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Acute Ankle Sprains

December 02 | 2018
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Acute Ankle Sprains Acute Ankle Sprains How do Acute Ankle Sprains happen? Acute Ankle sprains are common injuries in people of all ages. They can happen in many different circumstances. However, they always involve some type of fall or twisting movement to the ankle. For example: Going downstairs and missing the last step resulting in twisting the ankle Landing on the ankle in a twisted position after coming down from a lay-up in basketball or in a Sports Injury Slipping on an icy street while walking In all of these situations, the ankle gets a sudden movement and/or trauma that causes it to twist more than its normal range of movement allows. Acute Ankle Sprains What structure gets injured with an acute ankle sprain? The structures that are injured with acute ankle sprains are the ligaments around the ankle joint. Ligaments are…

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Shoulder Injuries

December 02 | 2018
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Shoulder Injuries Shoulder Injuries Shoulder injuries are a common problem for many people. It can happen to people of all ages from children to the elderly. The pain from shoulder injuries can be very severe and cause a lot of limitations with work and activity. Shoulder pain is one of the top 5 reasons why people seek out Physiotherapy and Registered Massage Therapy treatments. What Causes Shoulder Pain? There are several reasons why people suffer from shoulder pain. Trauma – any type of direct or indirect trauma can produce shoulder pain if the arm and/or shoulder is involved Motor vehicle accidents Falls Sports injuries Violent incidents Poor workplace ergonomics – For people who work in offices, they may spend the majority of their time sitting in front of a computer. If the desk set up is not properly, then this may start to produce stress and…

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Accident Rehabilitation

December 01 | 2018
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Accident Rehabilitation What is Accident Rehabilitation? Motor vehicle accidents happen everyday in Ontario.  As a result, they produce a lot of pain, disability and stress for those involved. The impact can be quite debilitating. Accident rehabilitation is treatment that is given after being involved in a motor vehicle accident. It is important to seek out Registered Physiotherapists who are experienced in Accident Rehabilitation to ensure proper recovery. At PhysioNow we offer high quality Registered Physiotherapy and Registered Massage therapy treatments to help you recover from your injuries. Registered Massage Therapy Who is entitled to receive Accident Rehabilitation? Any person who has been involved in a motor vehicle accident in Ontario is entitled to receive Accident Rehabilitation benefits . This would include if you were a pedestrian hit by a vehicle.  It would also include coverage for treatment if you were involved in…

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Patellofemoral pain syndrome

November 16 | 2018
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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            Patellofemoral pain syndrome Patellofemoral pain syndrome happens when your knee cap does not track properly.  The knee joint consist of two joints.  The tibiofemoral joint which is between the two long bones in your leg and the second one is the patellofemoral joint.  This  is between the femoral condyle (end of thigh bone) and the knee cap. The cartilage on the back of the knee cap glides on the cartilage on the front of the condyles of the femur. The knee cap usually sits in a snug groove at the end of the thigh…

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November 15 | 2018
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Sciatica Sciatica Sciatica is a term that gets used quite frequently in the physiotherapy world. This refers to pain, tingling and/or numbness that goes down the back, hip or entire leg. Who can get Sciatica? It can happen to both younger and older adults for a variety of reasons. For some, it starts after a traumatic event like a slip and fall or after a motor vehicle accident. It can seem like pain develops out of nowhere for others. Pain can start gradually then suddenly increase in severity. The majority of the time, sciatica is a condition that starts with some mechanical changes in the low back that build up gradually over a period of time. What is Sciatica? The term sciatica itself refers to irritation of the sciatic nerve It is the largest nerve in our body This nerve has its roots at the lower…

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