbing of the inflamed tendon against the canal it passes through causes pain at the base of the thumb and into the lower arm. It is commonly seen in females over 40 years of age. Causes of De Quervain’s Disease 1. Simple strain injury to the tendon. 2. Repetitive motion injury. Workers who perform rapid repetitive activities involving pinching, grasping, pulling or pushing are at increased risk. Specific activities including intensive mousing, trackball use, and typing. Other activities including bowling, golf, fly-fishing, piano-playing, sewing, and knitting can also cause De Quervain’s Disease. 3. Frequent causes of De Quervain’s Disease include stresses such as lifting young children into car seats, lifting heavy grocery bags by…

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