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Is your ankle sprain not healing? Know what’s wrong.

December 19 | 2022
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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Why is your ankle sprain not healing? An ankle sprain is one of the most common injuries. Rest, ice, compression, and elevation, or the RICE rule, will be the go-to’s for ankle sprains. In most cases, ankle sprains heal between 4-12 weeks depending on the severity of the injury. Though many people will have them to heal with time. However, a failure to seek treatment and physical rehabilitation for your ankle after just one injury is enough to leave it weak. This makes your ankle more vulnerable to future sprains or chronic instability. What causes you chronic instability after an ankle sprain? After an ankle injury, there is damage to the ligaments, tendons, and potentially even the ankle joint itself. Here, the function of the ligament is to limit abnormal movement in the joint. Because of the injury, they will get lax (stretched out), making the ankle more unstable. Additionally,…

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Sciatica? 10 warning signs

November 28 | 2022
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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What is Sciatica? Sciatica is a pain in the back, neck, or buttock that radiates to the leg or arm. Sciatica is also quite common and affects almost 40% of adults. It travels through the sciatic nerve, which starts in your lower back and extends to run down your leg.  A proper diagnosis that confirms and best sciatica treatment is all that you need to lead a pain-free life. Sciatica pain 10 signs which confirm the diagnosis Before knowing about sciatica treatment, one needs to understand the nature of pain. The symptoms of sciatica are as follows: – Calf pain – pain that stretches down the lower leg and back of the knee. Lower back pain running down the leg.  A pull sensation from your lower back to buttocks and thigh, that further extends from calf to the foot. A pain in your butt or leg that…

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Total Knee Replacement?

July 14 | 2022
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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TKR Surgery Treatment Treatment for TKR starts as you are going in for the surgery. Did you know your muscle loses strength right after surgery?  To avoid this start strength training at least three weeks before surgery. Treatment Options at PhysioNow 1-  Strengthening Speak with your doctor if he could refer you to a physiotherapist. With our physios at Physio Now your knee will not lose strength after surgery. Learn new exercises at Physio Now to maintain specific functional strength. 2-  Proprioception We can help you with strengthening and regaining your balance  3- Stretching severe and long lasting…

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Migraine Management

March 25 | 2022
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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  What is Migraine and how does it feel? Migraine is type of headache which radiates to jaw, eyes, one of face and neck and shoulder sometimes. It can cause throbbing and severe sensations on your one side of face including jaw and eyes and forehead. Sometimes, it is accompanied by other symptoms like pressure in back of head, pulsating sensation on face, sensitive to noise, light, nausea and vomiting. Migraine management is of utmost important from the time you start experiencing it. Symptoms: Migraine attacks are long lasting depending on the patient. It can vary from hours to days. Sometimes, it is severe enough to interfere in your daily life and work life. Sign and symptoms: Pressure/tension in different area of head, usually in back of the head Difficulty in Concentration Nausea and sometimes accompanied by fever Vomiting Sensitive to noise Sensitive to lights Flashes on face Visual disturbance…

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March 24 | 2022
Posted by Erin Mills Physiotherapy

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PELVIC PAIN AND PELVIC FLOOR DYSFUNCTION What is pelvic pain and pelvic floor dysfunction? There are a number of conditions which cause pain and pelvic floor dysfunction. We have discussed a few of those conditions here today. Fortunately most of the conditions are treated with physiotherapy interventions. Pelvic pain and dysfunction Common conditions related with internal pelvic structures: Provoked vestibulodynia: In this your pelvic area is very sensitive to touch or pressure. You will feel pain with light touch, pressure, inserting tampons, wearing tight pants or intercourse. urinary urgency Vaginismus: You feel difficulty and/or pain with vaginal penetration. This will lead to avoidance of sexual activity or internal pelvic examination. Bladder pain syndrome: You feel pain and pressure with urge to urinate at any time. You will get an increased urge to urinate. Symptoms usually starts with bladder infection. Dysmenorrhea: You will feel painful cramps with…

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