Tag Archives: Wellness

How Physiotherapy Affects Mental Well-Being

Beyond the Physical: How Physiotherapy Affects Mental Well-Being


When people are asked to imagine physiotherapy, they think of physical rehabilitation involving exercises, stretches, and manual therapy. While these are undoubtedly the defining aspects, engaging in physiotherapy can also lead to benefits in your psychological well-being and overall quality of life, leaving you feeling better both mentally and physically. In this blog, we will cover the lesser-known benefits of physiotherapy on your mental health.

1. Increased Self-confidence and empowerment

In physiotherapy, we aim to give patients the tools and knowledge to manage their injury or condition. Living with an impairment can have negative effects on one’s self-esteem, but progressing through rehabilitation and achieving milestones is an empowering journey. The ability to witness yourself making improvements and regaining your function and abilities is a huge boost to confidence and can lead to improvements in mental well-being.

2. Mindfulness and the mind body awareness


Physiotherapy encourages patients to connect with their bodies and understand the changes happening to it. Through exercises, individuals develop increased awareness of how their bodies feel and how to move their bodies. This awareness is a type of mindfulness, which means being present and acknowledging sensations, thoughts, and feelings.  The benefits of practicing mindfulness can extend beyond each physiotherapy session, and reduce improve your mental resilience.

3. Physiotherapy to help Manage Pain

Pain, especially if chronic, can have incredibly negative effects on our mental health. In fact, chronic pain and disability is highly associated with an increased risk of anxiety and mood disorders. Physiotherapy uses techniques such as therapeutic exercise, manual therapy, and other modalities to alleviate pain. Thus, through physiotherapy’s effect on pain relief and management and restoration of function it can help individuals achieve a greater quality of life and improved mental health.

4. Management of and decreased stress

Physiotherapy techniques can release tension and encourage relaxation and the development of a personalized exercise program can lead to many benefits.  Physical activity is known to be an effective stress reliever, and engaging in a regular program can create beneficial effects such as triggering the production of endorphins and providing a mood boost. Physiotherapists may also incorporate breathing techniques, meditation and mindfulness, and relaxation training into the program to further enhance stress management.

5. Physiotherapy improves cognitive functioning


Research has shown a link positive link between exercise and cognitive function such as attention, memory, and more. Thus, regular participation in physical therapy which includes a consistent exercise program can improve the brain’s abilities and lead to a positive impact on mental health and well-being.


Need some help?

In conclusion, the connection between the mind and body is a real and powerful tool to take advantage of during physiotherapy to create improvements in mental health, self-esteem, stress and pain management, and more. Physiotherapy aims to contribute to holistic healing and can impact multiple aspects of an individual’s life in an effort to create the best health outcomes possible.

If you are experiencing stress, pain or dysfunction from an injury or condition, rest assured that there is help book. We have many experienced Registered Physiotherapists at PhysioNow who would love to help you out. Book with us at PhysioNow today for your initial assessment and treatment.


Aquafit: Dive into a fun workout!

Aquafit: Dive Into a Fun Workout!



Trying to get in shape but joint pain is holding you back? Are you looking for a new and exciting way to start exercising? Look no further than aquafit! Aquafit, also known as hydrotherapy, or aqua therapy is a workout done in the water to increase fitness and strength. In this article, we will talk about the top 4 benefits of aquafit and how it can be used by our physiotherapy patients.

1. Low-impact, big results

The biggest benefit of that it is very gentle on the joints, minimizing the stress and impact on vulnerable tissues. You may find that higher-impact activities like step classes, running or jumping are hard on your knees, hips, back or ankles. Instead, the water unweights you during exercises and allows you to get the benefits of exercise without risking further injury or pain. This makes aquafit a very popular choice for people that have pain or difficulty holding themselves up including individuals with neurological disorders, arthritis, and other injuries.

2. Aquafit is suitable for all ages and fitness levels

Aquafit provides a full body workout that can be adapted to suit individual abilities very easily. Exercises in the pool can be modified by standing in shallower or deeper water. This will provide more or less resistance or support to a movement.  Most locations offer equipment such as water dumbbells which vary in weight to provide a suitable challenge no matter what. Some classes may be led by a capable instructor, while others may be open time and allow you to go at your own pace.




