Tag Archives: Applewood Sports & Physiotherapy Ltd

Work from home

Work from Home?

Work from Home? Be active from home too!

With changing times , continuing  to work from home  seems very appealing. But is it really safe for your body? Excessive sitting behaviour has increased more than ever since Covid times in the comfort of your home. This increases the risk of Low back and upper back pain, wrist pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches and other overuse injuries.

How many breaks do you take from your chair? Are you using a chair while you work from home?

At Physio Now it’s our mission to help you get more active and also guide you with ergonomics for Work from home.

5 simple things you could do to stay more active and maintain a good posture during your work hours:


1- Opt for Sit to Stand desk– this helps you switch positions and doesn’t load your joints for too long.  In addition, it also improves alertness and productivity. You can consider asking your supervisor for investing in an ergonomic chair or adjustable table. We could help the process by writing a letter for the same after assessing your injuries.

2- Put timers to stretch every hour- this will help you stay on track even if you get very busy with work, again making sure to redistribute the load on your joints thus preventing injuries.

3- Learn some basic Postural exercises from your Physiotherapist at Physio Now. This will keep you in a good posture enabling reduced tightness in your muscles

4- Keep the documents/files required for your day’s meeting around the house so as and when you need it will keep you moving.

5- Opt for a separate keyboard if you use a laptop and an ergonomic mouse- these will help prevent neck, wrist and elbow injuries.

Work from home

Sitting posture

Work from home is so much more common now because of the pandemic.  We at Physio Now are focused on Postural Assessment and Treatment. This includes stretching and strengthening exercises, endurance training for postural muscles, Manual therapy for sore muscles and stiff joints, electrotherapy for pain relief, tapping, cupping and acupuncture.

Book a consultation at PhysioNOW

If you are interested in learning about more postural tips, check out this site: https://www.spineuniverse.com/wellness/body-mechanics/heads-posture-dont-slouch

Migraine Management


What is Migraine and how does it feel?

Migraine is type of headache which radiates to jaw, eyes, one of face and neck and shoulder sometimes. It can cause throbbing and severe sensations on your one side of face including jaw and eyes and forehead. Sometimes, it is accompanied by other symptoms like pressure in back of head, pulsating sensation on face, sensitive to noise, light, nausea and vomiting. Migraine management is of utmost important from the time you start experiencing it.



Migraine attacks are long lasting depending on the patient. It can vary from hours to days. Sometimes, it is severe enough to interfere in your daily life and work life.

Sign and symptoms:

  • Pressure/tension in different area of head, usually in back of the head
  • Difficulty in Concentration
  • Nausea and sometimes accompanied by fever
  • Vomiting
  • Sensitive to noise
  • Sensitive to lights
  • Flashes on face
  • Visual disturbance like blind spot or flashes of lights
  • Usually chewing disturbance when jaw is involved
  • Tingling and numbness o face
  • Mood changes
  • Diarrhea

What is Aura?

Migraine starts from some basic symptoms slowly about 15-20 minutes and then lasts for days. However. it usually involves the nervous symptoms first and one after another involves other systems like vision, jaw and teeth, shoulder and neck. Also, starts having visual disturbance like sensitive to screen, wet eye, etc.
– Lock jaw means difficulty in opening jaw
– Sleep disturbance
– Reduce range of motion in neck
– Pressure on back of head
– Ringing in ears
– Feels heavy arms and shoulder

How it starts?

Migraine usually starts with aura and then gets symptoms more severe. It usually begins with dull pain and radiates to face or head and become severe. It gets worse with physical activities. Majority of people usually has nausea, vomiting, fever and mild headache. Migraine can last from 3-5 hours to 3-4 days. It is very common to get migraine stacks once every week or 2-3 times every month.



There is not any specific cause for migraine. Migraine headache is one of the symptoms. However,  there are some risk factors which could impact migraine like,
– Posture
– Stressful environment
– Sleep disorder
– Desk worker
– Sex: women tend to have more episodes of migraine than men
– Family history: person who has family history of migraine, they are more prone to have migraine attacks.
– Medical conditions such as anxiety, depression, sleep disorder
– Skipping meals
– Caffeine
– Hormonal changes like menopause, menstrual cycle
– after heavy and strenuous physical activities
– change in weather
– Cervical spine derangement


Following are some common types of migraine. Most of them starts with its Aura.
Tension migraine: Person who has stiff neck and cervical spine derangement could have tension migraine. Sometimes it radiates to neck or mid back.

Menstrual Migraine: It triggers when female is having her menstrual cycle.

Vestibular migraine: Patient has ringing in ear, loss of balance, dizziness while change in positions. Also, patient feels nausea, vomiting, lethargy.

Ophthalmic migraine: In this type of migraine, mostly, accompanied with temporary loss or disturbed vision, wet eyes, concentration disturbance and sensitive to screen.

To know in details about migraines and its type visit this link https://www.webmd.com/migraines-headaches/migraines-headaches-migraines

Migraine management?

