Tag Archives: Sports Injuries

Massage Therapy Services Mississauga

Massage Therapy Services Mississauga

Massage therapy involves skilled manipulation of the soft tissues (skin, muscle, fascia, tendons, ligaments) and joints in your body. A variety of techniques can be used in Massage therapy services Mississauga to help reduce tension in stiff muscles. It can help to promote lymph and blood flow and speed up the healing of injured tissues. Massage therapy has a therapeutic effect on the body and helps you to recover from injuries to muscles, circulatory and the nervous system.

Massage Therapy Services Mississauga: Types

1) Relaxation/Swedish Massage– primarily used to enhance wellbeing and is generally offered in spas, resorts

2) Rehabilitative/Deep tissue/ Therapeutic Massage- Primarily aids in promoting healing of injured tissues. This facilitates early recovery. Registered Massage therapists who are skilled and trained in performing these maneuvers perform Rehabilitative Massage Therapy. This service is offered in medical clinics .

Massage Therapy Services Mississauga

Massage Therapy Services Mississauga

Benefits of Massage Therapy Services Mississauga:

1) To alleviate pain
2) To decrease muscle spasms
3) To decrease stiffness in joints
4) To decrease tightness in muscles
5) To promote relaxation
6) To decrease inflammation
7) To enhance circulation
8) To decrease stress
9) To decrease anxiety
10) To improve posture
11) To correct muscular imbalances

Conditions treated by Registered Massage Therapists:

1) Rotator cuff tear
2) Frozen shoulder
3) Tennis elbow
4) Golfers elbow
5) Carpal tunnel syndrome
6) Sciatica
7) Disc herniation
8) Arthritis- Hip/Knee
9) Stiff/sore low back
10) Hip bursitis
11) Knee Meniscal Injury
12) Ankle sprain
13) ACL injury to the Knee
14) Post surgical-Total Hip Replacement/ Total Knee Replacement
15) During pregnancy
16) Neck strain
17) Postural stress

Check out this website for more information.

At PhysioNow Mississauga, we have a number of highly skilled Registered Massage Therapists available at each of our offices to help you. We often find that the combination of Registered Physiotherapy and Registered Massage Therapy is quite powerful. Once a Physiotherapist has assessed your condition, they can help to guide the Registered Massage Therapist so that you get the maximal benefit from all of your treatments. We have Registered Massage Therapists available 6 days per week from Monday to Saturday. Please call 289-724-0448 today!

Osgood-Schlatter disease

Osgood-Schlatter disease

Osgood-Schlatter disease can cause a painful lump below the kneecap in children and adolescents experiencing growth spurts during puberty.
Osgood-Schlatter disease occurs most often in children who participate in sports that involve running, jumping and swift changes of direction — such as soccer, basketball, figure skating and ballet.
Age ranges differ by sex because girls experience puberty earlier than do boys. Osgood-Schlatter disease typically occurs in boys ages 13 to 14 and girls ages 11 to 12. The condition usually resolves on its own, once the child’s bones stop growing.

Osgood-Schlatter Disease

Most parents call the doctor after their child complains of intermittent pain over several months. The pain may be anywhere from mild and felt only during activity to severe and constant.
Other symptoms may include:
• pain that worsens with exercise
• relief from pain with rest
• swelling or tenderness under the knee and over the shinbone
• limping after exercise
• tightness of the muscles surrounding the knee (the hamstring and quadriceps muscles)

Osgood-Schlatter Disease

• During activities that involve a lot of running, jumping and bending — such as soccer, basketball, volleyball and ballet —child’s thigh muscles (quadriceps) pull on the tendon that connects the kneecap to the shinbone.
• This repeated stress can cause the tendon to pull away from the shinbone a bit, resulting in the pain and swelling associated with Osgood-Schlatter disease. In some cases, your child’s body may try to close that gap with new bone growth, which can result in a bony lump at that spot.

• A doctor will perform a physical exam and check your child’s knee for swelling, pain, and redness. This will usually provide the doctor with enough information to make an Osgood-Schlatter disease diagnosis.
• In some cases, the doctor may want to perform a bone X-ray to rule out other potential causes of knee pain.