3. Cardiovascular conditioning

Most aquafit exercises are dynamic and involve constant movement and will get your heart pumping. The water provides resistance to these movements creating a great challenge for the muscles and the heart. Exercises include moving through the water in many different ways including walking, jogging, jumping, and bringing the arms and legs through different patterns. If you struggle with high impact activities but still want to stay active, aquafit may be the solution for you!

4. Social support and well-being through Aquafit

Aquafit Weights

Aquafit Weights

Aquafit classes and times offer a great, inclusive environment where individuals may be able to meet others with similar experiences. Additionally, participating in group sessions can be a huge motivator towards fitness and rehabilitation. Additionally they can increase your enjoyment of the exercises. Having the support of like-minded individuals and the positive effects of exercise have beneficial effects on mental health, resilience and stress.

Overall, aquafit is a fantastic alternative to traditional exercise that combines the therapeutic effects of with an exciting exercise routine. It’s beginner-friendly and low-impact nature makes it a great choice for individuals new to exercise. Also to those recovering from an injury or chronic issue. Before starting a new exercise program, it is always best to consult with a qualified health professional such as a physiotherapist, especially if you have any medical conditions or injures to ensure that this exercise is right for you.

Whether you are starting your fitness journey, managing a chronic condition, or need help with pain or recovering from an injury, please contact us at PhysioNow for a consultation with a Registered Physiotherapist. Our team is excited to help you on your journey!

5 reasons you might need walking aids

Why do you need a walking aid?

Quality of life

Elderly man independent in walking

Restricted and reduced ability to walk and perform your daily chores can impact your quality of life. Walking aids are devices designed to help people walk and can be used by individuals of any age. As a result, this improves your quality of life by making you independent and confident. Here are some reasons that will indicate you need walking aids.

  1. difficulties walking whether it’s due to pain.
  2. frequent falls or fear of falling.
  3. tiring quickly.
  4. decreased balance.
  5. difficulty putting weight on a body part, post-surgery, or any other reason.

What types of walking aids are available?

The categories of walking aids include crutches, canes, and walkers, and has their own pros and cons. Below are general overviews of the most common types of walking aids.

  1. crutches, often prescribed to individuals following an injury or surgery to the lower body. They are usually used on both sides of the body but can be used on just one side. The benefits of crutches include complete non-weight bearing on the injured leg, can be used on stairs, and lastly near to normal walking speed can be achieved.  However, it needs good upper body strength, cannot use for longer distances and must have a higher level of balance.

    Walking Aids

    Different types of crutches

  2. Canes are used on a single side. Helpful for individuals with minor balance issues or weakness in the legs or body. You can either get a single-point cane or 4 points which provides additional stability. But, on another side, it gives an unstable base of support.

    Types of Canes

  3. Walkers are the most stable type of walking aid. The most common are 2-wheeled walkers and rollator or 4-wheeled walkers. They are good for longer distances and more stable but cannot be used on stairs or smaller occupancies. 

    Types of Walkers 

How to choose a walking aid?

If you think you need a walking aid but are unsure which one is best for you, a physiotherapist can help assess your needs and recommend the right one. An unfitted walking aid or improper use of one can be a safety hazard and increase the risk of a fall.

At PhysioNow, we are a qualified team of Physiotherapists that would love to help you! We do a full assessment which will include your balance, strength, and the way you walk to determine whether need of a gait aid and which one is suitable. Also, provide resources on how to acquire one. Lastly, we will also teach you how to use it in your everyday life including sitting and standing up, walking, and navigating stairs and obstacles with your aid.

Book with us today for an initial assessment and treatment at PhysioNow! Improve your Quality of Life.

What is a chronic low back pain?

What is a Chronic low back pain?

Although commonly used word for being in pain for a long time is ‘Chronic’, I would like to call it ‘Persistent Pain’. Because, the word Chronic seems to have a very negative connotation to it. Also,  It is a general belief that if you have ‘Chronic Pain’, you will have to live with pain forever! If you wish to get more knowledge about persistent pain, please visit this link. https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/Living-with-persistent-pain

Chronic pain, persistent pain, low back

Chronic pain speedometer

Case review of chronic low back pain

Let us take an example here of a person who has had low back pain, for many years. They have had an X-ray and an MRI done which shows some minor degenerative changes. There is no major nerve compression. However, there may be some minor disc bulges which their family doctor mentioned is normal for the age.  As a result, they were advised to go for physiotherapy, which was done for several weeks with minor relief.

