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5 reasons you might need walking aids

November 28 | 2022
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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Why do you need a walking aid? Elderly man independent in walking Restricted and reduced ability to walk and perform your daily chores can impact your quality of life. Walking aids are devices designed to help people walk and can be used by individuals of any age. As a result, this improves your quality of life by making you independent and confident. Here are some reasons that will indicate you need walking aids. difficulties walking whether it’s due to pain. frequent falls or fear of falling. tiring quickly. decreased balance. difficulty putting weight on a body part, post-surgery, or any other reason. What types of walking aids are available? The categories of walking aids include crutches, canes, and walkers, and has their own pros and cons. Below are general overviews of the most common types of walking aids. crutches, often prescribed to individuals following an injury…

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What is a chronic low back pain?

September 27 | 2022
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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What is a Chronic low back pain? Although commonly used word for being in pain for a long time is ‘Chronic’, I would like to call it ‘Persistent Pain’. Because, the word Chronic seems to have a very negative connotation to it. Also,  It is a general belief that if you have ‘Chronic Pain’, you will have to live with pain forever! If you wish to get more knowledge about persistent pain, please visit this link. https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/Living-with-persistent-pain Chronic pain speedometer Case review of chronic low back pain Let us take an example here of a person who has had low back pain, for many years. They have had an X-ray and an MRI done which shows some minor degenerative changes. There is no major nerve compression. However, there may be some minor disc bulges which their family doctor mentioned is normal for the age.  As a…

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Pain relief for seniors

July 26 | 2022
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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Pain Relief from Aging It is important for seniors  to stay active to make sure they remain strong and independent through the later years of their life. Many seniors also develop joint and muscle pain as they age and staying active can really help manage these symptoms. Let us discuss about some exercises to get pain relief from aging. However, if you need to know further what are the changes happening to your bones and muscles visit this link. https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/ageing-muscles-bones-and-joints Here are some exercises that seniors can do at home to help with pain relief! Sit to Stand Sit to stand activity  Start by sitting on a firm chair.  Get up from the chair and get into a standing position without using your hands for support.  Stay standing for 2-3 seconds and then slowly lower yourself back into the chair without using your hands.  Repeat this movement…

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Migraine Management

March 25 | 2022
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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  What is Migraine and how does it feel? Migraine is type of headache which radiates to jaw, eyes, one of face and neck and shoulder sometimes. It can cause throbbing and severe sensations on your one side of face including jaw and eyes and forehead. Sometimes, it is accompanied by other symptoms like pressure in back of head, pulsating sensation on face, sensitive to noise, light, nausea and vomiting. Migraine management is of utmost important from the time you start experiencing it. Symptoms: Migraine attacks are long lasting depending on the patient. It can vary from hours to days. Sometimes, it is severe enough to interfere in your daily life and work life. Sign and symptoms: Pressure/tension in different area of head, usually in back of the head Difficulty in Concentration Nausea and sometimes accompanied by fever Vomiting Sensitive to noise Sensitive to lights Flashes on face Visual disturbance…

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December 22 | 2020
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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IS POOR POSTURE THE CAUSE OF YOUR PAIN? Did you know that current research suggests 80% individuals will experience back pain at some time in their lives? There are several causes that can lead to back pain-degenerative changes, herniated discs, poor posture, pulled/torn muscle /ligament around the spine, kidney stones or many other pathological causes. Of all these various causes, there is one thing that can be controlled and taken care of by you-POSTURE!   WHAT EXACTLY IS A POOR POSTURE? Any position that places our spine in unnatural curves (most often a C shape) instead of the normal S shape curve is a poor posture (see picture below). S shaped curve allows for equal weight distribution as well as flexibility of the spine. Poor posture is known to affect not just the spine but also the surrounding ligaments and muscles. Prolonged poor postures lead to a lot of pressure…

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