Tag Archives: Physiotherapy Lorne Park


Knee Replacement Physio

Knee Replacement Physio
Knee Replacement Physio

What about Knee Replacement Physio?

Knee Replacement Physio is necessary after having surgery. People get knee replacement surgeries because they have a lot of pain and limitations with their knee.  These surgeries are usually for people who have advanced arthritis.    Its important to do proper Knee replacement physio after the surgery to get your knee to a good functional level. 

Check out this video for a bit more information about Knee replacement surgery>https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/247500.php

What happens after the surgery?

You will receive in-patient Physiotherapy at the hospital. You will work on regaining your knee movement. In addition, you will also start with some gentle strengthening exercises.  Physiotherapists at the hospital will teach you how to walk with a walker and go up and down stairs before you are sent home.

What Happens after you go home?

Once at home, you should have homecare Knee replacement physio services that are provided. Usually, a Physiotherapist will visit your home once a week. They will help you to work on progressing your exercises.  However, once all this is completed, there will still be some remaining pain, limitations of movement and strength deficits.

Therefore, it is important to seek out private
Knee replacement physio in the community. This will allow you to continue working on the remaining issues. As a result, this extra Physiotherapy treatment will allow you to achieve full recovery. Our goal is to get you back to all of the things you like to do!

Frequently Asked Questions about
Knee replacement physio

There are usually a lot of questions regarding seeking out additional Physiotherapy services.  It can seem quite challenging to find the right clinic to work with you. However, having all the necessary information will certainly make things a little bit easier!  Here are some of our Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I need a doctor’s referral to see a Physiotherapist in the community?

Registered Physiotherapists are considered to be primary care providers and therefore you do not need a doctor’s referral to receive care.  However, if you have any extended health care (EHC) insurance that covers Physiotherapy treatments, your insurer may need a doctor’s referral to approve the coverage.  If you do have any EHC, then it may be worthwhile to call the company and find out the details of the coverage prior to coming in for your initial appointment. 

Will the treatments be covered by OHIP?

Will the treatments be covered by OHIP?

PhysioNow is a private practice and therefore our services are not covered by OHIP.  We do however accept extended health care insurance. We can bill electronically on your behalf if your plan allows us to do so.  If you do not have any EHC, we can offer a reduced fee to reduce some of the financial stress of receiving treatment.  Please give us a call to discuss this if this applies to you:)

Am I eligible for OHIP Physiotherapy?

To receive physiotherapy services covered by OHIP, you have to attend an OHIP-licensed clinic and you have to meet certain eligibility criteria.

  • 65 years of age and older;
  • 19 years of age and younger; or
  • Recently discharged as an inpatient from a hospital and in need of physiotherapy services. These must be directly connected to the condition, illness or injury for which you were admitted to the hospital.

Our administrative staff can certainly help you with any further questions that you might have.

How fast can I book an appointment at PhysioNow?

Since we have 3 locations in Mississauga, and 1 location in Etobicoke, we can get you in for treatment same day if needed.  We try our hardest to work with your availability.

What should I wear for the appointment?

Since we are assessing your knee, you should bring a pair of shorts so that the knee is easily visible and accessible. 

How long will the first visit take?

The first visit usually takes about 1 hour to complete.  During this visit, your Physiotherapist will meet with you and go through an assessment. As a result, they can fully understand the limitations and restrictions that require treatment.  In addition, your Physiotherapist will also provide treatment that same day. This will include some modalities, hands on therapy, exercise prescription and education.

How long do follow-up visits take?

How long do follow-up visits take?

Your follow-up visits usually range between 45 mins to 1 hour. This depends on how far along you are with your treatment.  Your Physiotherapist will re-assess you after every couple of visits to track any changes. This will allow them to progress your treatment.

How many visits will it take before I am fully recovered?

The number of visits needed to fully recover is different for every patient.  Everyone heals at a different rate. As a result, it is difficult to set out a firm timeline.  In general, the majority of people complete about 8-12 weeks of treatment. As they improve, more and more of the treatment can be completed independently at home.

