Tag Archives: registered physiotherapy mississauga

Whiplash Mississauga

Whiplash MississaugaWhiplash Mississauga
Whiplash Mississauga is a frequent occurrence. It’s a general term that refers to a neck injury that happens when your body comes to a sudden stop. This type of injury occurs frequently with motor vehicle accidents. The force of the impact causes your neck to quickly bend forward then backward. These sudden movements cause your muscles, ligaments and nerves to overstretch. It results in pain. The severity of the pain depends on the nature of the impact, how old your are and whether there you had any previous neck injury. The most commonly reported symptoms of whiplash Mississauga injuries are pain, restricted range of motion and headaches. It is also possible to have pain and tingling into your arms which can be due to a nerve injury in the neck. In some cases, it is also possible to have dizziness and nausea.

Whiplash Mississauga Assessment
A Registered Physiotherapist Mississauga can assess and help treat whiplash Mississauga injuries. The Registered Physiotherapist Mississauga will first check your range of motion. They will complete a nerve test to determine if anything has been damaged. They will check whether there is any nerve involvement. The Registered Physiotherapy Mississauga assessment will help determine just how extensive the damage is. This information is important to have because it gives a sense of your prognosis. This is a timeline of how long your injuries will take to get better.

If the whiplash was a result of a Motor Vehicle accident, the Registered Physiotherapist Mississauga will also complete the necessary paperwork for your car insurance company. All insured persons involved in a Motor Vehicle accident in Ontario are entitled to receive Physiotherapy Rehabilitation and Registered Massage Therapy Mississauga. The Registered Physiotherapist will be an advocate for you. They will help to guide you through the sometimes complicated process.

Whiplash Mississauga Physiotherapy Treatment
The Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Mississauga treatment plan will consist of a combination of heat and electrical modalities for pain management. This will be followed by hands on techniques to mobilize the joints and stretch your muscles. Rehabilitation exercises will be added as tolerated to increase strength, flexibility and activity tolerance. Registered Massage Therapy Mississauga is added early on to the treatment.

Goals of Whiplash Mississauga Treatment
The goal of treating whiplash injuries Mississauga is to reduce pain. A further goal is to return you to your normal activities.
It is important to get treatment for whiplash Mississauga as soon as possible so that your injuries can start to heal properly. If your injuries goes too long without treatment, your symptoms can become more chronic. This can cause you to take longer to get better. It is therefore important to set up a Registered Physiotherapy Mississauga assessment soon after the injury happens. This helps you to have optimal opportunity for healing. Call PhysioNow to book an appointment Now!

Falls Prevention

Falls Prevention

Seniors are one of the most at risk groups of people for falls. This can be due to many different factors. Some of the most widely recognized are poor health, decreased strength, poor balance, poor vision and altered mental state. Any one of these factors can result in a fall. In most cases it’s a combination of several of these factors that puts seniors at most risk. A fall can lead to a whole range of different injuries. This includes sprains and strains. It also includes more serious injuries such as dislocations, or fractures. Falls can exacerbate pre-existing health conditions. This could lead to heart attacks or strokes from the trauma. Previous falls can also lead to substantial fear of falling. This can prevent people from venturing outside the home and being active. This in turn, can lead to a poor quality of life.

Preventing Falls

Falls prevention is a very important type of rehabilitation that can be provided by a Registered Physiotherapist. The major parts of this Registered Physiotherapy program would include: education and an exercise program. The program would work to increase overall strength and improve balance for those at risk. Education needs to bring awareness about specific risk factors and how to minimize them.

Falls Prevention

The Physiotherapist would also assess balance and look for the presence of Vertigo. In the case of poor balance, a gait aid, such as a cane or walker may be recommended. Special exercises for vertigo may be given if it is present. Footwear may also be assessed.
Lastly, the type of home, the number of stairs, the presence of area rugs and any other types of clutter would be addressed to make the home a safer place. The physiotherapist would design a specific strengthening program. This would aim to improve endurance, function and mobility. It would also work to improve balance so that an individual is less likely to fall.

All of our qualified physiotherapists at PhysioNow can provide falls prevention Physiotherapy and prevent serious injury. This can really improve the overall wellness and quality of life for seniors. Our goal for you is to keep you doing all of the things that you enjoy doing! Call today for your Falls Prevention Assessment 289-724-0448.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis

The plantar fascia is the band of tissue (ligament) that connects your heel bone to your toes. The main function of this Fascia is to support the arch of your foot. Any strain to the plantar fascia will make it weak, swollen, and irritated. This results in the bottom of your foot hurting when you stand or walk. Some of the causes of plantar fasciitis are: high arches or flat feet, prolonged walking, standing, or running for long periods of time, especially on hard surfaces. Plantar fasciitis can also be caused by shoes that don’t fit well, tight calf muscles or being overweight. Plantar fasciitis is also common with athletes.

