Tag Archives: Registered Physiotherapy Etobicoke

Acute Ankle Sprains

Acute Ankle Sprains

Acute Ankle Sprains

Acute Ankle Sprains

How do Acute Ankle Sprains happen?

Acute Ankle sprains are common injuries in people of all ages. They can happen in many different circumstances. However, they always involve some type of fall or twisting movement to the ankle. For example:

  • Going downstairs and missing the last step resulting in twisting the ankle
  • Landing on the ankle in a twisted position after coming down from a lay-up in basketball or in a Sports Injury
  • Slipping on an icy street while walking

In all of these situations, the ankle gets a sudden movement and/or trauma that causes it to twist more than its normal range of movement allows.

Acute Ankle Sprains

Acute Ankle Sprains

What structure gets injured with an acute ankle sprain?

The structures that are injured with acute ankle sprains are the ligaments around the ankle joint. Ligaments are soft tissue structures that connect two bones together. Their function is to prevent the bones from moving too far away from each other. Ligaments help maintain normal movement between the bones.

With ankle sprains, the ligaments get over-stretched beyond what they can tolerate which causes tears in their fibres. The ligaments that are involved in acute ankle sprains are present on the outside (lateral), inside (medial), and top of the ankle.

Are there different types of acute ankle sprains?

There are three main types of ankle sprains:

  • Inversion
  • Eversion
  • High Ankle Sprain

The terms relate to the direction of ankle movement that caused the injury to occur.


  • An inversion sprain occurs when the ankle is forcefully turned inwards.
    • This type of acute ankle sprain is the most commonly occurring of the three because the ligaments on the outside of the ankle are generally weaker than the rest.
    • Another name for an inversion ankle sprain is lateral ankle sprain
    • A lateral ankle sprain injures the ligaments on the outside of the ankle.


  • An eversion sprain occurs when the ankle is forcefully turned outwards.
    • This type of force injures the ligaments on the inside of the ankle.
    • The ligaments on the inside of the ankle are called the deltoid ligament
    • An eversion ankle sprain is also called a medial ankle sprain


  • A high ankle sprain is the rarest of the three types and it occurs when there is excessive twisting of the shin.
    • The ligaments that are injured with this type of injury are located above the ankle.
    • The location of the ligaments is why this injury is called a ‘high’ ankle sprain.


Are some people more at risk for Acute Ankle Sprains than others?

There are certain risk factors that may make ankle sprains more likely to happen. However, the research is a little inconclusive on why this is so. Some of these possible factors include:

  • Poor muscle strength/fitness
  • Increased weight
  • Decreased muscle-reaction time
  • Previous history of ankle sprains resulting in poor balance

Can there be different severities of Acute Ankle Sprains?

The severity of the ankle sprain depends on how much the ligament was overstretched in the process of the injury. Sprains are classified by different grades to explain the severity:

  • Grade I: mild stretching or tear of the ligament, with little or no instability at the joint
  • Grade II: incomplete tear of the ligament, with some instability in the joint
  • A Grade III: ligament is completely torn or ruptured and there is no stability in the ankle
Acute Ankle Sprains

Ligaments affected in Ankle Sprains

What should you do if you think you have sprained your ankle?

In all three types of Acute Ankle Sprains, it is important that you see a health care provider. The health care provider, whether it is a doctor or a Registered Physiotherapist, will first rule out the possibility of fracture. There is always the possibility of a fracture with Acute Ankle Sprains. The ligaments attach onto a bony area and if the twist is severe enough, it can pull off a chunk of the bone.  When this happens, it can cause a fracture. Signs and symptoms of a potential fracture include:

  • Lots of swelling
  • Increased bruising
  • Increased tenderness over specific areas of the ankle
  • Difficulty or inability to put weight through the injured ankle

When the signs and symptoms are suspicious of a fracture, then an X-ray must be completed. If there is no evidence of fracture, then your doctor may send you for an ultrasound.  In the end,  they should refer you for Physiotherapy treatment.  So ask your doctor to send you to Physiotherapy if they don’t think to recommend it themselves.

What will happen during my first Physiotherapy appointment?

