Tag Archives: Applewood PhysioNow

What is arthritis?

What is arthritis?


The medical and rehabilitation world uses the term ‘arthritis’ all the time.  However, what exactly does it mean to have this condition?  Simply put, arthritis refers to painful joints or joint disease.  However, this is a very simplistic definition of the term.  More specifically, there are over 100 different types of this condition.  Arthritis affects millions of people around the world, including men and women and people of all ages and ethnicities.  Additionally, because it affects the joints of the body, it is a leading cause of disability and affects a lot of the most basic day to day tasks.  Individuals who have severe forms of the disease have a significant loss in their quality of life.

What are some important statistics?

A good resource for information on arthritis is the Arthritis Society website.  According to their website, about 6 million people across Canada have arthritis.  That works out to about 1 in 5 people.  The impact of this condition on a person’s life can be substantial:

  • Someone with arthritis is 4 times more likely to feel that their health is not good
  • Suffering with arthritis may make someone 2 times as likely to suffer from mental health concerns
  • 40% of those with arthritis have pain that affects their ability to participate in activities
  • Those with arthritis are 5 times more likely to struggle with their mobility
  • Having arthritis may make someone two times as likely to be out of work

What are the signs and symptoms of arthritis?

The symptoms of this condition will vary depending on the specific diagnosis.  However, in general they include:

  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Stiffness
  • Decreased range of motion

Are there different categories of this condition?

There are so many different types of arthritis and arthritis-related conditions that it would be too hard to describe them all in a single blog.  However, there are two main types: Degenerative and Inflammatory

Degenerative Arthritis

Another term for Degenerative Arthritis is Osteoarthritis (OA).  Furthermore, according to the Arthritis Society of Canada, osteoarthritis is the most common type.  Consequently, it affects more people in Canada than all the other forms of the disease combined.

  • Osteoarthritis is commonly described using the term ‘wear-and-tear’
  • However, the Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) more recently defined it as the body’s inability to properly repair damaged joint tissues.
  • The damage to the joints can develop from changes related to aging or from injuries.
  • Osteoarthritis damages the cartilage covering the joint surfaces.
    • Cartilage is a tough elastic material that covers and protects the ends of bones.
    • Severe damage to the cartilage leads to exposure of the boney surfaces
    • This creates pain, stiffness and reduced range of motion.
  • The most commonly affected joints are the knees, hips, hands and spine

What are some risk factors for osteoarthritis?

There are some factors that contribute to the development of OA including:

    • Age
    • Obesity
    • Sex
    • Occupation
    • Participation in certain sports
    • History of joint injury or surgery
    • Genetics

Inflammatory Arthritis

  • Inflammatory arthritis includes every other form of arthritis except osteoarthritis.
  • This category of the condition is very different from osteoarthritis because the joint damage comes from the process of inflammation.
  • In most cases, the inflammation is caused by an autoimmune disease, which is when the immune system mistakenly attacks the normal tissues of the body.
  • More specifically for inflammatory arthritis, the immune system attacks the joint tissues.
  • The inflammation can result in pain, stiffness, restricted mobility, fatigue and damage to joints and other tissues.
  • Furthermore, the damage can change the shape of the joints and deformities can develop.
  • Some forms of inflammatory arthritis are considered systemic because they can affect the whole body.

What are some common types of inflammatory arthritis?

    • Rheumatoid arthritis
    • Ankylosing spondylitis
    • Psoriatic arthritis
    • Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
    • Lupus
    • Gout

How is this condition diagnosed?

  • The diagnosis of arthritis is made using symptom presentations and physical examinations
  • Some doctors may order an X-ray to visualize the potential damage of a joint
  • It is important to understand that quite often the symptoms of osteoarthritis do not always match what is shown on x-rays.
    • For example, the x-ray may show significant joint changes but the symptoms may not be severe
    • However, the reverse may also be true
  • A medical history and physical examinations are required to diagnose inflammatory arthritis
    • Unlike with osteoarthritis, inflammatory arthritis usually requires diagnostic tests such as blood tests and x-rays to confirm the diagnosis

What are the treatment options for osteoarthritis?

Unfortunately, osteoarthritis creates irreversible joint changes.  However, the good news is that the symptoms can be relieved or significantly improved with several management strategies.  Specifically, the main goal of any treatment is to manage pain and improve function instead of curing the condition.


