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What You Should Know About Your Achilles Tendinitis

March 06 | 2024
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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What is the Achilles tendon? The Achilles tendon is one of the strongest tendons in the human body. Anatomically, it connects our calf muscles to the back of the heel bone. Its main action is to point the toes and ankle downwards when our foot is off the ground or raise the heel off the ground when our foot is on the ground. Functionally, it is used whenever we are engaged in walking, running, or hopping-like activities and helps us with force production and shock absorption. The tendon is extremely strong and can withstand high amounts of stress Unfortunately, this can also predispose it to injury and cause ankle pain. Stages of Achilles tendon injuries Diagram showing the different stages of Achilles tendon problems 1) Achilles tendinitis: Inflammation has developed or is developing in the tendon. 2) Achilles tendinosis: There is now degeneration along with or…

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Orthotics, 4 Reasons To Get Them!

July 31 | 2023
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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Orthotics Orthotics are specially designed equipment that provide support to the feet and ankles to improve your lower body’s alignment. Since the body is all interconnected, misalignment at the feet can lead to compensation at the knees, hips, and lower back and contribute to pain and dysfunction in those areas. Thus, orthotics are a great tool to help correct this and alleviate pain and discomfort in the body. In this blog, we will go over how they work and how they can improve your quality of life. 1. Relieving Pain with Orthotics [caption id=”attachment_6107″ align=”alignnone”…

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Chronic Ankle Instability Could Cause Your Ankle Not To Heal

July 20 | 2023
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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Chronic Ankle Instability Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries. Rest, ice, compression and elevation, or the RICE rule, are the go-tos for ankle sprains. In most cases, the ankle will heal between 4-12 weeks. Many people will allow the ankle to heal on its own but a failure to seek treatment and physical rehabilitation for the ankle after just one injury is enough to leave it weaker and more vulnerable to future sprains. Which in turn could result in chronic ankle instability. What causes ankle instability? After an ankle injury, there is damage…

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Massage Therapy and it’s Facts!

April 03 | 2023
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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What is Massage Therapy? Massage Therapy, provided by a Registered Massage Therapist includes manipulation of soft tissues of the body. These soft tissues may include muscles, tendons, fascia, ligaments, and connective tissue. The therapist will use a variety of different massage techniques and provide pressure to alleviate pain, discomfort, and stress. For example, some of the most popular massage therapy techniques include deep tissue massage, Swedish massage, trigger point release, and myofascial release. How was massage created? The concept of therapeutic touch and a healing touch in relation to massage therapy can be dated back in time to over 5 000 years ago. It was found to relieve pain, help to heal, reduce stress and increase relaxation.  Historically, in China, these methods were thought to fix the flow of energy throughout the body and realign the body’s natural state. However, in India, it was practiced as a sacred method of…

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Few things to know about your heel pain

November 03 | 2022
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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What is heel pain? What causes your heel pain? Heel pain could be from any reason either your inflamed plantar fascia causing plantar fasciitis or any abnormal bony growth causing heel spurs. To get in further details plantar fasciitis is an irritation and inflammation to the tissue that runs at the bottom of the foot extending from the heel to the toes, causing heel pain. It supports the arch of the foot which helps in shock absorption. On other side, heel spur is when a bony outgrowth forms on the heel, which causes heel pain while walking and standing. What are the causes of heel pain? Causes are not limited to high and low arches causing irritation to the plantar fascia with running, jogging, playing any sports, prolonged standing and walking. Also, any strain or tear to the fascia. As a result, if this condition is…

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