During the Physiotherapy assessment, your Registered Physiotherapist will assess everything to do with your Acute Ankle injury, including:

  • Pain intensity and location
  • Swelling
  • Sensation
  • Range of motion
  • Ankle stability
  • Strength
  • Balance

This will provide some baseline information for your Physiotherapist.

How can Registered Physiotherapy help treat Acute Ankle Sprains?

The treatment for acute ankle sprains depends on the type of sprain as well as the severity of the injury.


  • Because of their affect on ankle stability, a Grade II or III injury will require some immobilization. This is usually done through a removable walking cast.
  • The purpose of the immobilization is to protect your injured ligaments from movement and external stressors, so that they can heal.
  • The period of immobilization will depend on the injury and your health care provider will provide specific instructions.
  • A grade I sprain will not require any immobilization because the stability of the ankle is still intact. However, your Physiotherapist will recommend activity modification to help with the healing process.

Physiotherapy Treatment in the acute phase?

  • In the initial phase of the treatment, the Physiotherapist may focus on pain relieving modalities
  • Electrical modalities like IFC and Ultrasound can help relieve pain and swelling
  • The Physiotherapist will also prescribe gentle mobility exercises to help improve or maintain movement through the ankle
  • The length of the acute phase depends on the severity of the sprain
Registered Physiotherapy for Acute Ankle Injuries

Ankle Rotations for movement Recovery

Treatment in the later stages of Acute Ankle Sprains

  • Once the ligament healing is underway and the patient feels a little better with their pain, the treatment will get more progressive
  • It will focus on regaining mobility, strength and function through the ankle
  • Your Physiotherapist will prescribe exercises that are going to help regain the lost range of motion and strength.
  • Over several weeks, the exercises will be progressed as you improve.
  • Another important aspect of treating an ankle sprain is including balance re-training in the program.
  • Balance is very much affected after an ankle sprain and it is something that must be improved with specific exercises. This is very important no matter whether you are returning to Sports or just everyday living!  Balance Retraining is key to Falls Prevention!
  • We use our balance ability on a regular basis with walking on uneven surfaces or when trying to recover from a stumble. Therefore, it is important to improve balance ability to prevent any possible re-injury of the ankle.
  • If you have had an acute ankle sprain before, and DID NOT attend Physiotherapy, it is likely that you are at increased risk of reinjuring your ankle or falling again!
Acute Ankle Injuries

Physiotherapy Mobilizations

Do I need to get Physiotherapy treatment after Acute Ankle Sprains?

There are some people who have sprained their ankle multiple times and never sought out treatment for the injury. They usually give themselves some time for the pain to get better and then go about their usual activities.

This type of management is not usually recommended because multiple ankle sprains can affect the stability of your ankle. As a result, this may create problems in the future. Also, the reduced stability in your ankle may cause compensations in your knees and hips. This can complicate the picture and make your injury more complex.

It is therefore recommended that you seek out proper Registered Physiotherapy care to address an ankle sprain soon after it occurs. This ensures that your acute ankle sprain heals in a timely manner without added complications.  The most important part of treatment is regaining your balance.  If you do not do this, another injury in quite likely.

To get started on your Acute Ankle Sprain Treatment, Give PhysioNow a call Today!

Shoulder Injuries

Shoulder Injuries

Shoulder Injuries

Shoulder injuries are a common problem for many people. It can happen to people of all ages from children to the elderly. The pain from shoulder injuries can be very severe and cause a lot of limitations with work and activity. Shoulder pain is one of the top 5 reasons why people seek out Physiotherapy and Registered Massage Therapy treatments.

What Causes Shoulder Pain?

There are several reasons why people suffer from shoulder pain.

  • Trauma

    – any type of direct or indirect trauma can produce shoulder pain if the arm and/or shoulder is involved

    • Motor vehicle accidents
    • Falls
    • Sports injuries
    • Violent incidents
  • Poor workplace ergonomics

    – For people who work in offices, they may spend the majority of their time sitting in front of a computer. If the desk set up is not properly, then this may start to produce stress and pain into the shoulder. For example,  poor ergonomics can include:

  • poor desk and screen height
  • improper positioning of the keyboard and mouse
  • inadequate chair height and support
Proper desk ergonomics

Proper desk ergonomics

  • Poor posture

    – Many people have developed poor body postures over time. For some it starts young with spending a lot of time studying. It can also happen after carrying a heavy backpack or playing a lot of video/computer games. For others it starts later in life with workplace demands and poor office set up.