    • Medication is usually required on an as-needed basis when symptoms come and go
    • For people who have more severe or constant symptoms, medications may have to be used daily to manage the symptoms, especially for inflammatory conditions


  • Physiotherapy is a form of rehabilitation that helps to decrease pain, increase range of motion and improve strength and function
  • The Registered Physiotherapists at PhysioNow will use a wide range of treatment techniques to help improve a patient’s condition
  • More specifically, physiotherapy treatment at PhysioNow may include the following types of treatments:
    • Modalities to help manage pain and inflammation
      • Examples may include interferential current (IFC), ultrasound, laser and acupuncture
    • Manual techniques to reduce tissue and joint stiffness
      • At PhysioNow, the physiotherapists have expertise in soft tissue work, joint mobilizations and stretching techniques that will help alleviate pain and stiffness
    • Exercises that will help improve flexibility and overall strength of the affected areas
      • The exercises prescribed by our therapists will help our patients regain their strength and function and get back to doing the important things in life
      • A lot of elderly patients with arthritis conditions may stop being active and lose their strength and overall function
      • This will place them at increased risk of falling, which can cause serious injury
      • The physiotherapists at PhysioNow can implement a Falls Prevention Program that will help rebuild strength, endurance and reduce the risk of falls
    • Education to help the patient manage their symptoms at home and continue with their activity



  • The most common types of surgical procedures are total joint replacements, especially for the hip and knee
  • More specifically, joint replacement surgery involves removing the damaged joint and replacing it with a prosthesis.
  • However, the first line of defense should always be conservative treatments such as medication and physiotherapy
  • Surgery is considered when there is no response to conservative treatments

What are the treatment options for inflammatory arthritis?

  • Medications are a large part of the treatment for inflammatory arthritis as well
  • The medications are dependent on the specific diagnosis, but their overall aim is to control the inflammation that is causing the joint damage
  • The different classes of medications available for treatment of the various conditions include:
    • Biologic
    • Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drug (DMARD)
    • Corticosteroids
  • Additionally, inflammatory arthritis also results in pain, joint stiffness and loss of function
  • Similar to osteoarthritis, a Registered Physiotherapist can help develop a treatment plan that will help address these issues and improve patients’ quality of life
  • More specifically, movement and exercise is an important part of managing inflammatory arthritis

To sum up, leaving arthritis untreated can have debilitating effects on your quality of life.  More specifically, people will live their life with pain, limited strength and mobility as a result.  Therefore, to prevent the loss of your quality of life, it is important to get help with management as soon as possible.  Start your recovery with the experts at PhysioNow.  Call PhysioNow today to book your appointment with a Registered Physiotherapist!




Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition. It is often associated with widespread symptoms including fatigue, pain and sleep disturbances.


Causes and Risk Factors

It is unclear as to what causes fibromyalgia. However, there are some causes which might be increasing your risk of getting fibromyalgia:


You could be ay a higher risk for fibromyalgia if it runs in your family


Emotional or physical stresses have been known to aggravate or cause this condition


Women have been found to be at a higher risk

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia:

The symptoms may vary from individual to individual but, following are some of the commonest symptoms-


One of the commonest symptom is fatigue


Pain that lasts > 3 months and widespread pain at several sites in the body

Sleep disturbances-

 You could have sleep disturbances or non restorative sleep (sleeping for long but not feeling rested)

Reduced exercise tolerance and morning stiffness.

Other symptoms include trouble with concentration/memory. It is also called ‘fibro fog’ or ‘brain fog’. Headaches and depression are also common. It is common to have fluctuations in the symptoms. You may experience pain that may range from a mild discomfort/ache to an unbearable pain.

Although it may mimic more like an arthritis/ bone related pain, it actually comes from the soft tissues. Fibromyalgia can start at any age. However, mostly it is by early to middle adulthood that people start feeling it.


Your doctor will take a detailed history to understand all of your symptoms. There is no definitive test to diagnose this condition. However, the doctors may prescribe you to do other tests like blood work or X-rays to rule out other conditions that show similar symptoms.

How do you treat it?


The treatment is usually focused on relieving the symptoms. For instance, your doctor may prescribe muscle relaxants, pain killers, anti-depressants or sleep medications,


To help relieve pain

Acupuncture: Neck pain

Fibromyalgia. Acupuncture

Cognitive Behavior Therapy-

Cognitive Behavior Therapy can help to reduce stress. Can be individual or group therapy.


A healthy balanced diet is good because it helps to keep your body healthy and keep the energy levels high. 

Massage therapy-

Helps in relaxing the muscles and relieve pain

Activity pacing-

There may be good and bad days in this condition. Thus, it is important to make sure you prioritize your activities for the day. This is helpful in order to reduce excessive fatigue.


