Tag Archives: Erin Mills PhysioNow

Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga

Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga

Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga

Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga

What leads to shoulder dislocation?Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga can help!

Many people who have had a dislocated shoulder often refer back to the incident as being so sudden. All that they remember is hearing a loud click and the feeling of excruciating pain immediately after the injury. Yes! they could actually feel the shoulder as it is wrenched out of the socket. It can be a very dreadful experience!!!

That’s when you need Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga!.
Depending on the severity of injury, Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga varies. Generally, your doctor orders an X-Ray and Ultrasound to determine the extent of the injury.

Shoulder dislocation classifications:

Shoulder dislocations are classified depending on your symptoms and X-Ray findings. This helps to decide which general guidelines to follow for treating your dislocated shoulder.

Usually, a shoulder sling is provided to maintain the shoulder in a neutral position and offload your shoulder muscles. Depending on your doctor’s advice, they may want you to wear the sling for three to four weeks. Check out this website for a bit more information: Orthoinfo.

How can a Registered Physiotherapist Mississauga help to rehabilitate your shoulder?

A Registered Physiotherapist Mississauga can aid in faster recovery of your dislocated shoulder. Shoulder dislocation treatment Mississauga can get you to start using your shoulder. It will help you to get back to dressing, combing, grooming, eating, lifting objects etc.

Right after injury, Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga uses modalities such as ultrasound and a muscle stimulator. These electrical modalities bring more blood to the area (fresh oxygen and nutrients. It also calms down the inflammation in the shoulder.

Once you immobilize your shoulder in a sling, it tends to get stiff. Your shoulder muscles develop a lot of spasm and tightness due to lack of motion.

A Registered Physiotherapist Mississauga will mobilize your shoulder joint. The goal is to prevent any complications . A Registered Physiotherapist Mississauga will educate you regarding the use of a sling.

Shoulder Dislocation Prevention

The Registered Physiotherapist will also show you certain positions/activities to be avoided. We want to help you to prevent another shoulder dislocation when the tissues are healing.

Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga incorporates strengthening exercises. Typically this would include using Theraband, weight cuffs or pulleys to increase the strength in your shoulder muscles. This will help to stabilize your shoulder.

Registered Massage Therapy after Shoulder Dislocation

Registered Massage Therapy is also very helpful to reduce muscle spasm in the neck and shoulder. It reduces pain, spasm and general overall shoulder tightness.

PhysioNow has excellent Registered Physiotherapists and Registered Massage Therapists at all of our locations in Mississauga. Check us out and book an appointment today! We can Help!

Falls Prevention

Falls Prevention

Seniors are one of the most at risk groups of people for falls. This can be due to many different factors. Some of the most widely recognized are poor health, decreased strength, poor balance, poor vision and altered mental state. Any one of these factors can result in a fall. In most cases it’s a combination of several of these factors that puts seniors at most risk. A fall can lead to a whole range of different injuries. This includes sprains and strains. It also includes more serious injuries such as dislocations, or fractures. Falls can exacerbate pre-existing health conditions. This could lead to heart attacks or strokes from the trauma. Previous falls can also lead to substantial fear of falling. This can prevent people from venturing outside the home and being active. This in turn, can lead to a poor quality of life.

Preventing Falls

Falls prevention is a very important type of rehabilitation that can be provided by a Registered Physiotherapist. The major parts of this Registered Physiotherapy program would include: education and an exercise program. The program would work to increase overall strength and improve balance for those at risk. Education needs to bring awareness about specific risk factors and how to minimize them.

Falls Prevention

The Physiotherapist would also assess balance and look for the presence of Vertigo. In the case of poor balance, a gait aid, such as a cane or walker may be recommended. Special exercises for vertigo may be given if it is present. Footwear may also be assessed.
Lastly, the type of home, the number of stairs, the presence of area rugs and any other types of clutter would be addressed to make the home a safer place. The physiotherapist would design a specific strengthening program. This would aim to improve endurance, function and mobility. It would also work to improve balance so that an individual is less likely to fall.

All of our qualified physiotherapists at PhysioNow can provide falls prevention Physiotherapy and prevent serious injury. This can really improve the overall wellness and quality of life for seniors. Our goal for you is to keep you doing all of the things that you enjoy doing! Call today for your Falls Prevention Assessment 289-724-0448.

Registered Physiotherapists Mississauga

Registered Physiotherapists Mississauga

Registered Physiotherapists Mississauga are health professionals who specialize in recovery of the body from an illness or injury to the highest level of function possible. Registered Physiotherapists Mississauga can also be called physical therapists. This means the same thing.

Registered Physiotherapists Mississauga

Registered Physiotherapists Mississauga

To become a registered physiotherapist you must attend a university and graduate with a physiotherapy degree. The degree has changed over the years. You may meet some therapists who have an occupational and physiotherapy degree. These therapists are called POTS.