  • Good-Posture-vs-Poor-Posture


  • Repetitive activities

    – Some people perform tasks that are repetitive at work and/or home. If the shoulder is not strong enough to support the work that it’s having to do, then injury may occur. For example,this can  include:

  • Overhead lifting
  • Sorting things on a belt
  • Operating heavy machinery
  • Typing


  • Congenital or Developmental changes

  • Some people are born with a unique bone structure that may place them at increased risk of injury. For example, the acromion of the shoulder blade can have 4 different shapes. For instance, if you have a hooked shape, there is more potential for rotator cuff injury.

Some Basic Shoulder Anatomy

Having some knowledge of basic shoulder anatomy will help with understanding why shoulder pain develops. The shoulder joint is quite complex. There are a lot of structures that attach to or around the shoulder. The shoulder allows for a lot of movement .  As a result, there is less stability through the area. It’s a joint that is held together by soft tissues.  Therefore, there is not a lot of bony protection. The shoulder is made of 4 separate joints that work together to allow function:

Shoulder Injury

Shoulder Anatomy

  • Glenohumeral (GH) joint – this is a ball and socket joint and is where majority of our arm movement happens. The socket is made up by part of the shoulder blade and the ball is made up of the humerus, which is the long bone of the upper arm.
  • Acromioclavicular (AC) joint – joint between the acromion of the shoulder blade and the collar bone.
  • Sternoclavicular (SC) joint – joint between chest bone and the collar bone.
  • Scapulothoracic joint – the joint between the shoulder blade and the ribs at the back of the chest.

The Soft Tissues around the Shoulder Joint

We know that the shoulder is held together by many soft tissues including ligaments, muscles and tendons.   Other important structures include the joint capsule surrounding the ball and socket joint.  Lastly, your shoulder has  subacromial and subdeltoid bursae. The function of the joint capsule is to protect the joint and produce a lubricating fluid. Shoulder bursae are small fluid-filled sacs that act as a cushion between the bone and other moving parts.

Bursae of the shoulder joint

What are some of the types of injuries that can happen to the shoulder?

  • Sprains/Strains of any of the muscles, tendons and ligaments
  • Tears/Ruptures of any of the muscles, tendons and ligaments
  • Rotator Cuff Tear
  • Rotator Cuff Tendonitis
  • Tendonitis/Tendinosis
  • Fractures
  • Bursitis
  • Dislocations
  • Adhesive Capsulitis or Frozen Shoulder
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Nerve entrapments/injuries

Signs and Symptoms of Shoulder Injuries

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Restricted movement
  • Weakness
  • Instability
  • Bony deformities


Healing Times for Shoulder Injuries

The healing time for shoulder injuries will vary depending on the injury. Most simple sprains/strains will likely take anywhere from 6-8 weeks to get better.

Fractures of the Shoulder can take 6-8 weeks to heal the fracture.  After the fracture is healed, the soft tissues may require up to 4-5 months to heal fully with proper Physiotherapy.

However, frozen shoulders  can take over 1 year to improve. There are also a lot of individual differences in healing time amongst different people, even for similar injuries. For example, some of these factors  can include:

  • Age
  • Severity of Injury
  • Was surgery required ?
  • Level of fitness and/or mobility
  • Commitment to treatment
  • Ability to modify workplace or home environment to allow for best treatment response
  • Presence of other injuries
  • Amount of time that the injury/pain has been present

Physiotherapy/Massage Treatment for Shoulder Injuries

Treatment for shoulder pain will depend on the type of injury. It will also depend on the area that has been injured.

However, since the shoulder is made up of 4 joints, treatments should target the whole shoulder and not just the individual area injured. This will allow the shoulder to return to its full function. It will also reduce the risk of re-injury.