Chronic and persistent low back pain

Chronic lower back pain

Also, Chiropractic and Massage therapy was then tried, again with some temporary benefits. Through this Chronic Pain, the family doctor then referred them to see an Orthopedic Surgeon who again advised them to continue physiotherapy and painkillers. This person then went to a pain clinic after hearing about this from a friend, and now goes for Pain injections every 6 weeks.

What is a pain assessment

We see many such patients coming to our clinic – PhysioNow on frequent basis. You might question what different are we going to do from what has been previously done. As a result, what I do know is that appropriate assessment and treatment has not been provided else.

A thorough assessment is first needed to guide any treatment process, and in our clinic we look at the spine segment by segment, to identify the restrictions/ pain generating areas. These restrictions may be in the joint, or even along the pathway of the nerves which as associated with these joints.

Planning the right treatment

Manual therapy is then incorporated to treat the areas of restricted mobility that may be in turn forcing many other areas of your low back (including joints and muscles) to produce compensatory pain. Also, there may be some areas which have more mobility than expected (hypermobile) and need to be stabilized by strengthening the muscles which support these structures.

In conclusion

Overall, manual therapy and exercises (stretch and strengthen as needed) are at the heart of the treatment for our person in question preceded by a meticulous lumbar spine segmental and nerve mobility assessment.

Takeaway Message

If this case study sounds similar to your story, come and speak with us. Let us help you get rid of this Persisting (Not Chronic) Low back Pain. You can book your appointment visiting the link below.



Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition. It is often associated with widespread symptoms including fatigue, pain and sleep disturbances.


Causes and Risk Factors

It is unclear as to what causes fibromyalgia. However, there are some causes which might be increasing your risk of getting fibromyalgia:


You could be ay a higher risk for fibromyalgia if it runs in your family


Emotional or physical stresses have been known to aggravate or cause this condition


Women have been found to be at a higher risk

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia:

The symptoms may vary from individual to individual but, following are some of the commonest symptoms-


One of the commonest symptom is fatigue


Pain that lasts > 3 months and widespread pain at several sites in the body

Sleep disturbances-

 You could have sleep disturbances or non restorative sleep (sleeping for long but not feeling rested)

Reduced exercise tolerance and morning stiffness.

Other symptoms include trouble with concentration/memory. It is also called ‘fibro fog’ or ‘brain fog’. Headaches and depression are also common. It is common to have fluctuations in the symptoms. You may experience pain that may range from a mild discomfort/ache to an unbearable pain.

Although it may mimic more like an arthritis/ bone related pain, it actually comes from the soft tissues. Fibromyalgia can start at any age. However, mostly it is by early to middle adulthood that people start feeling it.


Your doctor will take a detailed history to understand all of your symptoms. There is no definitive test to diagnose this condition. However, the doctors may prescribe you to do other tests like blood work or X-rays to rule out other conditions that show similar symptoms.

How do you treat it?


The treatment is usually focused on relieving the symptoms. For instance, your doctor may prescribe muscle relaxants, pain killers, anti-depressants or sleep medications,


To help relieve pain

Acupuncture: Neck pain

Fibromyalgia. Acupuncture

Cognitive Behavior Therapy-

Cognitive Behavior Therapy can help to reduce stress. Can be individual or group therapy.


A healthy balanced diet is good because it helps to keep your body healthy and keep the energy levels high. 

Massage therapy-

Helps in relaxing the muscles and relieve pain

Activity pacing-

There may be good and bad days in this condition. Thus, it is important to make sure you prioritize your activities for the day. This is helpful in order to reduce excessive fatigue.


Physiotherapy can help to firstly, reduce your pain. Secondly, they can give guidance on modifying activities and finally, prescribe exercises. In addition, aerobic fitness and strengthening exercises  help in this condition.

Physiotherapy Treatment for Low back pain

Physiotherapy for fibromyalgia

How can we help?

Our physiotherapists will take a detailed history followed by a thorough evaluation of all your symptoms and problem areas. Then, they will formulate and discuss a treatment plan for you. Also, we have massage therapists and therapists who do acupuncture. Thus, if you are having fibromyalgia or know anyone who needs help with the same, contact us today at PhysioNow!