Tag Archives: physiotherapy

IASTM: A Physiotherapy Tool

IASTM Graston Technique

IASTM, or Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization, is a manual therapy technique used by physical therapists, chiropractors, and other healthcare professionals. It is used to diagnose and treat various musculoskeletal conditions. In this blog, we’ll explore what IASTM is, how it works, and the conditions in which it can be beneficial.

What is IASTM?

IASTM tool

IASTM tool

The hawk tool is a type of IASTM instrument that we frequently use at PhysioNow

IASTM involves the use of specially designed instruments, like above, often made of stainless steel or plastic, to assess and treat soft tissue abnormalities. These instruments have various shapes and edges that allow the practitioner to detect and treat adhesions, fascial restrictions, and other soft tissue abnormalities. Additionally, IASTM practices have been further refined into methodologies to be followed by clinicians, an example of which is called the Graston Technique.

How does it work?

The process typically involves the following steps:

1. Assessment: Firstly, the practitioner assesses the patient’s musculoskeletal condition.  For example, they use the instruments to scan the skin and underlying tissues and identify areas of restricted mobility or dysfunction.

2. Treatment: Secondly, once problem areas are identified, the practitioner applies controlled pressure with the instrument over these areas. As a result of this pressure, it helps to break down adhesions and fascial restrictions, promoting better tissue function and blood flow.

3. Stretching and Range of Motion: Next, after treating the affected areas, the practitioner may incorporate stretching and range of motion exercises to further improve mobility and flexibility.

4. Reassessment: Finally, the practitioner reassesses the patient to determine the effectiveness of the treatment and to make any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.

Conditions IASTM Can Help With:

IASTM can be beneficial for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions and injuries, including:

1. Soft Tissue Injuries: Firstly, it is effective in treating conditions like muscle strains, ligament sprains, and tendonitis. It breaks down fascial adhesions and promotes tissue healing.

2. Chronic Pain: Secondly, patients with chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia or myofascial pain syndrome. Patients may find relief through IASTM treatments that target trigger points and muscle tightness.

3. Post-Surgical Rehabilitation: Thirdly, this technique can be incorporated into post-surgical rehabilitation programs. It will improve tissue healing, reduce pain, and enhance mobility.

4. Sports Injuries: Additionally, athletes often use this technique to address sports-related injuries like shin splints, tennis elbow, or rotator cuff injuries. Incorporation of this technique  can expedite recovery and reduce pain.

5. Joint Dysfunction: Alternatively, this technique can also be used to address joint dysfunction by improving the mobility of surrounding soft tissues. Furthermore, this improvement can positively contribute to joint stability and function.

6. Neck, Hip and Back Pain: In addition, individuals suffering from chronic neck, hip or back pain may benefit from IASTM treatments to alleviate muscle tightness and improve posture.

How can I receive IASTM?

Overall, it’s important to note that IASTM should be administered by trained healthcare professionals who are knowledgeable about the technique. The intensity and duration of treatment can vary depending on the specific condition and the patient’s individual needs.

In conclusion, IASTM is a valuable manual therapy technique used to diagnose and treat various musculoskeletal conditions. It addresses soft tissue abnormalities by breaking down fascial restrictions, improving blood flow, and enhancing tissue mobility. Thus, it makes it a versatile and effective approach for many individuals seeking relief from musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction.

If you’re considering IASTM as a treatment option, consult with a qualified healthcare provider like a physiotherapist to determine if it’s appropriate for your specific condition. Book with PhysioNow today for your first assessment and treatment with a Registered Physiotherapist!

Physiotherapy for Children: Safe and Effective!

Physiotherapy for kids

Image by Freepik

Physiotherapy for children, also known as pediatric physiotherapy, diagnoses and treats a wide variety of conditions and disorders, just like in adults. For example, the usual pulled muscles, sprained ligaments, and broken bones are treated in children very similarly to adults and physiotherapists treat these with expertise. Additionally, some conditions are exclusive to, or more likely to be seen in infants, children, and adolescents. Thus, some physiotherapists specialize in pediatric physiotherapy, to treat these more chronic conditions. In this blog, we discuss the most common conditions seen in physiotherapy, and how a session may be structured differently in adults versus children.