In sum, the main goals of any shoulder pain treatment will be to:

  • Decrease pain
  • Regain full movement
  • Recover strength and stability
  • Return to pre-injury activities

Registered Physiotherapy for Shoulder Injuries

A Registered Physiotherapist will start with a full assessment so that we can identify the source of the shoulder pain. This will allow us to provide the best treatment for you. Treatment can typically include:

  • Manual therapy
    • soft tissue work
    • mobilizations
    • assisted stretching of the shoulder and nearby areas
  • Modalities – these are usually used in the early phase for pain relief
    • Ultrasound
    • Laser
    • IFC or TENS
    • Heat/Ice
  • Exercise prescription
    • Movement and strengthening exercises that are specific to the injury
    • So, it is important that you complete the prescribed exercises on a regular basis at home.
    • In short, this will ensure that you are continually providing treatment to the shoulder even when you are not physically present in the clinic.
    • Shoulder Exercise




  • Education
    • Explanation of the condition
    • Rationale for the treatment choices
    • In essence, Do’s and don’ts to help the injury along

Registered Massage Therapy for Shoulder Injuries

  • Registered Massage Therapy can be very helpful to release tight muscles around the upper back, neck and shoulder blades
  • shoulder injuries

    Registered Massage therapy for shoulder injuries





Shoulder injuries can be quite debilitating, and it is important to seek out a Registered Physiotherapist for assessment and treatment sooner rather than later. Like most other injuries, the longer an injury is left untreated, the more chronic it becomes. As a result, it makes it more difficult to resolve in a timely manner.

Call PhysioNow today to get treatment for your shoulder injury!


Accident Rehabilitation

Accident Rehabilitation

Accident Rehabilitation

What is Accident Rehabilitation?

Motor vehicle accidents happen everyday in Ontario.  As a result, they produce a lot of pain, disability and stress for those involved. The impact can be quite debilitating. Accident rehabilitation is treatment that is given after being involved in a motor vehicle accident. It is important to seek out Registered Physiotherapists who are experienced in Accident Rehabilitation to ensure proper recovery. At PhysioNow we offer high quality Registered Physiotherapy and Registered Massage therapy treatments to help you recover from your injuries.

Accident Rehabilitation

Registered Massage Therapy

Who is entitled to receive Accident Rehabilitation?

Any person who has been involved in a motor vehicle accident in Ontario is entitled to receive Accident Rehabilitation benefits . This would include if you were a pedestrian hit by a vehicle.  It would also include coverage for treatment if you were involved in an accident outside of Ontario, but reside in Ontario.  However, if you are  injured and do not have your own insurance, you can still apply for accident benefits. The circumstances of the accident will determine which insurance company will pay for the benefits. For instance, you may be covered by the person that hit you or the Motor Vehicle Accident Fund.

How much accident benefit coverage is available?

The amount of the benefits that you are entitled to depends on the severity of your injuries. There are two categories of benefits available:

  • Minor Injury Guideline (MIG)

    • This plan is for people who have minor injuries including whiplash and sprains and strains.
    • The majority of motor vehicle accident injuries fall within this category
    • The MIG plan is standardized across all of Ontario in terms of its entitlement to Treatment benefits no matter where you receive treatment.
    • If you are under a MIG, the maximum benefit under the MIG is $3500


  • Major Injury Guideline (non-MIG)

    • This plan is  for people who have suffered serious injuries from an accident
    • Examples include fractures, surgeries, major neurological trauma and concussions
    • The maximum entitlement under this plan will vary depending on your injuries, but could be up to $65,000.

What is the process of receiving accident benefits?

Once the accident is reported to the insurance company, the  adjuster will ask if there are any injuries from the accident.  The adjuster will send you a package of forms that you have to complete and send back. The adjuster will also likely put you in touch with an approved physiotherapy clinic in the area closest to you. The clinic will then contact you to schedule an initial assessment.

1st visits with a Physiotherapist can take place within 1 day of the accident.  You are also able to go directly to your Approved Physiotherapy Clinic to initiate a claim and get started on your treatment.  The Approved Clinic can get the paperwork started for you.

PhysioNow is an approved company for the purposes of Motor vehicle accidents in Ontario.  PhysioNow is allowed to directly bill your treatment to your Auto Insurance company. They can provide all of the forms that you need to get started.


Accident Rehabilitation

Whiplash Pain

What are the most common injuries from a Motor Vehicle Accident?