I know there are 4 different locations of PhysioNow.  Can I book an assessment at one office and then a follow-up at a different office if necessary? ?

Yes, you can definitely have your assessment at one office and your follow up at another office if necessary.  Firstly, we will try our best to book appointments that work best for you. Secondly, if one location works better than another, there is no issue with changing locations.  Lastly, we can send over your treatment file to the other office. As a result, the Physiotherapist seeing you has all the information. In conclusion, we can provide ongoing treatment at any location.

We hope that these FAQs provide you with the information that you are looking for. We hope that you will feel comfortable to choose PhysioNow for your physiotherapy care!


Lastly, if you or someone you know is planning to have a Knee replacement, we at PhysioNow are happy to help! We have many highly trained Physiotherapists at all of our clinics. Call today to get started! https://www.physionow.ca/

Physiotherapy for Neck Pain

Physiotherapy for Neck Pain

Physiotherapy for Neck Pain
Neck Pain

Physiotherapy for Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common problem for a lot of people.  Physiotherapy for Neck Pain is one of the top 5 reasons why people go for physiotherapy treatment.  People can get neck pain after many different types of activities.  Some of the most reported examples are:

  • Getting a kink in the neck after a bad night’s sleep
  • Feeling pain in the neck and shoulder area after doing some heavy lifting at home or at the gym
  • Feeling pain in the neck when using the computer for long periods of time
  • Feeling pain in the neck after an accident, such as a fall or motor vehicle accident

Assessment for Neck Pain

Signs and Symptoms

There are many obvious signs and symptoms of a neck injury.  Some of these include:

  • Pain in the neck
  • Restricted movement of the neck
  • Sensations of tightness or stiffness in the neck

There are also some not so obvious signs and symptoms of a neck injury:

  • Pain in the arm
  • Headache
  • Pins & needles in the arm
  • Numbness in the arm
  • Weakness in the arm and/or hand

Patients who experience these symptoms may think that they have an injury to their arm.  They may get worried because of the unusual pins and needles or numbness they are feeling.  However, most of the time these symptoms are coming from the neck.  An experienced physiotherapist will be able to make the connection between a patient’s arm symptoms and their neck pain. 

Treatment for Neck Pain


The treatment for neck pain will vary depending on the nature of the injury.  Your Physiotherapist will first start with an assessment to figure out what the problem is.  During the assessment, they will ask some questions about how the pain started.  They will also get details on how the symptoms behave.  Some examples of these questions include:

  • How long have you been feeling your pain?
  • How intense is your pain on a scale from 0 to 10?
  • Was there an incident that started the pain?
  • Where exactly do you feel your symptoms?
  • What kind of symptoms do you feel?
  • What kind of activities make your pain feel worse or better?

In conclusion, answers to these questions will allow your Physiotherapist to understand the nature of your injury.  They will then perform a physical assessment.  Finally, certain physiotherapy tests that will help them further understand your injury. 

Physiotherapy Tests for Neck Pain

  • Movement of the neck and arm
  • Tenderness of the muscles around the neck
  • Sensation of the arm
  • Strength of different muscles in the arm
  • Reflexes of the arm

In conclusion, once your Physiotherapist is done gathering all the information, they can come up with a diagnosis for your neck pain.

Treatment for Neck Pain

Treatment for Neck Pain

Using the information from the assessment your Physiotherapist will develop a treatment plan for you.  The treatment plan will include different methods to reduce your pain and improve your function.  For example, some common Physiotherapy treatment tools at PhysioNow include:

Interferential Current (IFC)

  • This is electrical stimulation that helps with pain management
    • There are 4 pads that are placed around the painful areas of the neck
    • Moreover, the strength of the current is dependent on your comfort level – stronger does not mean better
    • We ask you to indicate when you feel a strong, but comfortable amount of sensation
    • In summary, IFC distracts the body’s pain signals to give relief of pain
    • Lastly, this electrical modality is usually applied for 15 minutes
    • If you are interested in knowing more about Interferential Current Treatment, please check out this article .