There are some researches on migraine management as its cause varies patient to patient. However, based on patient’s symptoms, Physiotherapist will recommend line of treatment. Also, Physiotherapist help you to assess your posture thoroughly and provide relevant treatment. Following are some basic advice or line of treatment for migraine:

Exercises for migraine management:

  • Firstly, posture correction: Try to sit upright and avoid forward head posture. As a result,  your brain gets enough blood supply for its functions and gets less fatigue. Also, Work on your neck and thoracic spine muscles to keep your posture upright. However, strengthening and stretching exercises for back paraspinals will help maintain proper posture. Try to avoid forward head posture and keep your neck and neutral and straight position. Try to use back support and ergonomic chair to keep your posture straight.
  • Secondly, eye exercise: Working on desktop most of the time of the day makes our eye muscles weak. Contact your physiotherapist for better assessment and figure it out which exercise will make your eyes healthier.
  • Lastly, sleeping position: Most of the episode of migraine starts since patient wakes up in the morning. One of the causes would be neck position while sleeping.
    Therefore, contact your physiotherapist for better advice on your sleeping posture and sleeping pillow.

Home-education for migraine management:

  • Most importantly, manage your screening time. IT profession and one who work on desk mostly, they have to manage their screen time and break time. Try to take few minutes break every 3-4 hours to give relaxation to your eyes and brain. Also, Keep your work station ergonomically correct which will enhance your productivity for your work.
  • Moreover, try to take 7-8 hours deep sleep. It will provide relaxation to your brain and makes it ready next day to work again with best capacity.
  • Lastly, also avoid skipping your meal. Try to have your all meals on time. Because our body needs carbohydrates on regular time for better work. Our body has set up its biological cycle to have source of energy. If you skip meals, brain starts to get tired easily and begins sign and symptoms of migraine.

In conclusion, if you have a long history of migraines, seek help of highly skilled physiotherapist at PhysioNow. Book your appointment today.



What is pelvic pain and pelvic floor dysfunction?

There are a number of conditions which cause pain and pelvic floor dysfunction. We have discussed a few of those conditions here today. Fortunately most of the conditions are treated with physiotherapy interventions.

Pelvic area

Pelvic pain and dysfunction

Common conditions related with internal pelvic structures:

Provoked vestibulodynia: In this your pelvic area is very sensitive to touch or pressure. You will feel pain with

  • light touch,
  • pressure,
  • inserting tampons,
  • wearing tight pants or
  • intercourse.
  • urinary urgency

Vaginismus: You feel difficulty and/or pain with vaginal penetration. This will lead to avoidance of sexual activity or internal pelvic examination.

Bladder pain syndrome: You feel pain and pressure with urge to urinate at any time. You will get an increased urge to urinate. Symptoms usually starts with bladder infection.

Dysmenorrhea: You will feel painful cramps with mensuration. It affects about 90% of the women. This could include pelvic adhesions, pelvic inflammatory disease and cervical stenosis.

pelvic pain

Pelvic pain

Conditions related to activities and damage to structures:

Dyspareunia: It is pain with sexual intercourse. Damage to the structures like:

  • episiotomy,
  • tears,
  • reduced mobility of cervix or soft tissues,
  • bladder pain,
  • overactive  muscles and
  • inflammation

Coccyx pain:  It is the pain in tail bone are with sitting, sit to stand, sexual activity, or with bowel movements. Usually caused by any trauma, inflammation or muscle imbalance.

Conditions involving neurological structures:

Pudendal Neuralgia: There is pain and numbness in the area supplied by nerve from anus to penis or clitoris. You will feel pain with sitting, fecal and urinary incontinence.  There are other underlying conditions that can restrict your pelvic mobility. This leads to compression of your pudendal nerve.

Male pelvic pain issues:

Certain conditions such as dysfunction of pelvic muscles, non-bacterial inflammation of prostate, Pudendal neuralgia, anal fissures, Coccydynia, bladder pain causes pelvic pain in male patients.

If you want more information about the conditions which cause pelvic pain visit this link https://www.onhealth.com/content/1/pelvic_pain_causes

Experiencing any of the above symptoms?

Pelvic floor therapist helps you with thorough assessment and  treatment based on the diagnosis. Educating you about the cause of the pain. Managing with home exercise program.

Pelvic health

Treatment techniques done by pelvic floor physiotherapists:

For vestibulodynia:

Physiotherapy is considered as the first line of treatment for you. Your physio will treat with tissue care, manual techniques for painful points, muscle imbalance,  relaxation techniques. You will learn to avoid wearing tight clothes and diet modification.

For Dyspareunia:

Relaxation techniques along with dilator insertion helps to relieve tension in the vaginal area. Pelvic therapist will  releases scar tissue in the vaginal area which reduces pain. Soft tissue techniques improves the mobility of the cervix and scar tissue.

Bladder pain syndrome:  Releasing the tension in pelvic floor muscles and posture correction helps to reduce your symptoms. Incontinence can be treated with pelvic floor muscle training, positioning and certain stretches of the muscles in the pelvic floor area.

Vaginismus: Treatment involves stretching of pelvic floor tissues with external and internal techniques, scar mobilization, muscle overactivity with dilators and relaxation techniques.