Registered Physiotherapists Mississauga that graduated before the late nineties have a bachelor of science (physical therapy). After the late nineties and more recently, physiotherapist graduates are awarded with a Masters of Science. Regardless of the degree they earned, all Registered physiotherapists in Canada must pass a licensing exam. This allows them to use the term Registered Physiotherapist (RPT). Make sure when you are seeking help, you ask for a Registered Physiotherapist Mississauga.

If you are interested in becoming a Physiotherapist of Physiotherapy Assistant, check out this link.

After Physiotherapists graduate

After graduating, registered physiotherapists will choose to specialize in a certain area. All the Mississauga Registered Physiotherapists at Physionow are orthopedic therapists. This means that they are experts in examining how bones, joints and muscles work. When you arrive for an assessment, they will look at specific movement patterns and strength to determine the best possible treatment program for you. As everyone has different goals, and different injuries, each program is created individually with your needs in mind.

Some of our Mississauga Registered Physiotherapists have secondary specialities including sports, vertigo, acupuncture and sports taping. A sports therapist has extra training to maximize performance including fitness protocols, concussion treatment and nutrition. Acupuncture treatment can be very effective for certain types of injuries such as Tennis elbow, Golfers elbow or Rotator cuff pain. Sports Taping can reduce the load on injured muscles to allow proper healing. Vertigo treatment focuses on reducing dizziness and nausea caused by inner ear and eye problems.

If you have any questions or are wondering if we could help you, please feel free to call our office and ask to see one of our highly skilled Registered Physiotherapists Mississauga.

Low Back Pain : Massage Therapy

Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain: Massage Therapy
As physiotherapists and registered massage therapists we treat low back pain – a lot. It is by far the most common injury that we see. Stats suggest that almost all of us will have back pain at some point in our lives. It is also the most common cause for missed days at work. But what causes low back pain?

Low Back Pain

The lumbar spine is very complex, therefore what causes low back pain cannot be answered easily. It is critical to have the spine assessed by someone who is trained to determine what structure is sore, and more importantly why. I have listed some of the most common causes of low back pain.

Common Causes of Low Back Pain

1. Disc herniation or bulge: The disc is a shock absorbing structure that sits between each vertebrae or bone of the back. The disc has a hard outside ring around a soft jelly middle. It is often compared to a jelly donut. Pain is produced when this jelly is pushed through the firm outer shell causing a bump in the circular shape. Sciatica or pain radiating down the leg is caused if this bulge hits a nerve.

2. Joint Stiffness: Each of the vertebrae have a joint connecting them to the bone above and below. Like many of the other joints of the body – the ankle, the knee – these joints will swell and become irritated if they are stretched too far or too much work is demanded of them.

3. Muscle Spasm: Often to protect the back, the muscles that run beside the spine will go into spasm. The purpose of this is to splint the back to allow the irritated area to rest. However, often the spasm can be much worse and more limiting than the initial low back pain. Massage Therapy can be very effective at releasing the muscle spasm and helping you to decrease pain.

These are just a few of the causes, and there are many more. If you would like to know the reason for your low back pain and perhaps more importantly how to treat it, call for an appointment with a Physiotherapist or Massage Therapist today!

ACL Tear

ACL Tear

ACL tear

Do you have an ACL tear?  Should you have surgery to repair your ACL tear? This is one of the most common knee injuries. It is typical that if you have only a partial ACL tear- no surgery is recommended. Even if you have suffered a full ACL tear – the decision to have surgery is not always clear.

ACL tear

Factors to consider include: are you a competitive athlete in the prime of your life and do you plan to continue competing in your sport of choice? If the answer is yes, then more than likely, you are going to be advised to proceed with an ACL surgical repair.

ACL Tears

If you have a full ACL tear, but are not a competitive athlete, then the decision to proceed with a surgical approach becomes less certain. For many people, treatment with a skilled physiotherapist can help you to strengthen your muscles around the knee joint. This will support the knee for everyday activities without the use of a brace. You can then continue to participate in sporting activities with the use of a brace.

Braces are now available in lightweight comfortable materials that are reasonably unobtrusive and effective at protecting your knee from further injury. Bledsoe custom knee bracing is on the leading edge of sports injury bracing and can be purchased through our office.

If you decide to proceed with the surgery, be advised that the surgery is significant and the recovery typically takes between 6 to 12 months with the close supervision of a trained Registered Physiotherapist. Check out this link to consider if surgery is the right decision for you.

Surgery does not guarantee a perfect outcome – it always comes with the possibility of unintended consequences. A proper Physiotherapy rehabilitation program can mitigate these factors and assist you with your recovery! We have Sports Physiotherapists trained to do the post-surgical rehabilitation program at our offices.

Call today to book a pre surgical consult with one of our skilled physiotherapists or to get fitted for a custom knee brace. We can facilitate the decision making process if you wish. Call PhysioNow today to get started!