Treatment typically involves:
• icing the affected area two to four times a day, or after doing physical activity
• taking over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen
• resting the knee or reducing physical activity
• wrapping the knee or wearing a knee brace
• stretching


1.What about playing sports and other activities?

Sport or physical activity is not likely to cause any permanent damage, but may make the pain worse. However, it is often sporty teenagers who develop Osgood-Schlatter disease. If the pain is affecting your ability to do your sport, difficult decisions may have to be made about training schedules and sporting commitments.

2.Is it possible to prevent Osgood-Schlatter disease?

Yes, it’s possible to prevent Osgood-Schlatter disease by limiting stress activities involving the knees. Such sports would include basketball, volleyball, ballet, gymnastics, and high jump. All of these sports require sudden explosive activation of the quadriceps muscles. A proper stretching routine involving the quadriceps and hamstring muscle groups may be helpful to arrest the onset of Osgood-Schlatter disease.

3.Is this disease permanent?

Osgood-Schlatter disease usually resolves on its own once a growth spurt ends. Until then, treatment is focused on relieving symptoms, such as knee pain and swelling.

• Overall Osgood-Schlatter disease could be a debilitating condition if it remains untreated. PhysioNow Mississauga has excellent Registered Physiotherapists who can help your child and get him or her back to their sports career. Call Today 289-724-0448.

Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga

Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga

Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga

Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga

What leads to shoulder dislocation?Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga can help!

Many people who have had a dislocated shoulder often refer back to the incident as being so sudden. All that they remember is hearing a loud click and the feeling of excruciating pain immediately after the injury. Yes! they could actually feel the shoulder as it is wrenched out of the socket. It can be a very dreadful experience!!!

That’s when you need Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga!.
Depending on the severity of injury, Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga varies. Generally, your doctor orders an X-Ray and Ultrasound to determine the extent of the injury.

Shoulder dislocation classifications:

Shoulder dislocations are classified depending on your symptoms and X-Ray findings. This helps to decide which general guidelines to follow for treating your dislocated shoulder.

Usually, a shoulder sling is provided to maintain the shoulder in a neutral position and offload your shoulder muscles. Depending on your doctor’s advice, they may want you to wear the sling for three to four weeks. Check out this website for a bit more information: Orthoinfo.

How can a Registered Physiotherapist Mississauga help to rehabilitate your shoulder?

A Registered Physiotherapist Mississauga can aid in faster recovery of your dislocated shoulder. Shoulder dislocation treatment Mississauga can get you to start using your shoulder. It will help you to get back to dressing, combing, grooming, eating, lifting objects etc.

Right after injury, Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga uses modalities such as ultrasound and a muscle stimulator. These electrical modalities bring more blood to the area (fresh oxygen and nutrients. It also calms down the inflammation in the shoulder.

Once you immobilize your shoulder in a sling, it tends to get stiff. Your shoulder muscles develop a lot of spasm and tightness due to lack of motion.

A Registered Physiotherapist Mississauga will mobilize your shoulder joint. The goal is to prevent any complications . A Registered Physiotherapist Mississauga will educate you regarding the use of a sling.

Shoulder Dislocation Prevention

The Registered Physiotherapist will also show you certain positions/activities to be avoided. We want to help you to prevent another shoulder dislocation when the tissues are healing.

Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga incorporates strengthening exercises. Typically this would include using Theraband, weight cuffs or pulleys to increase the strength in your shoulder muscles. This will help to stabilize your shoulder.

Registered Massage Therapy after Shoulder Dislocation

Registered Massage Therapy is also very helpful to reduce muscle spasm in the neck and shoulder. It reduces pain, spasm and general overall shoulder tightness.

PhysioNow has excellent Registered Physiotherapists and Registered Massage Therapists at all of our locations in Mississauga. Check us out and book an appointment today! We can Help!

Shoulder Dislocation

Shoulder Dislocation

Shoulder Dislocation can be a scary experience! A lot of times, the injury happens so quickly that a patient doesn’t even know what has happened to their shoulder. But what they do know is that there is intense pain and that the shoulder joint looks deformed.

Shoulder Dislocation

How does Shoulder Dislocation Happen?