Most car accidents tend to be minor in nature. The most common types of injuries are:

  • Whiplash

    • Happens when the force of the impact pushes your neck back and forth really fast
    • This causes a sprain/strain of the your muscles and ligaments of the neck
    • Symptoms range from pain, stiffness, numbness/tingling into the arms and hands, headache and loss of motion
  • Thoracic & Lumbar strains

    • The impact causes the joints and muscles of the spine to be over-stretched
    • The mechanism is similar to whiplash
    • Symptoms include pain, limited movement, numbness/tingling into the arms and/or legs, weakness
  • Shoulder strains

    • It is common for the shoulder to get injured in a car accident, especially for the driver – this is because their arms are usually holding on to the steering wheel
  • Concussion

    • Concussions are a form of a traumatic brain injury and can vary from mild to severe
    • It is possible for Concussions to occur as a result of either direct or indirect trauma to the brain
    • The most common symptoms of a concussion are dizziness, nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, headache, fatigue, difficulty concentrating and fogginess
    • Accident Rehabilitation


What can I expect from my first visit at the physiotherapy appointment?

During the initial visit, you will have to complete some forms.  These forms are essential to submitting a successful claim. The experienced administrators at PhysioNow can help you to fill them out to make the process easier for you. The good thing about the  paperwork is that you only need to complete it once! After the initial paperwork, you can focus just on your recovery.

What can I expect from my Initial Assessment with the Registered Physiotherapist at PhysioNow?

Your Registered Physiotherapist will meet with you.  We will start by asking some questions to get an understanding of your injuries. For example, some sample questions can include:

  • How did the accident happen?
  •  Questions that will screen you for more serious injuries that could require further medical attention
  • Locating all the painful areas and injuries that have occurred
  • Details about past medical and injury history

Once this information has been collected, your Registered Physiotherapist will do a full assessment. We will check all of your  affected areas for movement and strength. This will start to give us an idea of the severity of your symptoms. We will then use this information to decide whether you will be classified as either MIG or non-MIG.

After this, we will then  fill out the required treatment plan for you.  In conclusion, we will go over what the plan will look like with you. Lastly, they will discuss treatment timelines and treatment goals. At PhysioNow, there will also be  time allocated  to start some light treatment to give you pain relief.

What kind of treatment will be provided for Accident Rehabilitation?

The types of treatment provided after vehicle accidents  will depend on the nature of your injuries.  It will also depend on  what your Physiotherapist feels is most appropriate for  you, taking into account all of your injuries. As a result, your treatment plan may include a variety of different treatments such as:

  • Treatment will start slowly at first and focus first on pain control,
  • Modalities – Ultrasound, Laser, Interferential Current
  • TherapyManual therapy – gentle soft tissue work, mobilizations, assisted stretching
  • Exercises – range of motion, postural and strengthening exercises
  • Concussion Treatment if needed
  • Education – explanations of the injuries and do’s and don’ts to help the recovery process
  • After that, this will be followed by recovery of movement, and then strength.
  • Lastly, we will work on helping you get back to all of your normal activities both at home and work
  • Neck Pain Treatment

    Accident Rehabilitation

How long will the treatment  take to complete for Accident Rehabiliation?

The length of the treatment plan depends on whether you are on a MIG or non-MIG pathway.

  • MIG (Minor Injury Guidleline)
    • 2 phases
      • 1st phase: 12 weeks in length
      • 2nd phase (if required): additional 4-8 weeks
    • Non-MIG ( Non- Minor Injury Guideline)
      • Timeline is at the discretion of your physiotherapist and will vary depending on your injuries
      • For post-surgical cases or individuals with multiple serious injuries, the timeline can be well over 1 year

As a result, it is very important to seek out Accident Rehabilitation as soon as possible when you have been involved in a car accident. The pain and limitations that you experience after an accident can really affect your quality of life. Therefore, scar tissue from injuries starts to form quickly after an injury.

At PhysioNow we want to help you get back on your feet and back to doing things that are important to you!  Give us a call at 289-724-0448 to get started today!

Fracture Rehabilitation

Fracture Treatments Mississauga, Etobicoke & Oakville _ PhysioNow

Fracture types

Fracture Rehabilitation

Fractures are common injuries .  They can happen to people of all ages, from the very young to the very old.  The majority of fractures occur with trauma to the bone.  It could be  either from a fall or a blunt force.  Most people can readily feel that they have a broken bone. This is because the signs and symptoms can be very obvious.

