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Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC) Injury

August 11 | 2023
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC) Injury The TFCC is a combination of ligament, tendon and cartilage and therefore name as Triangular Fibrocartilage complex. This ligament has a major function of stabilizing and supporting the wrist. It is an important structure connecting the forearm bones to the small bones in wrist, thereby giving you the mobility when you grip object tightly or rotate the wrist. The TFCC provides these movement more support and range while behaving as cushion in the area. What causes TFCC strain or tear? There are two ways your TFCC can give up – either due to injury or any degeneration of these ligament. Injury – most often when you fall on outstretched hand is a common precursor of the TFCC injury or tear. The mechanism could be a sudden impact or a twisting injury. Older adults are more vulnerable as there can be thinning of these ligaments with…

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Osteoarthritis, Learn About It Here!

August 04 | 2023
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease of the joint affecting the articular cartilage and bony structures and tissues involved. It starts with changes to the surrounding tissues of the joint and in advanced stages it affects the articular cartilage thereby reducing and narrowing the joint space causing structural bony changes. Osteoarthritis Signs and symptoms of Osteoarthritis in hand and wrist: Swelling of the joints or knuckles. Morning stiffness in fingers and wrist. Pain with movements. Difficulty with gripping and handling objects. Decreased strength. Enlarged joints or deformed joints in more than one or more area. Heberden’s nodes,…

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Thumb Pain? Is it DeQuervain’s Tendonitis?

December 05 | 2022
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Why do you have thumb pain? Thumb Pain DeQuervain’s Tendonitis or thumb pain? There could be several potential factors why you have thumb pain. For instance, arthritis, trigger thumb, or DeQuervain’s Tendonitis. Though, the location of pain and difficulties performing activities can determine what is causing your thumb pain. However, the most common reason for thumb pain could be DeQuervain’s Tendonitis. Let us know something more in detail whether you have DeQuervain’s Tendonitis. What is DeQuervain’s Tendonitis and Thumb Pain? De Quervain’s Pain It is an inflammatory condition, where the sheath around the tendon gets constricted. As a result, it affects the tendons of the thumb and thumb side of the wrist causing pain. Therefore, it gives the inability to use the hand and wrist to their total functional capacity. What do the symptoms of DeQuervain’s Tendonitisfeel like? Firstly, there is severe…

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Work from Home?

May 10 | 2022
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Work from Home? Be active from home too! With changing times , continuing  to work from home  seems very appealing. But is it really safe for your body? Excessive sitting behaviour has increased more than ever since Covid times in the comfort of your home. This increases the risk of Low back and upper back pain, wrist pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches and other overuse injuries. How many breaks do you take from your chair? Are you using a chair while you work from home? At Physio Now it’s our mission to help you get more active and also…

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Heat therapy

January 21 | 2018
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Heat and Cold therapy How it works When we apply Heat therapy, it improves circulation and blood flow to  that area due to increased temperature. Heat therapy can relax and soothe muscles and heal damaged tissue. Types Dry Heat therapy includes sources like heating pads, dry heating packs, and even saunas. This heat is easy to apply. Moist Heat therapy includes sources like steamed towels, moist heating packs, Theratherm heating pads that take moisture from the air, or hot baths. Moist heat may be slightly more effective as well as require less application time for the same results. Contraindications diabetes dermatitis vascular diseases deep vein thrombosis multiple sclerosis (MS)  Heat is useful for relieving: osteoarthritis strains and sprains tendonitis, or chronic irritation and stiffness in the tendons warming up stiff muscles or tissue before activity relieving pain or spasms relating to neck or back injury, including the lower back Cold…

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De Quervain’s Disease

August 12 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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De Quervain’s Disease/ Texting thumb. De Quervain’s Disease De Quervain’s Disease or nowadays known as texting thumb is a painful inflammation of tendons in the thumb that extend to the wrist. The rubbing of the inflamed tendon against the canal it passes through causes pain at the base of the thumb and into the lower arm. It is commonly seen in females over 40 years of age. Causes of De Quervain’s Disease 1. Simple strain injury to the tendon. 2. Repetitive motion injury. Workers who perform rapid repetitive activities involving pinching, grasping, pulling or pushing are at increased risk. Specific activities including intensive mousing, trackball use, and typing. Other activities including bowling, golf, fly-fishing, piano-playing, sewing, and knitting can also cause De Quervain’s Disease. 3. Frequent causes of De Quervain’s Disease include stresses such as lifting young children into car seats, lifting heavy grocery bags by…

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Carpal tunnel syndrome

May 15 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Carpal tunnel syndrome Carpal tunnel is the entrapment of median nerve at the wrist. Carpal tunnel syndrome leads to pain, numbness and tingling in first three fingers of the hand sparing the palm, weakness of thumb, loss of grip strength and dexterity. Symptoms are usually worse at night and are eased by shaking the hand. Anything that irritates the median nerve at the wrist can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. This can include a fracture around the wrist, swelling due to inflammatory conditions such as Rheumatoid arthritis, changes in the balance of body fluids as in pregnancy and menopause. It can also include workplace factors such as vibrating tools, poor position of the hand, obesity, diabetes mellitus or double crush syndrome. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome needs to be differentiated from wrist tendonitis, cervical radiculopathy, cervical derangement and thoracic outlet syndrome leading to similar types of symptoms. If not treated at the…

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Massage Therapy Services Mississauga

May 08 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Massage Therapy Services Mississauga Massage therapy involves skilled manipulation of the soft tissues (skin, muscle, fascia, tendons, ligaments) and joints in your body. A variety of techniques can be used in Massage therapy services Mississauga to help reduce tension in stiff muscles. It can help to promote lymph and blood flow and speed up the healing of injured tissues. Massage therapy has a therapeutic effect on the body and helps you to recover from injuries to muscles, circulatory and the nervous system. Massage Therapy Services Mississauga: Types 1) Relaxation/Swedish Massage- primarily used to enhance wellbeing and is generally offered in spas, resorts 2) Rehabilitative/Deep tissue/ Therapeutic Massage- Primarily aids in promoting healing of injured tissues. This facilitates early recovery. Registered Massage therapists who are skilled and trained in performing these maneuvers perform Rehabilitative Massage Therapy. This service is offered in medical clinics . Massage Therapy Services…

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

March 04 | 2016
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME: Carpal tunnel syndrome is compression of the median nerve as it passes into the hand. The median nerve is located on the palm side of the hand (also called the carpal tunnel). It provides sensation (ability to feel) to your thumb, index finger, long finger, and part of the ring finger. Compression of the nerve produces numbness, tingling and, eventually, hand weakness. Proper Physiotherapy treatment can relieve the tingling and numbness and restore wrist and hand function. Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: • Carpal tunnel syndrome can be made worse if the wrist is overextended repeatedly • Repeated motions of your wrist contribute to swelling and compression of the median nerve • Poor positioning of your wrists while using a keyboard or mouse • Prolonged exposure to vibrations from using hand tools or power tools • Any repeated movement that overextends your wrist, such as playing the…

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