Most Common Conditions and Disorders

1. Osgoode Schlatter’s Disease: Firstly, pain is caused by inflammation of the patellar (knee cap) tendon at the bone below the knee. It most commonly affects adolescent, athletic males.

2. Orthopedic conditions: Includes conditions affecting bones, muscles, and joints ex. Fractures or scoliosis

3. Developmental Delays: Unfortunately, some individuals have delays in hitting their motor milestones. Luckily, physiotherapists can give exercises to help develop key skills like crawling, walking, and running.

4. Neurological disorders: This includes conditions affecting the nervous system like traumatic brain injuries or spina bifida.

5. Torticollis: Affects infants and causes their heads to rotate and sit tilted towards one side

6. Cerebral palsy: Importantly, it is the most common motor disability in childhood and results in impairments in an individual’s abilities. For example, it affects their mobility and capacity to maintain balance and posture. In addition, there may be other related problems with vision, hearing, and capability to learn.

Overall, these are just a quick overview of some of the most common conditions treatable with physiotherapy. However, there are other, and rarer, conditions that were not listed.

What does a treatment look like?

1. Evaluation and assessment: Firstly, the physiotherapist assesses the child’s movement patterns, strength, and motor milestones. For example, flipping from their stomach to back, crawling, standing balance, coordination and posture.

2. Tailored treatment plan: Next, depending on the child’s age, the treatment plan is modified appropriately for them. For example, young children have difficulty doing traditional physiotherapy exercises. Instead, physiotherapists use a play-based approach using toys or games. As a result, the sessions are fun and enjoyable. The child must be engaged to improve their skills and strength in pursuit of the physiotherapy goals.

Play-based physiotherapy for children

Image by Freepik

3. Family involvement: Notably, in pediatric physiotherapy, parents and caregivers are heavily involved in the process. This inclusion is crucial to the child’s success. As a result, families are educated on techniques and exercises to perform with their child. Accordingly, they develop a unique daily routine to work on therapeutic goals at home.

4. Collaboration: Oftentimes, for chronic pediatric conditions, collaboration is necessary with other healthcare professionals. For example, a pediatrician, speech language therapist, occupational therapists and more may be included. They work together to recommend assistive equipment like gait aids, wheelchairs, home equipment, braces, splints and more, depending on the condition.

If you are interested in learning more about pediatric conditions or think that your child may benefit from physiotherapy, our expert Registered Physiotherapists at PhysioNow are happy to help you. Book with PhysioNow today for an initial assessment and treatment!

Why You Should Do Pelvic Floor Muscle Training During Pregnancy

Pelvic floor muscle training, when done in a structured way, helps to prevent certain complications during pregnancy and labour. These changes occur due to hormonal and anatomical changes. The complications that usually occur are incontinence, perineal tears, pelvic organ prolapse, less active pushing required during second stage of labour.

Why is pelvic muscle training important?

Pelvic Floor Muscles

Pelvic Floor Muscles

The pelvic floor is a set of muscles attached to the spine at the back and to the pubic bone at the front.  Importantly, these muscles are the key supporter for the uterus, bladder and bowel. Some activities of daily living help women maintain their pelvic floor strength to functional level. Unfortunately, pregnancy and childbirth lead to the potential injury and weakening of these muscles. As a result, pelvic floor dysfunction is common after childbirth. This includes urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapses, dyspareunia and perineal tears. Significantly, this reduces the quality of life in women and cause them to withdraw from fitness.

Structured pelvic floor training help to prevent or reduce these complications. First, it helps to elevate pelvic organs and the resting position of bladder to improve incontinence and prolapse.  Also, training during the antenatal phase reduces the active pushing required during the second stage of labour. Additionally, it improves incontinence by improving co-contraction of the pelvic floor muscles as the abdominal pressure increases. Overall, correct pelvic floor muscle contraction is the key factor to achieving the benefits of pelvic floor muscle training.

What happens to the pelvic floor during pregnancy and childbirth?

First, pregnancy usually leads to the decrease in levator ani strength (one of the major pelvic floor muscles) and anatomical changes occur such as downward movement of the bladder neck, increase in bladder neck mobility, downward movement of pelvic organs, and decrease in urethral resistance due to increased pressure from the growing uterus. As the gestational age increases, so too does the weight of the uterus leading to the pelvic floor being oppressed. As a result, there can be damage to the muscles and nerves.