Heat therapy

  • Heat is used as another pain management tool
    • As a result, it is usually combined with the IFC so that you can have both at the same time
    • At PhysioNow, our therapists use moist heat packs for heat therapy
    • As a result, moist heat is the most effective form of heat because it allows the heat to get deeper into the tissues
    • In summary, Heat therapy increases circulation, relaxes soft tissues and reduces pain and stiffness
    • In conclusion, heat is usually applied for 15 minutes

Manual Therapy

  • Manual therapy involves “hands-on” treatment by the Physiotherapist
    • As an Example, the most common forms of manual therapy involve soft tissue work, mobilizations and passive stretching
    • Moreover, soft tissue work helps reduce tissue tension and improves circulation in the area
      • There are a lot of muscles around the neck and when there is injury or pain these muscles become tight and stiff
      • This Soft tissue work around the neck is gentle to generally loosen these tissues
      • In addition, soft tissue work can also be very deep to work out specific tissue knots
      • In conclusion, your Physiotherapist will always consider your comfort for these types of treatment


  • Mobilizations help decrease the stiffness in the joint
    • In short, there are 7 vertebrae in the neck and stiffness can develop at any level
      • Your Physiotherapist can apply different levels of gentle pressure to get the joints of the neck moving

Passive Stretching

  • Passive Stretching helps lengthen tightened muscles
    • For example, some muscles that most often get tight in the neck include the scalenes, upper trapezius, sternocleidomastoid and levator scapula
      • Your Physiotherapist will be able to determine which muscles are tight
      • The stretches are usually held for about 20-30 seconds and repeated 2-3 times

Exercise prescription

  • Exercise prescription
    • In addition, Exercises are an important part of any Physiotherapy treatment
    • Special Exercises that will be given to you depending on your specific neck injury
    • The exercises can help get your joints moving, stretch the soft tissues and strengthen the muscles around the neck
    • Moreover, these exercises will allow you to keep treating yourself on a outside of your Physiotherapy appointments. This speeds up your recovery
    • As a result, we know that patients who perform their exercises on a regular and consistent basis will have the fastest results with their Physiotherapy treatment


  • Education
    • In addition, Education is another important part of Physiotherapy treatment for neck pain
    • If you have a good understanding of your condition and treatment, you will have the best results with your recovery
    • Lastly, an experienced Physiotherapist should be a great teacher
    • For example, your Physiotherapist may suggest that you use a specific pillow for improved sleep, or suggest ways to maintain good posture during work hours

Massage Therapy for Neck Pain

We know that Registered Massage Therapy can also be a very effective treatment for Neck Pain. At PhysioNow, we have many excellent Registered Massage Therapists at all of our clinics.

In conclusion, using these Physiotherapy treatment options produces great results for neck pain.  Your Physiotherapist will work with you to help you achieve the best recovery possible and get back to doing the things you love.

If you or anyone you know is experiencing neck pain, please call today! At PhysioNow, we are ready to help!

Physiotherapy & Sports Injuries

Physiotherapy & Exercise

Pain and injury can happen to anyone.  Most people have at least one injury or episode of pain in their lifetime. As a result, this leads them to seek professional help.  The most common types of injuries are related to muscle, bone and joints.  However, underlying diseases can also result in pain that leads people to seek Physiotherapy & Exercise.

What are the different types of
Physiotherapy & Exercise available?

  • Physiotherapy
    • Physiotherapists use their knowledge of the body to provide Physiotherapy & Exercise treatment. In addition, they assess, diagnose and treat symptoms from injuries.
  • Massage Therapy
    • Massage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissues. For example: muscles, connective tissues, tendons, ligaments and joints.
    • Massage therapy reduces pain associated with everyday stressors. For example, muscular over-use and chronic pain conditions.
  • Osteopathy
    • Osteopathy views the body as a unit. Above all, they believe that healthy tissues require proper circulation of our body’s fluids
    • Osteopaths use hands on treatments to assess and restore balance through our body’s systems. For example: musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and neurological,

Different Types of Physiotherapy & Exercise

There are many Physiotherapy & Exercise options to help with recovery from an injury. For example:

Electrical modalities
Electrical Modalities
  • Manual therapy
    • Soft tissue releases
    • Joint mobilizations
    • Joint manipulations
    • Passive stretching 
  • Electrical modalities
    • Ultrasound
    • Laser
    • Interferential Current
    • TENS
    • Shockwave
  • Decompression therapies
    • Mechanical lumbar traction
    • Mechanical cervical traction
    • Inversion tables
  • Alternative treatments
    • Acupuncture
    • Cupping
  • Supportive products
    • Braces
    • Taping
Meniscal Injuries
Custom Knee Unloader Brace for Meniscal Injuries

How do I know what treatment is right for me?

It is hard to choose what kind of treatment to try. In other words, deciding what would be most effective for treating your pain.  This is especially true if this is your first time experiencing an injury and/or pain. 

A lot of people end up trying what they are familiar with.  For example, if you have had previous injuries and had Physiotherapy & Exercise for those injuries, you would know what worked.  There is a personal preference regarding which Physiotherapy & Exercise treatments work best for us.

What Physiotherapy & Exercise provides the best overall results?

Physiotherapy & Exercise
Physiotherapy & Exercise

The one type of treatment that is the most beneficial is Physiotherapy & Exercise. This is mainly because our bodies are built to move.  There is truth in the saying, “If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.” 

Exercise has positive results for almost all injuries .  The type of Physiotherapy & Exercise that is best will depend on the injury.  There is no universal approach to exercise that works for everyone.  This is because we are all built differently. However, what works for one person doesn’t mean it will work for another. 

What type of exercises are most beneficial?

  • Muscle and bone injuries will require some form of mobility. Most importantly, progressive strengthening exercises. 
  • Nervous system diseases such as strokes or Parkinson’s Disease will require more balance and functional exercises. 
  • Respiratory illnesses like COPD or emphysema will need exercises that improve and strengthen the muscles of breathing and posture
  • Concussion rehabilitation will need visual and vestibular re-training exercises. 
  • Conditions such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune conditions need a combination Physiotherapy & Exercise. Therefore, cardiovascular and strengthening exercises have been shown to be most effective in managing their condition. 

Which healthcare professional can prescribe Physiotherapy & Exercise?

It is up to the health care professional to assess your condition and prescribe the correct exercises for you.  Registered Physiotherapists are experts in the assessment of all types of injuries.  They will be able to give the most appropriate treatment for you. As a result, there is always a strong emphasis on exercise and promoting activity. 

A Physiotherapist will be able to develop a specific exercise program for you. They will factor in your age, fitness level and ability to do the exercises at home.  The physiotherapist will be able to guide you with adding exercises into your routine so that it becomes a habit.

Why is exercise therapy an important part of treatment?

A lot of times, people who are inactive think that exercise therapy refers to working out in a gym.  Exercise therapy can refer to any exercise that you enjoy doing. For example: stretching, riding a bike, swimming, yoga and lifting weights.

Pain or Fear of Injury

If pain or fear of injury is preventing you from exercise, seeing a Physiotherapist can help get the process started.  Firstly, a Physiotherapist can assess where the source of the pain or weakness is coming from. Secondly, they start giving the most appropriate exercises to overcome those restrictions. 

Subsequently, with effort, consistency and time, you can see the difference that exercise therapy can provide. As a result, this will lead you to include activity into your everyday life.  Feeling confident with your progress will help lead you to seek out similar active programs in your community.

In Conclusion

Exercise should always be a part of the treatment plan.  With an aging population, there needs to more emphasis placed on Physiotherapy & Exercise. As a result, this will prevent weakness related to ageing and frailty.  Strength and ongoing exercise will allow you to maintain your function and independence as you age. 

If you or someone you know would benefit from Physiotherapy & Exercise, please call today. At PhysioNow Mississauga and PhysioNow Etobicoke, we are ready to help!


Elderly Falls Prevention

Elderly Falls Prevention

Elderly Falls prevention is a huge societal issue.  It affects many aspects of society including health care spending and caregiver stress.  As a result injuries and effects from a fall can be very serious, both for the patient and the family involved.

