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Stopping Shin Splints with Physiotherapy

March 19 | 2024
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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What is a shin splint? Shin splints are a common complaint in runners or athletes with sports that involve a lot of high impact movements like dancers, volleyball, basketball players, etc. Usually, it presents as pain in the front of the lower leg, or the shin area. Sometimes, it may be called medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS). Oftentimes, it’s caused by irritation of the tissues between the tibial bone and the muscles, and/or overuse of a lower leg muscle called the tibialis anterior. It can happen to just a single leg, or both simultaneously. The muscle, tibialis anterior, may be involved in the development of shin splints. The tibialis anterior play major role in lifting your ankle upwards (dorsiflexion). Functionally, it helps with shock absorption and is a major contributor during ambulation. Why do shin splints happen? 1) Footwear: If you run or exercise a lot…

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Headaches? See how Physiotherapy can help you!

June 15 | 2023
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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How do Headaches occur? There are many different types of headaches with many different causes. Many people may blame it on the weather, stress, or work, and feel like it is out of their control and that nothing can help their headaches. If this sounds like you, there is treatment available and you do not have to live with your pain. Headaches that stem from your neck or jaw are treatable through physiotherapy and can result in a decreased intensity and frequency or even stop them completely. However, migraines can also be manageable with rehab. What are headaches from the neck? Cervicogenic Headache Headaches that stem from the neck are known as cervicogenic headaches and are a type of referred pain. Referred pain means that the pain actually originates from another part of the body, and not the place where you actually feel the pain. Moreover,…

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Massage Therapy and it’s Facts!

April 03 | 2023
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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What is Massage Therapy? Massage Therapy, provided by a Registered Massage Therapist includes manipulation of soft tissues of the body. These soft tissues may include muscles, tendons, fascia, ligaments, and connective tissue. The therapist will use a variety of different massage techniques and provide pressure to alleviate pain, discomfort, and stress. For example, some of the most popular massage therapy techniques include deep tissue massage, Swedish massage, trigger point release, and myofascial release. How was massage created? The concept of therapeutic touch and a healing touch in relation to massage therapy can be dated back in time to over 5 000 years ago. It was found to relieve pain, help to heal, reduce stress and increase relaxation.  Historically, in China, these methods were thought to fix the flow of energy throughout the body and realign the body’s natural state. However, in India, it was practiced as a sacred method of…

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Benefits of Massage Therapy

September 30 | 2021
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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What is Massage Therapy?   Massage therapy offers many benefits for recovery.  This type of treatment involves the hands-on manipulation of the soft tissues of the body.  These tissues include:  Muscles Tendons Connective tissues Ligaments What is the purpose of massage therapy? The purpose of massage therapy is to help improve the physical condition of the body.  This is achieved through by improving: Tissue flexibility Joint movement Circulation Stress Are there different types of massage therapy? Swedish Massage Most common type of massage therapy It involves soft, long and kneading strokes of the muscles This type of treatment may also include joint movement and stretches The focus of Swedish massage is the relaxation of the muscles Deep tissue Massage This type of massage aims to get into deeper layers of the soft tissues It uses deeper pressure and may be more painful than a Swedish massage but can be helpful…

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Gardening Injuries

June 30 | 2021
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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Gardening Injuries What has led to the increased interest in gardening?  Interest in gardening and farming has increased in North America, especially during the pandemic.  Lots of people have taken to gardening for several different reasons.  For instance, for some it is to develop a green thumb.  Meanwhile for others it is to reduce their stress level during these difficult times.  However, because gardening can be very physically demanding, it can lead to gardening injuries. Most commonly affected joints in gardening injuries Back and Sacro-iliac (SI) joint Hip and Knee joints Wrist and hand Neck and shoulder Back and SI joint injuries Examples include discogenic pain, sciatica, sprain, strain, and mechanical low back pain. Sacro-iliac strains are commonly seen conditions.  Prolonged bending or repetitive bending is a major trigger for back and SI pain.  Pain and stiffness are usually felt at the end of the day or the next day. …

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