Secondly, during pregnancy a large amount of progesterone is secreted to maintain pregnancy. Notably, progesterone is a smooth muscle relaxant. The pelvic floor has high amounts of smooth muscle, meaning progesterone may decrease pelvic floor support and urethra tension.  In conclusion, the mechanical and hormonal changes of pregnancy may have an irreversible effect on the pelvic floor. They need to be addressed at the right time through pelvic floor muscle training which is achieved through pelvic health physiotherapy.

Also, during labor, when there is vaginal surgical delivery (episiotomy), a large fetal head or a long second stage of labour, it will lead to damage in the pelvic floor muscles if they are too tight or the perineal area has less flexibility. Vaginal surgical delivery, large fetal head circumference and a prolonged expulsive stage are risk factors for a labour-associated pelvic floor injury.

Effect of pelvic floor muscle training during pregnancy and after childbirth

  1. Firstly, training during pregnancy helps to prevent developing urinary incontinence and can significantly improve the strength of pelvic floor muscles.
  2.  Secondly, exercises with a perineometer in the post-partum period are helpful in restoring the function and tone of the muscles. Importantly, this aids in preventing early cystocele and rectocele by limiting the movement downwards and improving the vaginal muscles for the retention of contraceptive diaphragm. The “Perineometer,” is an instrument that provides a visual guide to the patient during her exercises.


    Perineometer for pelvic muscle training

  3. Next, training improves the neuromuscular activity of the pelvic floor in many motor tasks after a partial denervation of nerves in after the first pregnancy.
  4.  Furthermore, training helps to treat nonspecific low back pain and pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy as pelvic floor muscles provide stability to the spine.
  5. Additionally, training helps to shorten the second stage of labour and reduce perineal tears by improving the flexibility, strength and motor control. Overall, this may reduce the need of assisted delivery through forceps and episiotomy.
  6. Lastly, female sexual dysfunction after delivery can be treated by pelvic floor muscle training as it increases the flexibility of the pelvic floor to help the vagina feel looser and relax.


Considering all the positive effects of pelvic floor muscle training during and after pregnancy, it is highly recommended to see a trained pelvic floor physiotherapist. They will guide and train the pregnant women at the right time to prevent or treat any of the pelvic floor disorders.

If you are experiencing pelvic pain or are interested in pelvic floor muscle training, PhysioNow has experienced pelvic health physiotherapists that would love to assist you. Book with PhysioNow today for your first assessment and treatment!

I Have a Herniated Disk: Physio 101

Herniated discs may also be referred to as slipped discs, or disc bulges. They can be a source of pain and fear for many people.  To understand a herniated disc, a quick anatomy lesson is needed, we have included a picture below to help.

What is a Herniated Disc?

Between each of our vertebrae in our spine, there is a disc with a soft inner core (nucleus pulposus, and tougher outside (annulus fibrosus). The herniation refers to the soft layer protruding out, and may vary in size. In larger protrusions, it may put pressure against other structures in the area like the nerves, causing a variety of symptoms in the areas the nerve root gives sensation and motor function to. Herniated discs can occur anywhere along the spine but are are most common in the lower back (lumbar) region.

What are the causes of a herniated disc?

  1. Firstly, age-related degeneration. With age, the intervertebral discs get stiffer which makes them more susceptible to injury when exposed to even minor strains.
  2. Secondly, trauma or injury. For example, a fall or heavy lifting with a twist are strong external forces which can cause a herniation.
  3. Additionally, repetitive strain. Jobs or activities with repetitive bending, twisting and lifting expose the disc to lots of pressure, increasing the risk of herniation

Do I need an x-ray/MRI?

Notably, many people have no symptoms from herniated discs, and are usually unaware they even have one. Oftentimes, many people will receive imaging reports that show varying level of degeneration and even disc herniations in the back, which may seem alarming.  It is important to note that this is actually a normal part of life, many people will have “positive” findings. In other words, even though these things appear on imaging tests, they are not necessarily a problem or correlated with pain. Therefore, it is crucial not to put too much stock in imaging and let the symptoms guide your back pain management instead.   Choosing Wisely Canada has a great article about why imaging may not always be included in the treatment plan.