Physiotherapy can help to firstly, reduce your pain. Secondly, they can give guidance on modifying activities and finally, prescribe exercises. In addition, aerobic fitness and strengthening exercises  help in this condition.

Physiotherapy Treatment for Low back pain

Physiotherapy for fibromyalgia

How can we help?

Our physiotherapists will take a detailed history followed by a thorough evaluation of all your symptoms and problem areas. Then, they will formulate and discuss a treatment plan for you. Also, we have massage therapists and therapists who do acupuncture. Thus, if you are having fibromyalgia or know anyone who needs help with the same, contact us today at PhysioNow!



Did you know that current research suggests 80% individuals will experience back pain at some time in their lives? There are several causes that can lead to back pain-degenerative changes, herniated discs, poor posture, pulled/torn muscle /ligament around the spine, kidney stones or many other pathological causes. Of all these various causes, there is one thing that can be controlled and taken care of by you-POSTURE!



Any position that places our spine in unnatural curves (most often a C shape) instead of the normal S shape curve is a poor posture (see picture below). S shaped curve allows for equal weight distribution as well as flexibility of the spine. Poor posture is known to affect not just the spine but also the surrounding ligaments and muscles. Prolonged poor postures lead to a lot of pressure on these surrounding tissues thus increasing the damage and pain.

Posture. Physiotherapy Mississauga



Improper workstation design :

Could be a wrong chair, monitor height or distance of yourself and the monitor. Lack of enough breaks specially in a desk job also contribute to poor posture in the long run.

Repetitive movements/postures as a part of work/occupation:

Bending repeatedly and working.


Current technology has made people to bend down and look into their electronic devices for several hours every day. High heels, sitting with the wallet in the back pocket and heavy bags/purses also lead to malalignment of the spine.

Muscle imbalance:

Due to certain sports that we play or our basic posture leading to weakness in some groups and tightness in others thus affecting the curve.

Poor core stability and strength


As age advances, it leads to lesser flexibility and strength. If we keep thinking that doing exercises will cause more discomfort than what we currently have, the muscles become weaker and weaker and without enough muscle strength, the spine cannot stand erect


The habit of poor posture is very difficult to change like sitting slouched on a couch for several hours or just slouch sitting or standing in day to day activities. Sure, everyone loves to sit in a relaxed position but, if you do not make the effort of trying to change it, it will keep creating more and more problems for the body.



Since childhood we have been asked to sit straight or stand tall and not slouch. Mostly everyone did that as a compulsion and rather grudgingly. However, it has many important reasons instead of it just being better for our appearance!

Back pain:

That is the most obvious one! Poor posture leads to stretching of the muscles of the back and the surrounding structures thus making them weak which in turn reduces the support it gives to the spine – taking us back to poor posture! As it becomes more of a chronic habit, you then have to take care of your posture and make your muscles stronger as well.

Neck pain, headaches and jaw pain:

Sometimes when there is no trauma or injury to your jaw and it starts clicking, popping, paining or going into spasm. There is a possibility it might be coming due to malalignment of the neck. A forward head posture has been known to cause jaw pain and headaches.

Hip, knee and foot pain:

Yes, the body is a closely connected structure. Any malalignment or change at one point like the foot or knee does affect the spine and leads to pain and vice versa.

Gastrointestinal system problems:

A slouched position/poor posture may compress the internal organs of the abdomen. It also affects the movement of the intestines thus leading to numerous gastrointestinal troubles like acid reflux or constipation. Over time it can also affect the metabolism and the way food is processed in the body.

Psychosocial impact:

In general, a person with a good upright posture seems more approachable and confident compared to the one who is slouching. This in turn leads to less motivation or mood issues in social situations. It has also been known to cause more fatigue and sleep problems as the body has to work harder and spend more energy to maintain itself when it is clearly not aligned well.



  • Avoid prolonged sustained positions. Make sure you take frequent breaks, if possible, try getting up from your chair after every 30-45 minutes .
  • Get into the habit of sitting well- always sit with your buttocks touching the back of the chair. This, in turn, will promote an erect posture and your back will get enough support
  • While you are standing try to distribute your weight evenly on both legs and do not lean on one side.
  • Use a backpack instead of a one sided bag if it is heavy so there is equal weight distribution on the shoulders. While sitting remove the wallet from the back pocket
  • Do a chin tuck- if you have a poking chin and rounded shoulders, straighten your upper back and do a chin tuck and repeat it 10 times. You should also stretch your chest muscles if you have rounded shoulders
  • If you have to use the phone for a long time, try holding it with your hand. You can also use a hands-free device instead of cradling it with your shoulder



Physiotherapists can help you by assessing exactly where your problem begins and then helping you to understand and modify habits that lead to bad posture. There are also various other treatments like manual therapy, taping and exercises that are aimed at stretching the tight muscles and strengthening the weaker muscles around the spine. They can also advice you regarding your work station modifications, if required.