Elderly Falls Prevention

Characteristics of the elderly Population

There are some who have been able to maintain their mobility and strength and continue to stay healthy and active.

Then there are those who are struggling with their day to day activities due to weakness and frailty.  

There are also those who fall somewhere in between.

 Those individuals who are either at their most frail or heading towards that level of function are at most risk of falling.  

It is important to describe why the elderly are more at risk of falling than the general population. Elderly Falls prevention is extremely important for all of these reasons!

Causes of Weakness & Frailty in the Elderly

The reasons for weakness, loss of function/mobility and frailty are variable and may include:

  • There may be a strong genetic component like osteoarthritis
  • Disease/Conditions
    • Any disease that affects your strength and/or mobility may place you at increased risk of falling
    • For Example,this could include Osteoporosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis or Stroke
  • Injury
    • Any previous or recent injury may affect your ability to walk safely
    • This is especially true if you did not receive the appropriate treatment for an injury
    • This may result in lingering problems that continue to worsen with time
    • Examples would include previous falls and fractures
  • Medications
    • A lot of seniors are on a variety of medications for different health issues. As an example, these may include cardiac medication, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, etc.
    • Sometimes certain combinations of medications may produce symptoms like dizziness and confusion. As a result, that may place the senior at more risk of falling.
  • Inactivity
    • Some seniors have developed loss of mobility, strength and balance due to a mostly sedentary lifestyle
  • Dementia
    • Dementia refers to the decline in memory and other thinking processes
    • As dementia progresses, these limitations may affect their ability to take care of themselves
    • Patients with dementia may forget to take their medications . In addition, they may hurt themselves and not remember that they are injured
    • As a result, these types of changes can lead to an increased risk of falls

What happens if we fail at Elderly Falls Prevention?

Outcomes of Falls

Falls pose a severe threat to the health and well being of this population.  Potential injuries with a fall are the most concerning:

  • Sprains/Strains
  • Fractures
    • Hip fractures are the most serious consequence of falling for seniors with osteoporosis  
    • Patients are at increased risk of early death for many years after a hip fracture
  • Joint Dislocations
  • Head trauma
  • Concussions

Psychological Impact of Falls on the Elderly

There is lots of research out there stating that having falls increases the fear of falling.  

An individual who falls and hurts themselves does not want to go through it again.  

This would be especially true for those who suffered major injuries like a fracture or head trauma.  

For some the wish not to want to fall again becomes a real fear.  

This fear would then prevent them from trying to be more active so that they don’t hurt themselves again.

However, limiting their activity places them at increased risk of falling because it contributes to more loss of strength, flexibility and overall fitness.  So, it becomes a vicious cycle.

Psychological Impact of Falls on Caregivers

  • A lot of the time, falls may result in hospitalizations or require a lot of caregiver support.
  • This is because falls for seniors can cause a variety of injuries.  
  • This can put a lot of pressure on the family involved causing emotional and financial stress.
  • For example, if family members need to take time off work to provide support or if they need to hire someone to provide one on one care.
  • Therefore, it is important to do as much elderly falls prevention as possible to avoid the negative consequences of these injuries.

Societal Impact of Falls

Issues with falls or fear of falling are also important for health care spending. Falls cost the health care system millions of dollars in ER visits, hospitalizations and surgeries.  Reducing the occurrence of falls will therefore save a lot of money. The goal is for Seniors to remain in their own homes.

Treatment options for Elderly Falls Prevention

  • It is important to try and interrupt the cycle of falls.  
  • The best way to do that is to promote exercise and an active lifestyle.  
  • Being active allows seniors to regain their confidence and be more mobile. This is the best thing for their health.
  • This is especially important as they get into the later years of their life when joint stiffness, muscle weakness and other age-related changes are more prominent.  
  • Seniors who do not participate in regular exercise place themselves at risk of having a poorer quality of life.
  • Activity is also very important in the management of a lot of the health conditions that affect the elderly population.  
  • Research consistently shows the importance of exercise in the treatment of arthritis, diabetes, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis and neurological conditions like stroke and Parkinson’s Disease to name a few.