A shoulder dislocation is usually caused by falling onto your shoulder, trying to stop a fall with the hand or getting hit in the shoulder. With this injury, the ball of the humerus, which is the long bone of the upper arm, has come out of its socket, which is part of the shoulder blade. When this happens, the soft tissue structures that make up the shoulder joint are also overstretched and torn. The ball of the humerus can either be moved out through the front or the back of the socket. The direction of the shoulder dislocation depends on how the hit to the shoulder occurred. However, 95% of dislocations occur through the front of the shoulder.

What can be done for a Shoulder Dislocation?

For a large majority of cases, a doctor “pop” the shoulder back into place. This is called closed reduction of the dislocation. The doctor then places the shoulder in a sling to protect the joint while the soft tissues heal. The sling has to be worn between 2-4 weeks depending on the nature of the shoulder dislocation. It is important to wear the sling appropriately because the shoulder joint is now considered unstable. Until the soft tissue structures heal around the shoulder, certain movements can cause the dislocation to occur again. Therefore it is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations on the sling and make an appointment with a Registered Physiotherapist.

How Can Registered Physiotherapy Mississauga Help?

The Registered physiotherapy Mississauga treatment promotes healing of the injured structures. It also prevents the instability from becoming a chronic problem with a good strengthening program. Modalities such as interferential current and Ultrasound help to reduce the pain from injured tissues. Mobilization and stretching is also very important in healing. Your Registered Physiotherapist at PhysioNow will teach you everything that you need to know. Registered Massage Therapy Mississauga can also be very helpful to relieve muscle tension compensating for instability.

Registered Massage Therapy For Shoulder Dislocation

Registered Massage therapy for shoulder dislocation

Will surgery be required for Shoulder Dislocation?

In cases where the shoulder dislocation keeps recurring because damage to the joint and/or soft tissue structures are too severe, surgery can be performed to get the shoulder joint back into place. However, this occurs only in severe cases. Hopefully, with a great Physiotherapist helping you, you will avoid this step! Call PhysioNow today to book your appointment!

Foot Pain Treatment Mississauga

Foot Pain Treatment Mississauga
Trending Now: Blue Jays’ Jose Batista on 15 day disabled list

Foot Pain Treatment Mississauga happens at PhysioNow. Blue Jays’ Jose Batista hurt his big toe during a June 16 game against Philadelphia. After running into the outfield wall, Bautista had to leave the game early because of pain. An MRI showed that he had suffered a sprain of his left big toe and has to be in a walking boot for the time being. It may seem like it’s an excessive treatment plan for just a simple sprain.

Foot Pain Treatment Mississauga

Types of Sprains

In reality sprains can sometimes be more complicated than a fracture. A sprain is defined as a stretch or tear of a ligament. A ligament is a soft tissue structure that connects two bones together. Ligaments do not receive a good blood supply like muscles or tendons and as a result, they do not heal as well. Furthermore, sprains can be classified into three groups based on the severity of injury. A grade I sprain means that there is mild damage to the ligament and the joint is stable. A grade II sprain means that there is a partial tear in the ligament and the joint is overall less stable or loose. The most severe type of sprain is classified as grade III and it means that the ligament has completely torn or ruptured and the joint has lost stability.

Types of Foot Pain Treatment Mississauga: How Can Registered Physiotherapy Help?

A Registered Physiotherapist is able to help with all three types of Foot pain treatment Mississauga. The treatment for sprains usually starts with rest and reducing inflammation. Depending on the severity of the sprain, it may be necessary to immobilize the joint in order for this to occur. For example a grade II sprain may require a removable walking boot. A grade III sprain may require a cast. Once inflammation is reduced and pain is better, treatment seeks to improve range of motion and strength. A full return to activity or sport quickly is the goal of Physiotherapy Treatment Mississauga.

Since Jose Batista has been wearing a walking boot, it seems that his injury is at least a grade II. Considering the poor blood supply of ligaments and the severity of his particular sprain it is definitely best for him to be out of the game for at least 2 weeks. Proper care in the early phase of this injury is very important so that the ligament is well protected. This give Jose the best chance for healing. Once the walking boot comes off, his injury will be re-evaluated and the Blue Jays’ medical team will decide on his further treatment plan and eventual return to play. Custom foot orthotics may also be beneficial depending on the injury.

If you have injured your toes or feet, Give PhysioNow a call today. We can help!