If you or anyone you know has posture related aches and pains or wants to get an assessment done to find out more about how you can improve your posture, call us today for an appointment!



Neck related dizziness

Neck related dizziness

Neck related or cervicogenic dizziness is one of the common causes of dizziness and affects 45-80% population. However, while treating the symptoms of being dizzy/light-headed, this diagnosis is commonly missed.

How can it come from the neck?

Nerves from the upper part of the neck connect with the vestibular system(area of the brain responsible for balance). As a result, any injury or impairment in the upper neck like car accident (whiplash), abnormal posture or any inflammatory condition could eventually lead to disturbance in the vestibular system. This, in turn, leads to dizziness.

How to know if your dizziness is related to your neck?

  • If you are experiencing lightheadedness, unsteadiness, feeling imbalanced and above all, feeling like your external environment is spinning
  • Moreover, if your symptoms comes with moving the head quickly in any direction, during sitting or standing up
  • Further, if you are experiencing headache and neck pain
  • In addition, you have a history of neck injury due to a car accident or neck pain due to abnormal posture


There is no specific test with good evidence for cervicogenic dizziness. However,  there are tests that will help you rule out other causes of dizziness. This, in turn will help in concluding that cervical spine is the cause for your symptoms.

How could physiotherapy help you with dizziness?

First of all, there will be a comprehensive assessment of your symptoms. Then, the physiotherapist designs a treatment plan incorporating manual therapy , exercises, education and other modalities like acupuncture. Consequently, it will help treat the neck as well as the vestibular system.

Physiotherapy Treatment Etobicoke

Neck related dizziness


Cervicogenic dizziness usually has good prognosis. It usually resolves with the treatment of neck and the vestibular system. About 75% of patients have reported significant improvement in their symptoms.

Are you experiencing any of these symptoms? Our Vestibular physiotherapists specialize in treating this. Book an appointment today at one of our clinics! We will do an assessment and help you get better.

Physiotherapy Mississauga

Physiotherapy Mississauga

Why choose PhysioNow for Physiotherapy Mississauga?

• Over 16 years of providing top rated Physiotherapy Mississauga
There are 4 convenient locations- Erin Mills, Applewood, Lorne Park and Long Branch

• Awards/nominations? PhysioNow: nominated for a Top Choice Award in 2020.

• A team of highly qualified physiotherapists and massage therapists

All of our physiotherapists and massage therapists have several years of experience in their field and are registered in good standing with the College of Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy.

• Services we offer

Services are provided for all ages and for a variety of conditions. For instance,  our therapists are specialized in several areas including manual therapy, acupuncture, vestibular rehabilitation, concussion , sports injuries, pelvic health and soft tissue techniques.

Physiotherapy Mississauga

Lower Back Pain Treatments

Physiotherapy Mississauga

Donjoy Defiance ACL Repair Brace

Physiotherapy Mississauga

Return To Sport After ACL Ligament Repair

In addition, we  do custom orthotics and braces.  For your convenience, we are currently also offering our physiotherapy services virtually .

• Direct billing available

In addition, Direct billing is available to most of the insurance companies so it is convenient for you.  For instance, we also deal with third party insurers like MVA and WSIB.

• Flexible hours and free parking available

Above all, we are open for extended hours ( ) to help you at a time that is best for you.

What to expect at Physiotherapy Mississauga?

First, you have an assessment with our physiotherapist.  They will do a full check up of the problem area .

Next, the physiotherapist will then prescribe a treatment plan especially for you.

Further, they can also help you understand more about your condition.

We will answer your questions .

Lastly, changes may be made  in your daily routine.

As a result, this will  help you to get better faster.

COVID considerations: We take excellent precautions!


• Providing a face mask and use of 70% alcohol hand sanitizer for each patient upon arrival into the clinic

• Installation of sneeze guards at the front desk

• In addition, Sanitization of treatment beds after before each patient use

• Disinfecting commonly touched surfaces between every patient

• Switching out pillowcases with each patient use

• All staff will wear a gown and mask and wash hands between each patient contact

  • Social distancing throughout the clinic.
  • Lastly, no visitors are sitting in reception

If you are in need of Physiotherapy or Massage Therapy, Contact PhysioNow today.