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Scoliosis: Types, Symptoms and Treatments

July 24 | 2023
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Scoliosis A side deviation or curvature in your spine is scoliosis. It could be in your neck, mid back and lower back. It can present in more than one area. The most common area where it develops is mid-back. Cervical and lumber spine are very common  when it comes to two curvatures. Type of scoliosis: C-shape: This is most common type, there is only one-sided curve. The most common area for C shape to develop is in the thoracic spine and also lumber spine.  In this type, scoliosis side leg could be short compared to non-scoliotic…

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Chronic Ankle Instability Could Cause Your Ankle Not To Heal

July 20 | 2023
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Chronic Ankle Instability Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries. Rest, ice, compression and elevation, or the RICE rule, are the go-tos for ankle sprains. In most cases, the ankle will heal between 4-12 weeks. Many people will allow the ankle to heal on its own but a failure to seek treatment and physical rehabilitation for the ankle after just one injury is enough to leave it weaker and more vulnerable to future sprains. Which in turn could result in chronic ankle instability. What causes ankle instability? After an ankle injury, there is damage…

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Headaches? See how Physiotherapy can help you!

June 15 | 2023
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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How do Headaches occur? There are many different types of headaches with many different causes. Many people may blame it on the weather, stress, or work, and feel like it is out of their control and that nothing can help their headaches. If this sounds like you, there is treatment available and you do not have to live with your pain. Headaches that stem from your neck or jaw are treatable through physiotherapy and can result in a decreased intensity and frequency or even stop them completely. However, migraines can also be manageable with rehab. What are headaches from the neck? Cervicogenic Headache Headaches that stem from the neck are known as cervicogenic headaches and are a type of referred pain. Referred pain means that the pain actually originates from another part of the body, and not the place where you actually feel the pain. Moreover,…

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Say Goodbye to Knee Pain with Orthopedic Custom Knee Brace!

May 04 | 2023
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Say Goodbye and Beat knee pain with an Orthopedic Custom Knee Brace! Here at PhysioNow, we can help you recover from your knee pain faster by providing you with a Custom Knee Brace. There are many types of knee braces available for purchase. Therefore, it can be overwhelming to know which brace is best for you so does the type of knee pain. In this article, we will give you an overview of custom knee braces. Also, provide instructions on how to start the process of ordering your custom knee brace. Who can get a custom knee brace for knee pain? Custom knee braces are most used for individuals with/after: Post-operative recovery Knee instability Osteoarthritis Ligament or meniscal injuries Moreover, the brace is constructed using precise measurements taken from your leg. It is designed to only fit you. Why get a custom knee brace? Is it worth it for knee…

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Endometriosis and Pelvic Physiotherapy

February 19 | 2023
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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What is endometriosis?   Endometriosis is a condition where tissues which is similar to the inner lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus which can affect nearby organs including the bowel and bladder. The tissue thickens and does shed with the monthly cycle.  At times when tissues get trapped and does not exit the body it can progress to form cyst called endometriomas. At last, it results in irritation to surrounding tissues and organs forming scar tissue and adhesions. What are the symptoms? Symptoms includes, Firstly, Pelvic pain. Secondly,  Heavy periods. Infertility. Abdominal bloating. Urinary and bowel concerns. lastly,  Fatigue. However, endometriosis can be mistaken for other conditions such as Irritable bowel syndrome, Inflammatory pelvic disease. Therefore, early diagnosis will help in managing the symptoms. Treatment options available: There is no cure for endometriosis currently. Although, treatments to manage the symptoms includes, 1. Hormone therapies. 2. Over the counter…

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Thumb Pain? Is it DeQuervain’s Tendonitis?

December 05 | 2022
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Why do you have thumb pain? Thumb Pain DeQuervain’s Tendonitis or thumb pain? There could be several potential factors why you have thumb pain. For instance, arthritis, trigger thumb, or DeQuervain’s Tendonitis. Though, the location of pain and difficulties performing activities can determine what is causing your thumb pain. However, the most common reason for thumb pain could be DeQuervain’s Tendonitis. Let us know something more in detail whether you have DeQuervain’s Tendonitis. What is DeQuervain’s Tendonitis and Thumb Pain? De Quervain’s Pain It is an inflammatory condition, where the sheath around the tendon gets constricted. As a result, it affects the tendons of the thumb and thumb side of the wrist causing pain. Therefore, it gives the inability to use the hand and wrist to their total functional capacity. What do the symptoms of DeQuervain’s Tendonitisfeel like? Firstly, there is severe…

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Sciatica? 10 warning signs

November 28 | 2022
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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What is Sciatica? Sciatica is a pain in the back, neck, or buttock that radiates to the leg or arm. Sciatica is also quite common and affects almost 40% of adults. It travels through the sciatic nerve, which starts in your lower back and extends to run down your leg.  A proper diagnosis that confirms and best sciatica treatment is all that you need to lead a pain-free life. Sciatica pain 10 signs which confirm the diagnosis Before knowing about sciatica treatment, one needs to understand the nature of pain. The symptoms of sciatica are as follows: – Calf pain – pain that stretches down the lower leg and back of the knee. Lower back pain running down the leg.  A pull sensation from your lower back to buttocks and thigh, that further extends from calf to the foot. A pain in your butt or leg that…

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5 reasons you might need walking aids

November 28 | 2022
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Why do you need a walking aid? Elderly man independent in walking Restricted and reduced ability to walk and perform your daily chores can impact your quality of life. Walking aids are devices designed to help people walk and can be used by individuals of any age. As a result, this improves your quality of life by making you independent and confident. Here are some reasons that will indicate you need walking aids. difficulties walking whether it’s due to pain. frequent falls or fear of falling. tiring quickly. decreased balance. difficulty putting weight on a body part, post-surgery, or any other reason. What types of walking aids are available? The categories of walking aids include crutches, canes, and walkers, and has their own pros and cons. Below are general overviews of the most common types of walking aids. crutches, often prescribed to individuals following an injury…

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What is a chronic low back pain?

September 27 | 2022
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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What is a Chronic low back pain? Although commonly used word for being in pain for a long time is ‘Chronic’, I would like to call it ‘Persistent Pain’. Because, the word Chronic seems to have a very negative connotation to it. Also,  It is a general belief that if you have ‘Chronic Pain’, you will have to live with pain forever! If you wish to get more knowledge about persistent pain, please visit this link. Chronic pain speedometer Case review of chronic low back pain Let us take an example here of a person who has had low back pain, for many years. They have had an X-ray and an MRI done which shows some minor degenerative changes. There is no major nerve compression. However, there may be some minor disc bulges which their family doctor mentioned is normal for the age.  As a…

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Pain relief for seniors

July 26 | 2022
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Pain Relief from Aging It is important for seniors  to stay active to make sure they remain strong and independent through the later years of their life. Many seniors also develop joint and muscle pain as they age and staying active can really help manage these symptoms. Let us discuss about some exercises to get pain relief from aging. However, if you need to know further what are the changes happening to your bones and muscles visit this link. Here are some exercises that seniors can do at home to help with pain relief! Sit to Stand Sit to stand activity  Start by sitting on a firm chair.  Get up from the chair and get into a standing position without using your hands for support.  Stay standing for 2-3 seconds and then slowly lower yourself back into the chair without using your hands.  Repeat this movement…

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