What are the symptoms?

  1. Firstly, back or neck pain is usually the first sign. It can be mild or severe, stay in one spot or travel down the legs. Usually, the pain is more on one side.
  2. Secondly, numbness and tingling down the arms or legs is a sure sign of nerve involvement. In a disc herniation, the bulge may be putting pressure on the spinal nerves.
  3. Next, muscle weakness may be present due to nerve compression as above.
  4. Additionally, changes in reflexes where they are either exaggerated or reduced. For example, the common example of the reflex is when your doctor hits the reflex hammer beneath the knee on the patellar tendon and your knee automatically kicks out straight.
  5. Finally, pain is dependent on activities and is commonly worsened by certain positions. Usually prolonged sitting, bending, lifting, coughing, and sneezing.

The symptoms of a herniated disc will vary depending on location and severity. Not everyone will experience every symptom, many disc herniations occur with nerve involvement as they do without nerve involvement.

Can a herniated disc be treated?

Physiotherapy Treatment for Low back pain

Back pain from a herniated disc can be treated safely through physiotherapy treatment. Common treatments may include education about how to avoid aggravating your condition, movements or positions that may give you relief, electrotherapy, heat or cold therapy, manual therapy, stretch and strengthening exercises. The specific treatment plan is unique to the individual and the direction of the herniation and will be modified appropriately by your physiotherapist as you get better. Eventually, once your pain has been managed, your physiotherapist will work with you to get you back to normal function and doing the activities you love while remaining pain free. In some cases, they may not respond to physiotherapy in which case further medical management may be required.

If you are experiencing low back pain PhysioNow has many experienced physiotherapists to help you find relief. Book with PhysioNow today for your first assessment and treatment!




5 Ways Physiotherapy Can Help Manage Parkinson’s Disease

What is Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive neurological condition resulting in difficulty starting and maintaining movements in the body. Importantly, there is a loss of some neurons (brain cells) that contribute to coordinating muscles and creating smooth movements. As a result, individuals with this condition experience a range of symptoms that impair their strength, mobility,  flexibility, and posture.

4 hallmark features

  1. Tremors: Firstly, tremors are usually the initial symptom. The tremor is mostly when the body is resting, such as sitting, but may worsen over time to affect the individual while they’re performing other tasks like writing, eating, or shaving.
  2. Rigidity: Secondly, rigidity refers to stiffness of the muscles and joints. In Parkinson’s, it can affect the arms, legs, trunk, and even the face.
  3. Bradykinesia: Next, bradykinesia means slowness of movement which may include stopping or hesitating during movements.
  4. Postural Instability: Finally, difficulty balancing and correcting postural faults which results in an increased risk of falls.

Additionally, if you are interested in a more detailed overview of Parkinson’s Disease and its symptoms, the Parkinson’s Foundation is a great resource.

The role of physiotherapy in Parkinson’s Disease

Promoting safety with Parkinson's Disease by using a walker

Unfortunately, there is no cure for Parkinson’s Disease currently but there are ways to manage the condition both from a medical and physical therapy point of view.  Importantly, this will help an individual improve their quality of life and mobility. Physical therapy for this condition will focus on a variety of areas including:

  1. Enhancing strength and flexibility through a home exercise program containing stretching exercises and resistance training.
  2. Additionally, mobility  training will focus on walking and balance exercises and strategies to overcome freezing episodes.
  3. Not to mention, postural correction and postural awareness. Parkinson’s Disease commonly results in a very stopped and rounded posture which can create pain and discomfort.
  4. Next, fall prevention is a crucial part of management. Namely, balance training, functional training, education on techniques and habits to minimize falls, and a home safety evaluation may all be included in this part of the treatment.
  5. Finally, the condition will be managed by a team of health care professionals that will collaborate closely.  Using each profession’s specialty, they will create a comprehensive and holistic plan to promote the optimal quality of life.

In conclusion, physiotherapy is a crucial component of the management of Parkinson’s disease. The goals are to help individuals maintain their independence and minimize the loss of function and negative impacts on the life. If you or someone you know has Parkinson’s disease and is looking to take control of their life back, PhysioNow is ready to help you. Book with us today for your first assessment and treatment with a Registered Physiotherapist.