Some of these indicators of Fracture are:

  • Swelling or bruising over a bone
  • Deformity of an arm or leg
  • Pain that gets worse with any movement or added pressure
  • Inability to put any weight through the injured area
  • Protruding bone through the skin (in the case of open fractures)

In some cases, however, fractures can be less obvious.  Some ankle fractures may look a lot like ankle sprains. You may not even know that it was a fracture until it shows up on an X-ray.

Spine Fractures

Fractures through the spine may feel a lot like back pain initially.  This is due to the  make-up of the spine.  Bony injuries to the back do not produce any of the obvious signs and symptoms .  However, one of the key components of a spinal fracture is that it occurs after some sort of trauma. This is most commonly a fall.  Therefore, if there is a traumatic event reported, the physiotherapist  will rule out any potential spinal fracture. They will  do a thorough assessment.  If the   Physiotherapist suspects a potential fracture, we will refer you back to your doctor to get X-rays done.

Fragility Fractures

In people with osteoporosis, fractures can happen with very minor stumbles or movements.  Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become fragile or brittle from loss of bone.   Fractures associated with osteoporosis are called fragility fractures.  They occur due to the weakness of the bone itself.

If you have Osteoporosis, your bones can be injured with small traumas that would not normally affect the average person.  If you have  back pain and you have had trauma, the Physiotherapist will ask whether you have osteoporosis. This is to rule out potential fragility fractures.

Diagnostic tests for a Fracture

In any incident where there is a suspicion of a fracture, X-rays are necessary.  This will confirm the presence of the fracture, its exact location and severity.  However, in some cases, an X-ray may not be sensitive enough to show the fracture.   In these situations, if a fracture is still suspected, more sensitive tests like a CT, MRI or bone scan may need to be completed.

Fracture Classifications

There are 4 main classifications of fractures:

  • Displaced – the bone snaps into 2 or more parts and moves so that the two ends are not lined up straight.
  • Non-displaced – the bone breaks partly or all the way through, but the ends remain lined up
  • Closed – the bone breaks but there is no puncture wound in the skin
  • Open –the  bone breaks through the skin

Types of Fractures

There are also 7 different types of fractures to describe the specific nature of the break line:

  • Greenstick – incomplete fracture, where the broken bone is not completely separated
  • Transverse – the break is in a straight line across the bone
  • Spiral – the break spirals around the bone, common in a twisting injury
  • Oblique – the break is in a diagonal line across the bone
  • Compression – the bone is crushed, causing the broken bone to be wider or flatter in appearance
  • Comminuted – the break is in three or more pieces
  • Segmental – the same bone is fractured in two places, so there is a ‘floating’ segment of bone

Fracture Treatment

In terms of management of fractures, the treatment depends on the type of fracture.  The fractured ends of the bone must be set in their proper place and held there for the bone to heal properly.  This process is called reduction.

Fracture Repositioning

Most fractures are repositioned without the need for surgery. This  is called closed reduction.  Once the bones are positioned properly, the joint is casted .  The length of casting is usually 6 weeks.  This is how long it typically takes the fractured bones to heal.  There are circumstances where the period of casting may be either shorter or longer. This depends on the nature of the fracture.  If it is an ankle or foot fracture, the doctor may also recommend that you wear an aircast boot to stop your foot from moving.

PhysioNow carries a full supply of these aircast boots if you need one.

Open Reduction (Surgery) after Fracture

Open reduction (surgery)  is done for fractures that are more complicated. The repositioning of the bones wil be done with surgery in this case.   The surgeon will use screws and or plates to keep the bone fragments in proper position. This  allows for proper healing.   Following open reduction, you will have a period of immobilization .  The length of time for a fracture thathas required surgery will depend on the bone that was fractured. It also depends on  the severity of the fracture.  Also, depending on the fracture and the needs of the patient, the hardware may either be left in permanently or taken out with another surgery.  If removal of the hardware is necessary, it will happen once the fractured bone has completely healed.

Spinal and Rib Fractures

There are however some fractures that cannot be effectively immobilized such as spinal and rib fractures.  For these types of fractures, the affected area is protected with avoiding certain activities or postures.