Places to Receive Elderly Falls Prevention

There are lots of options available in the community for the elderly population to get active and work towards preventing falls.  

  • Seniors’ exercise programs at community centres
  • Mall walking groups
  • Falls prevention programs through hospitals and rehabilitation centres
  • Working with a registered physiotherapist in a community clinic
  • Pickle Ball is also a very popular activity for seniors
Sample Exercise for Elderly Falls Prevention

Benefits of working with a Physiotherapist from PhysioNowB

Seeing a Registered Physiotherapist in a community clinic is a great way to work on falls prevention.  The programs offered through community centres and hospitals tend to be done with a group of participants.

Seeing a Registered Physiotherapist in a clinic setting like PhysioNow would allow for a more one on one treatment. This would allow the falls prevention exercises and education to be tailored specifically to that person.

  • A Registered Physiotherapist will have the experience to assess the risk of falling.
  • The Physiotherapist will provide guidance towards exercises and activities that are safe for the senior to do.
  • They can check the range of motion and strength limitations.
  • The Physiotherapist can then provide a specific exercise program that targets those problem areas.
  • In addition, the Physiotherapist can supervise the exercise program in the clinic. This will be a safe and controlled environment.
  • Lastly, the Physiotherapist can progress the exercises as the senior shows improvements.  
  • As a result, this will ensure that the senior is doing what they need to do to build up their endurance and tolerance for activity.

How wills Elderly Falls Prevention Treatment Help?

As the senior learns to get more active and mobile, they will improve their risk of falling.  In addition, they will also gain confidence in their ability to take care of themselves. Most importantly, having improved strength and mobility will allow them to do more with their loved ones. As a result, they will enjoy the later years of their life. Lastly, elderly falls prevention strategies will allow seniors to live independently.

If you or someone you know is afraid of falling or feeling unsteady on their feet, Call PhysioNow today!. We have Physiotherapy Clinics in Mississauga, Etobicoke and Oakville to serve you.

Pregnancy related Pelvic pain

Pregnancy Related Pelvic Pain
Pregnancy Related Pelvic Pain

                        Pregnancy and Pelvic girdle pain

Pregnancy Related Pelvic Pain: Words Can Hurt

Pregnancy related Pelvic pain can create great challenges. Imagine you are 32 weeks pregnant with your first child and you start to have pain in the low back and pubic area when you change position. Pregnancy related pelvic pain can happen when you sit, stand for longer periods or when you walk. The pain makes it very difficult for you to function. As a result, you may worry about whether you can continue to work and manage your household.

Pregnancy Related Pelvic Girdle Pain: Words Can Hurt

Now imagine you have seen your health care provider and have been told that your pelvis is separating. They tell you this is because of the hormone Relaxin. Then you are told that you may need to put up with this until after you have your baby .

In addition, you are told, “it will probably get better afterwards”. “Be careful” “If it hurts, don’t do it”, “Your pubic bone is splitting”, “Your pelvis is unstable”. These are common words of advice or explanations pregnant women with pelvic girdle pain (PGP) receive from their healthcare providers. (From the Canadian Physiotherapy Association – Pain Science Division)

What is Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain?

Pregnancy related Pelvic pain is characterized by pain around the pubic and sacroiliac joints. It can present as pain in the inner groin and adductor area, the buttocks or the sides of the hips. As a result, it is aggravated most commonly by maintaining sustained postures or changing position.

This Pelvic pain affects approximately 16-25% (Kanakaris 2011) of pregnant women, although it is very likely under reported and dismissed as a normal consequence of pregnancy.

Prognosis for Pregnancy related pelvic pain

The prognosis for pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain is very good. The majority of women improve within a few months after delivery. Only approximately 5-8.5% (Kanakaris 2011) go on to have persistent symptoms. Understanding this issue is the role of your Physiotherapist. Physiotherapists can help!

How does Breast feeding affect pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain?

Urban myths regarding breastfeeding being associated with laxity-related musculoskeletal pain should be put to rest. Suggestions to “be careful” (suggesting fragility), restrict function (reinforcing disability), to rest more and avoid activity (usually makes symptoms worse) should be set aside.