Dysmenorrhea: Techniques involve breaking the adhesions in the pelvic floor area and release the narrowing in the cervix.

Techniques to help to reduce your pain:

  • Relaxation techniques,
  • stretches,
  • soft tissue release

Injury with any activity:

Pudendal neuralgia: Your Physio will treat you with nerve release, stretches, and posture correction. Sensory re-education to reduce the numbness in the pudendal nerve supply.

Coccyx pain: Treatment involves pelvic floor relaxation techniques,  mobilization of coccyx. We will mobilize it internally and externally. Proper positioning with cushion, exercises to improve the mobility  helps to reduce the pain the coccyx.

Male pelvic pain: Treatment includes release of pelvic floor muscles to ease up the pain. We will treat you with stretches, positioning, mobilization, relaxation.


If you notice any of the above symptoms, it’s important to consult your pelvic floor physiotherapist. You can reduce the risk of complications by taking early treatment.. Book a consultation at PhysioNOW with a Registered Physiotherapist today.


Neck related dizziness

Neck related dizziness

Neck related or cervicogenic dizziness is one of the common causes of dizziness and affects 45-80% population. However, while treating the symptoms of being dizzy/light-headed, this diagnosis is commonly missed.

How can it come from the neck?

Nerves from the upper part of the neck connect with the vestibular system(area of the brain responsible for balance). As a result, any injury or impairment in the upper neck like car accident (whiplash), abnormal posture or any inflammatory condition could eventually lead to disturbance in the vestibular system. This, in turn, leads to dizziness.

How to know if your dizziness is related to your neck?

  • If you are experiencing lightheadedness, unsteadiness, feeling imbalanced and above all, feeling like your external environment is spinning
  • Moreover, if your symptoms comes with moving the head quickly in any direction, during sitting or standing up
  • Further, if you are experiencing headache and neck pain
  • In addition, you have a history of neck injury due to a car accident or neck pain due to abnormal posture


There is no specific test with good evidence for cervicogenic dizziness. However,  there are tests that will help you rule out other causes of dizziness. This, in turn will help in concluding that cervical spine is the cause for your symptoms.

How could physiotherapy help you with dizziness?

First of all, there will be a comprehensive assessment of your symptoms. Then, the physiotherapist designs a treatment plan incorporating manual therapy , exercises, education and other modalities like acupuncture. Consequently, it will help treat the neck as well as the vestibular system.

Physiotherapy Treatment Etobicoke

Neck related dizziness


Cervicogenic dizziness usually has good prognosis. It usually resolves with the treatment of neck and the vestibular system. About 75% of patients have reported significant improvement in their symptoms.

Are you experiencing any of these symptoms? Our Vestibular physiotherapists specialize in treating this. Book an appointment today at one of our clinics! We will do an assessment and help you get better.

Physiotherapy Mississauga

Physiotherapy Mississauga

Why choose PhysioNow for Physiotherapy Mississauga?

• Over 16 years of providing top rated Physiotherapy Mississauga
There are 4 convenient locations- Erin Mills, Applewood, Lorne Park and Long Branch

• Awards/nominations? PhysioNow: nominated for a Top Choice Award in 2020.

• A team of highly qualified physiotherapists and massage therapists

All of our physiotherapists and massage therapists have several years of experience in their field and are registered in good standing with the College of Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy.

• Services we offer

Services are provided for all ages and for a variety of conditions. For instance,  our therapists are specialized in several areas including manual therapy, acupuncture, vestibular rehabilitation, concussion , sports injuries, pelvic health and soft tissue techniques.

Physiotherapy Mississauga

Lower Back Pain Treatments

Physiotherapy Mississauga

Donjoy Defiance ACL Repair Brace

Physiotherapy Mississauga

Return To Sport After ACL Ligament Repair

In addition, we  do custom orthotics and braces.  For your convenience, we are currently also offering our physiotherapy services virtually .

• Direct billing available

In addition, Direct billing is available to most of the insurance companies so it is convenient for you.  For instance, we also deal with third party insurers like MVA and WSIB.

• Flexible hours and free parking available

Above all, we are open for extended hours ( ) to help you at a time that is best for you.

What to expect at Physiotherapy Mississauga?

First, you have an assessment with our physiotherapist.  They will do a full check up of the problem area .

Next, the physiotherapist will then prescribe a treatment plan especially for you.

Further, they can also help you understand more about your condition.

We will answer your questions .

Lastly, changes may be made  in your daily routine.

As a result, this will  help you to get better faster.

COVID considerations: We take excellent precautions!


• Providing a face mask and use of 70% alcohol hand sanitizer for each patient upon arrival into the clinic

• Installation of sneeze guards at the front desk

• In addition, Sanitization of treatment beds after before each patient use

• Disinfecting commonly touched surfaces between every patient

• Switching out pillowcases with each patient use

• All staff will wear a gown and mask and wash hands between each patient contact

  • Social distancing throughout the clinic.
  • Lastly, no visitors are sitting in reception

If you are in need of Physiotherapy or Massage Therapy, Contact PhysioNow today.