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Lower Back Strain/Sprain: What’s the Difference?

May 06 | 2024
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Anatomy of the “back” In order to understand a lower back strain/sprain, a small anatomy lesson must be done. The back is a complex structure of bones and muscles, supported by cartilage, tendons and ligaments. “Back” is a common term which can include portions of the neck, thoracic spine and lumber spine. The back—especially the lumbar, or lower portion of the back—bears much of the body’s weight during walking, running, lifting and other activities. Defining a strain vs. sprain A strain is a general term for an injury that affects a muscle or tendon. Then, the location of the injury…

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Scoliosis: Types, Symptoms and Treatments

July 24 | 2023
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Scoliosis A side deviation or curvature in your spine is scoliosis. It could be in your neck, mid back and lower back. It can present in more than one area. The most common area where it develops is mid-back. Cervical and lumber spine are very common  when it comes to two curvatures. Type of scoliosis: C-shape: This is most common type, there is only one-sided curve. The most common area for C shape to develop is in the thoracic spine and also lumber spine.  In this type, scoliosis side leg could be short compared to non-scoliotic…

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Massage Therapy and it’s Facts!

April 03 | 2023
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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What is Massage Therapy? Massage Therapy, provided by a Registered Massage Therapist includes manipulation of soft tissues of the body. These soft tissues may include muscles, tendons, fascia, ligaments, and connective tissue. The therapist will use a variety of different massage techniques and provide pressure to alleviate pain, discomfort, and stress. For example, some of the most popular massage therapy techniques include deep tissue massage, Swedish massage, trigger point release, and myofascial release. How was massage created? The concept of therapeutic touch and a healing touch in relation to massage therapy can be dated back in time to over 5 000 years ago. It was found to relieve pain, help to heal, reduce stress and increase relaxation.  Historically, in China, these methods were thought to fix the flow of energy throughout the body and realign the body’s natural state. However, in India, it was practiced as a sacred method of…

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Sciatica? 10 warning signs

November 28 | 2022
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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What is Sciatica? Sciatica is a pain in the back, neck, or buttock that radiates to the leg or arm. Sciatica is also quite common and affects almost 40% of adults. It travels through the sciatic nerve, which starts in your lower back and extends to run down your leg.  A proper diagnosis that confirms and best sciatica treatment is all that you need to lead a pain-free life. Sciatica pain 10 signs which confirm the diagnosis Before knowing about sciatica treatment, one needs to understand the nature of pain. The symptoms of sciatica are as follows: – Calf pain – pain that stretches down the lower leg and back of the knee. Lower back pain running down the leg.  A pull sensation from your lower back to buttocks and thigh, that further extends from calf to the foot. A pain in your butt or leg that…

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What is a chronic low back pain?

September 27 | 2022
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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What is a Chronic low back pain? Although commonly used word for being in pain for a long time is ‘Chronic’, I would like to call it ‘Persistent Pain’. Because, the word Chronic seems to have a very negative connotation to it. Also,  It is a general belief that if you have ‘Chronic Pain’, you will have to live with pain forever! If you wish to get more knowledge about persistent pain, please visit this link. Chronic pain speedometer Case review of chronic low back pain Let us take an example here of a person who has had low back pain, for many years. They have had an X-ray and an MRI done which shows some minor degenerative changes. There is no major nerve compression. However, there may be some minor disc bulges which their family doctor mentioned is normal for the age.  As a…

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Pain relief for seniors

July 26 | 2022
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Pain Relief from Aging It is important for seniors  to stay active to make sure they remain strong and independent through the later years of their life. Many seniors also develop joint and muscle pain as they age and staying active can really help manage these symptoms. Let us discuss about some exercises to get pain relief from aging. However, if you need to know further what are the changes happening to your bones and muscles visit this link. Here are some exercises that seniors can do at home to help with pain relief! Sit to Stand Sit to stand activity  Start by sitting on a firm chair.  Get up from the chair and get into a standing position without using your hands for support.  Stay standing for 2-3 seconds and then slowly lower yourself back into the chair without using your hands.  Repeat this movement…

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Work from Home?

May 10 | 2022
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Work from Home? Be active from home too! With changing times , continuing  to work from home  seems very appealing. But is it really safe for your body? Excessive sitting behaviour has increased more than ever since Covid times in the comfort of your home. This increases the risk of Low back and upper back pain, wrist pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches and other overuse injuries. How many breaks do you take from your chair? Are you using a chair while you work from home? At Physio Now it’s our mission to help you get more active and also…

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Low back pain physiotherapy has many benefits!

December 08 | 2021
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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What is Low Back Pain? Low back pain physiotherapy is one of the most commonly sought out treatments.  More specifically, low back pain can be very debilitating.  Consequently, people want to find ways to help manage their symptoms so that they can return to their usual lifestyles. Research says several reasons have been identified as possible causes of low back pain.  For example: Sedentary life-style Industrial work Poor posture Depression High body mass index Poor ergonomics at work More specifically, 60-70% of people are suffering from mechanical low back pain. Importantly, it is important to realize that low back pain is a condition and not a disease.  Therefore, the exact cause of the pain is often difficult to chase.  However, despite this, physiotherapy treatment for mechanical low back pain is very effective. What is a low back sprain/strain? Low back strain/sprain can happen suddenly or with doing repetitive movements overtime. …

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January 14 | 2021
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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FIBROMYALGIA Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition. It is often associated with widespread symptoms including fatigue, pain and sleep disturbances.   Causes and Risk Factors It is unclear as to what causes fibromyalgia. However, there are some causes which might be increasing your risk of getting fibromyalgia: Genetics- You could be ay a higher risk for fibromyalgia if it runs in your family Stress- Emotional or physical stresses have been known to aggravate or cause this condition Age- Women have been found to be at a higher risk Symptoms of Fibromyalgia: The symptoms may vary from individual to individual but, following are some of the commonest symptoms- Fatigue- One of the commonest symptom is fatigue Pain- Pain that lasts > 3 months and widespread pain at several sites in the body Sleep disturbances-  You could have sleep disturbances or non restorative sleep (sleeping for long but not feeling rested) Reduced exercise…

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December 22 | 2020
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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IS POOR POSTURE THE CAUSE OF YOUR PAIN? Did you know that current research suggests 80% individuals will experience back pain at some time in their lives? There are several causes that can lead to back pain-degenerative changes, herniated discs, poor posture, pulled/torn muscle /ligament around the spine, kidney stones or many other pathological causes. Of all these various causes, there is one thing that can be controlled and taken care of by you-POSTURE!   WHAT EXACTLY IS A POOR POSTURE? Any position that places our spine in unnatural curves (most often a C shape) instead of the normal S shape curve is a poor posture (see picture below). S shaped curve allows for equal weight distribution as well as flexibility of the spine. Poor posture is known to affect not just the spine but also the surrounding ligaments and muscles. Prolonged poor postures lead to a lot of pressure…

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