Treatment recommended:

In order to decrease these symptoms, try to give the feet adequate rest by reducing the activities that cause your foot to hurt. Walking on hard surfaces should be avoided. Talk to your physiotherapist today. They can help you with various treatment approaches.

To reduce pain and swelling, try putting ice on your heel especially when you first get up in the morning. Get a new pair of shoes. Pick shoes with good arch support and a cushioned sole. Plantar fasciitis most often occurs because of injuries that have happened over time. It may take time for the pain to go away completely.

Stay with your treatment. There may be constant pain when you stand or walk. The sooner you start treatment,the better. Physiotherapy treatment will prevent the injury from being aggravated further.

PhysioNow treatment

Here at PhysioNow we can help you to treat Plantar fasciitis with modalities like Laser, ultrasound and manual physiotherapy. Physiotherapy treatment would include stretches and strengthening exercises. We have a special tool called a “HAWK” that we love to use for Plantar fasciitis to strip out the scar tissue. It speeds up the healing of plantar fasciitis immensely. Custom orthotics may also be useful to support flat feet.
Give us a call today to start feeling better! We can help!

Low Back Pain Prevention

Low Back Pain Prevention

Low Back Pain Prevention

Low Back Pain Prevention

Low back pain is the most common injury that physiotherapists and massage therapists treat. In fact it is said that up to 80 % of us will have low back pain at some point in our lives; pain severe enough that we will miss time from work and/or taking care of loved ones. As always, the best medicine is to Low back pain prevention.

When it comes to low back pain prevention, there are many things that can be done to prevent injury including using the proper lifting techniques, proper posture and ergonomics at work, yoga – the list goes on. But the one I would like to talk about today is strengthening.

First, let me debunk a myth. Sit ups and crunches will not help with low back pain prevention. Weighted extensions and dead lifts will not help with low back pain prevention either. Although these are important muscles of the trunk, these muscles produce movement and power not stability. It is very rare to find a low back injury that is caused by not enough movement or poor power. Most low back pain is caused by disc injury, joint stress and postural issues. To prevent these injuries, stability exercises must be done.

The stability or deep core muscles lay deeper in the body and create a cylinder around the spine to support it and reduce joint stress. This layer of muscles can be strengthened by completing planks. Planks can take on many forms depending on the muscle strength you already have. Beginners should start on their elbows and knees, while the more advanced person can complete complex patterns of movement including commando crawling. Side planks are also an important option. For variety, working with a half or full ball can add a core element to your workout. Simple exercises include bridging or completing extensions on a ball.

Choosing where to begin depends on your current strength and if you are in any pain. Physiotherapists are expert at prescribing exercises, just ask and we will be glad to get you started. Call to book an appointment with a Registered Physiotherapist Mississauga today!

Tennis Elbow Treatment

Tennis Elbow Treatment

Tennis Elbow Treatment

Tennis elbow is most often the result of repetitive activities involving the wrist and/or hand. Excessive use of the wrist/hand can lead to increased stress on the muscles of the forearm. This causes damage to the muscle tendon. Since many muscles of the forearm come from just above the elbow, small tears of the muscle tendon are felt as pain on the outside of the elbow. The resulting pain and discomfort may be felt with everyday activities such as carrying groceries or lifting a jug of milk. The pain may also restrict various work-related tasks and hobbies. Grip strength is often much weaker on the painful side. As the name suggests, tennis elbow can also result from playing racquet sports. As the racquet follows-through after hitting the ball, muscles of the back of the forearm work hard trying to slow the racquet down. Over time this can result in damage to the tendons and pain at the elbow.

How can Physiotherapy help?

Tennis elbow treatment includes physiotherapy as a key component. Registered massage therapy aims to relax stressed muscles. A proper stretching program ensures that muscles are the correct length. Deep friction massage is also often used to break up scar tissue at the elbow. Tennis elbow treatment can include ultrasound and other electric modalities to reduce inflammation and pain. Acupuncture may be used as a treatment option for Tennis elbow. All of these tennis elbow treatments act to speed up healing time. Despite the small size of the forearm muscles, strength training is important. This helps build up muscle resistance and prevent re-injury. Therapeutic forearm bands and taping by physiotherapy professionals can also help to unload sore muscles and relieve pain. This allows a fast return to everyday activities. A full physiotherapy assessment also allows us to rule out more serious problems such as fractures, torn ligaments and nerve damage.

Should you be experiencing elbow pain at any point during your everyday activities, contact our team now to arrange a physiotherapy assessment and let us put you on the road to recovery! Tennis elbow treatment can be fairly quick. Pain can be reduced rapidly with the proper tennis elbow treatment.