Too many women have weaned their babies early. They have done this in hopes this would alleviate their Pelvic girdle pain. This decision is based upon “helpful” advice, often from their Health Care Provider, despite the fact that there is no evidence to support this. As a result, many women are sadly advised not to lift their babies for several weeks after delivery. They are told to avoid doing this in order to avoid aggravating their Pregnancy related Pelvic girdle pain.

The good News!

The good news is that Pregnancy related Pelvic girdle pain can be managed very successfully! You can be shown effective self management programs which allow you to take control of your own care. This will allow you to become more confident, comfortable and active during your pregnancies.

Good strategies can be integrated into daily activities. As a result, it is possible to manage work, daily activities and child/baby care independently during pregnancy and postpartum.

Studies have also shown that vaginal deliveries are not only safe for women with Pregnancy related Pelvic Girdle pain, they are even preferable. Bjelland (2012) found a 2-3 fold increased risk of severe Pregnancy related Pelvic girdle pain (PGP) postpartum in women with PGP after a planned Cesarean Section.

Pregnancy related Pelvic Girdle pain Leads to a significant decrease in Quality of Life

Pregnancy related Pelvic Girdle pain Leads to a Significant Decrease in Quality of Life:

Five main categories emerged:

1. Pelvic girdle pain affects the ability to cope with every day life a) Postpartum depression- 3x more prevalent in this group of women (Gutke 2007)

2. Coping with motherhood and changing roles a) 20% avoid future pregnancies because of fear of Low Back pain and Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain (Brynhildsen 1998)

3. Relationship between partners often reached the breaking point

4. Questioning one’s identity as defined by profession and work

5. Lack of acknowledgement of pain and disability Elden H. et al: Life’s pregnant pause of pain: Pregnant women’s experiences of pelvic girdle pain related to daily life: A Swedish Interview Study. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare. (2013) Engeset J. et al. Pelvic girdle pain affects the whole life—a qualitative interview study in Norway on women’s experiences with pelvic girdle pain after delivery. BMC Res Notes. (2014) 7: 686.

How Can Physiotherapy help with Pregnancy related pelvic girdle Pain?

We at PhysioNow believe that Physiotherapists have a privileged role in helping to shape the experience of pregnant women with Pelvic girdle pain. Physiotherapists are in the ideal position to calm anxiety and correct misconceptions. We are happy to educate you about your condition. We explain it in a way that decreases the threat of your pain and gives you permission to move.

Exercise during pregancy
Pregancy related pelvic pain

Physical activity is now seen as a critical part of a healthy pregnancy. Pregnant women should accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week over a minimum of three days per week. However, being active every day is encouraged. Following the 2019 Guideline for Physical Activity throughout Pregnancy can reduce their risk of pregnancy-related illnesses such as gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and preeclampsia by 25 percent. (https://csepguidelines.ca/guidelines-for-pregnancy/)

Pain Management in Pregnancy: Joint SOGC/CSEP Clinical Practice Guidelines Nov 2018 P

  1. Muscle training for the pelvic floor (e.g., Kegel exercises) may be performed on a daily basis to reduce the risk of urinary incontinence. Physiotherapist Instruction in proper technique is recommended to obtain optimal benefits.

2. Pelvic floor muscle training with a Physiotherapist is recommended to prevent urinary incontinence during pregnancy and after delivery

3. Core stability training with a Physiotherapist is recommended to prevent and treat back and pelvic pain during and following pregnancy.

4. Pregnant women who experience lightheadedness, nausea, or feel unwell when they exercise flat on their back should modify their exercise position to avoid this position.

Supervised antenatal and postnatal pelvic floor muscle training has been shown to be protective against Urinary Incontinence(UI), particularly in high risk groups Boyle et al 2012, Stafne et al 2012, Reilly et al 2002. 

If you or someone you know suffers from Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain, we can help! We have highly trained Physiotherapists ready to help you with this very unpleasant condition. Please call PhysioNow today to get started!