Healing times for Fractures

In terms of healing times, most uncomplicated fractures take approximately 6 weeks for the bones to fuse.  Although medically, the fracture would have healed,  there may still be a lot of limitations. For fractures that are more complicated and required surgery, the healing times may be a little longer due the surgery.

Delayed Healing of Fractures

There are also some people who will heal at a slower rate because of various health conditions or medication use.  So, if you have diabetes, osteoporosis or are a long time user of prednisone, you may fall into this category.  Scaphoid Fractures also may have delayed healing because there is a poor blood supply to the bone.

Registered Physiotherapy after Fractures

Once the fracture itself is healed, there may still be some remaining problems from the injury.  Since the fracture would have been immobilized for several weeks, there will be a significant loss of movement and strength around the broken bone.

It is important to follow up with Physiotherapy for Fracture Rehabilitaton.  This helps to ensure that there can be a safe return to all previous activities.  A Registered Physiotherapist will be able to assess the limitations.  They will prescribe the necessary range of motion and  strengthening exercises and  then you can get back  to  all of your normal activities quickly!

PhysioNow Etobicoke and Mississauga

PhysioNow has highly trained Registered Physiotherapists on staff to help you after a Fracture.  We are open evenings and weekends to help meet your needs.  We also do direct billing to your insurance plan if you have one and if they allow us to do so on your behalf.

Call today to get started on your Fracture Rehabilitation!



Vaginismus and Physiotherapy

Vaginismus is a painful feeling of discomfort or inability when inserting a tampon, finger, penis or during a doctor’s internal pelvic exam. It occurs when there are involuntary contractions of the muscles in the outer third of the vagina.

Primary Vaginismus: when a woman has never been able to have pain free intercourse due to pelvic floor muscle spasm.

Secondary Vaginismus: pain that develops sometimes later in life after a traumatic event such as childbirth, surgery, or a medical condition.

With Vaginismus, there is usually significant Connective Tissue Dysfunction that needs to be addressed first before any internal work. It is suggested that you follow up the self-help treatment for connective tissue dysfunction before embarking on the stretching exercises with the dilators.

Pelvic floor exercises and Desensitisation techniques

A physiotherapist may be able to teach you pelvic floor exercises, such as squeezing and releasing your pelvic floor muscles, that can help you gain control over the muscles causing the vagina to close involuntarily. Occasionally, a technique called biofeedback may be useful. A small probe is inserted into your vagina. This monitors how well you are doing the exercises by giving you feedback as you do them.
Biofeedback can help with the following:

• Teach you strategies that may help to relax the muscles that are contracting involuntarily
• Teach you appropriate timing of the contraction and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles.
• Educate you about your condition and why it might be occurring.
• Teach you various strategies for getting the muscles to relax
• help you to Use manual therapy to release the muscles either externally and/or internally that are causing the contractions.

More information about Vaginismus can be found here.

Some general tips about pelvic floor muscle exercises:

• Choose a convenient time and place where you can exercise regularly.
• Put a reminder about pelvic muscle exercises somewhere obvious to you (or set an alarm on your watch or mobile phone).
• Avoid quick pelvic floor muscle exercises where you don’t hold the contraction. This tends to cause an increase in pelvic floor muscle resting tone.
• Be aware that it will take 6 to 8 weeks of regular exercise before you can expect to see improvement. It will take approximately 3 months for the pelvic muscles to strengthen.
• You could try inserting one finger into the vagina to check the strength of your squeeze as you pull in the pelvic muscles. Alternatively, you may be able to feel a pelvic floor contraction if you place the tip of your index finger on the perineal body (on the outside, between the vagina and back passage).

Other tips to reduce Vaginismus:

• If you are overweight, try reducing your weight.
• Try not to become constipated, as a full bowel will put pressure on the bladder. Straining to empty your bowel will weaken the pelvic muscles.
• If your job involves lifting, think of your pelvic muscles as well as your back. Pull up your pelvic muscles when lifting a heavy weight.
• If you smoke, consider quitting. Frequent coughing puts a strain on the pelvic muscles.

If you or someone you know suffers from Vaginismus, please call PhysioNow today! Our specially trained Physiotherapist can start your treatment Now!