Tag Archives: physiotherapy mississauga

Tennis Elbow Treatment

Tennis Elbow Treatment

Tennis Elbow Treatment

Tennis elbow is most often the result of repetitive activities involving the wrist and/or hand. Excessive use of the wrist/hand can lead to increased stress on the muscles of the forearm. This causes damage to the muscle tendon. Since many muscles of the forearm come from just above the elbow, small tears of the muscle tendon are felt as pain on the outside of the elbow. The resulting pain and discomfort may be felt with everyday activities such as carrying groceries or lifting a jug of milk. The pain may also restrict various work-related tasks and hobbies. Grip strength is often much weaker on the painful side. As the name suggests, tennis elbow can also result from playing racquet sports. As the racquet follows-through after hitting the ball, muscles of the back of the forearm work hard trying to slow the racquet down. Over time this can result in damage to the tendons and pain at the elbow.

How can Physiotherapy help?

Tennis elbow treatment includes physiotherapy as a key component. Registered massage therapy aims to relax stressed muscles. A proper stretching program ensures that muscles are the correct length. Deep friction massage is also often used to break up scar tissue at the elbow. Tennis elbow treatment can include ultrasound and other electric modalities to reduce inflammation and pain. Acupuncture may be used as a treatment option for Tennis elbow. All of these tennis elbow treatments act to speed up healing time. Despite the small size of the forearm muscles, strength training is important. This helps build up muscle resistance and prevent re-injury. Therapeutic forearm bands and taping by physiotherapy professionals can also help to unload sore muscles and relieve pain. This allows a fast return to everyday activities. A full physiotherapy assessment also allows us to rule out more serious problems such as fractures, torn ligaments and nerve damage.

Should you be experiencing elbow pain at any point during your everyday activities, contact our team now to arrange a physiotherapy assessment and let us put you on the road to recovery! Tennis elbow treatment can be fairly quick. Pain can be reduced rapidly with the proper tennis elbow treatment.

Low Back Pain : Massage Therapy

Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain: Massage Therapy
As physiotherapists and registered massage therapists we treat low back pain – a lot. It is by far the most common injury that we see. Stats suggest that almost all of us will have back pain at some point in our lives. It is also the most common cause for missed days at work. But what causes low back pain?

Low Back Pain

The lumbar spine is very complex, therefore what causes low back pain cannot be answered easily. It is critical to have the spine assessed by someone who is trained to determine what structure is sore, and more importantly why. I have listed some of the most common causes of low back pain.

Common Causes of Low Back Pain

1. Disc herniation or bulge: The disc is a shock absorbing structure that sits between each vertebrae or bone of the back. The disc has a hard outside ring around a soft jelly middle. It is often compared to a jelly donut. Pain is produced when this jelly is pushed through the firm outer shell causing a bump in the circular shape. Sciatica or pain radiating down the leg is caused if this bulge hits a nerve.

2. Joint Stiffness: Each of the vertebrae have a joint connecting them to the bone above and below. Like many of the other joints of the body – the ankle, the knee – these joints will swell and become irritated if they are stretched too far or too much work is demanded of them.

3. Muscle Spasm: Often to protect the back, the muscles that run beside the spine will go into spasm. The purpose of this is to splint the back to allow the irritated area to rest. However, often the spasm can be much worse and more limiting than the initial low back pain. Massage Therapy can be very effective at releasing the muscle spasm and helping you to decrease pain.

These are just a few of the causes, and there are many more. If you would like to know the reason for your low back pain and perhaps more importantly how to treat it, call for an appointment with a Physiotherapist or Massage Therapist today!

Back pain – Do you need surgery?

Back Pain- do you need surgery?

Back pain is one of the most common injuries that we see at our office! Most pain medications barely touch the pain- they just take the edge off and knock you out. The good news is that back pain is  an injury that can be treated conservatively by a skilled physiotherapist! There are several different sources of back pain with the most common being disc pain due to a disc bulge or herniation. The source of the pain is often simple to diagnose.

Assessment can be completed quickly in one visit and treatment can start the same day. In my experience, more than 75% of patients are fast responders meaning that their symptoms can begin to lessen very quickly after the first visit. The trick to shutting off back pain is to identify the location and angle of the disc injury.  Very simple stretching exercises can then be performed to close down on the injured disc thereby rapidly shutting off the pain.

An experienced physiotherapist can identify the source of your back pain and help you get on the road to recovery.

99% + of patients can avoid surgery by participating in physiotherapy. Call today to book an appointment! We can help! An assessment will take about twenty minutes. The physiotherapist will look at movement patterns of your back. In other words, we try to see which movements make your back pain better and those that make your back pain worse. From that, we can usually figure out the best movements to make your back pain go away quickly. Its really simple if you see a physiotherapist experienced in assessing back pain. It is best if you follow up with your physiotherapist at least twice per week and perhaps three times per week depending on how fast the back pain is changing with treatment. In very short order, you should be back to enjoying all of your normal activities again. Some simple prevention exercises will help to keep you out of trouble. Your physiotherapist can show these to you before your treatment program is complete. Call today to get started!

 Back Pain

Low Back Pain

Headaches : Neck Pain

Headaches : Neck Pain

Have you ever suffered from Headaches : Neck Pain in the past?

Headaches : Neck Pain title=

Have you ever considered that the two might be related? Is it possible that your neck pain might be causing your headaches? It just might be that you are right! If your neck is “stuck” in one place, it can cause muscle spasm and long lasting pain that can shoot right up into your head causing chronic Headaches: Neck Pain.

Check out this link for further information about headaches.

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Is your computer set off to the side so that you have to always look one way to work?
Do you sleep on your tummy? Do you hold the phone between your ear and your shoulder?

All of these can cause problems with your neck! The good news is that a physiotherapist can often help with this problem. Restoring the natural movement in your neck just might solve your headache problems too!

A registered physiotherapist is trained to fully assess your neck movement and look for areas that are not moving properly. Call today to see if your Headaches : Neck Pain can be solved by a physiotherapist. In one visit it is possible to identify if your Headaches : Neck Pain may be related. Treatment starts on the first day. Pain relief may be one visit away!

How Can Registered Physiotherapy Help?

Registered Physiotherapy can help to solve the problem very easily by using gentle machines to reduce the pain from Headaches: Neck Pain. Treatment usually includes some gentle hands on massage and stretching to help your neck to move better again. This comfortably takes the pain away and lets you get back to your life!

The last important part of physiotherapy is to teach you some simple stretches that will help to keep the pain away. As a final step, we talk about how to avoid having the headaches and neck pain come back.
Call PhysioNow today to get started!