Tag Archives: Sports Injuries

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Patellofemoral pain syndrome

            Patellofemoral pain syndrome

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Patellofemoral pain syndrome happens when your knee cap does not track properly.  The knee joint consist of two joints.  The tibiofemoral joint which is between the two long bones in your leg and the second one is the patellofemoral joint.  This  is between the femoral condyle (end of thigh bone) and the knee cap. The cartilage on the back of the knee cap glides on the cartilage on the front of the condyles of the femur. The knee cap usually sits in a snug groove at the end of the thigh bone.

Knee movements are controlled by a number of muscles connected to the knee cap. Your  thigh muscle helps to stabilize the knee cap and enables it to move smoothly in the groove.  When this is pulled out of the groove, you can develop Patellofemoral pain syndrome.

Causes of Patellofemoral pain syndrome or Anterior knee pain

Patellofemoral pain syndrome, is one of the most  common causes of pain in the knee. Pain is usually felt under the knee cap.  This is where it glides on the femur/thigh bone. If you have patellofemoral pain syndrome, it hurts when you bend and straighten your knee . There are a number of factors which can cause the pain.

Common Causes of Patellofemoral pain syndrome

  • Weakness in the hip and thigh muscles-Weakness in the thigh muscles can cause increased load which may lead to pain. Pain in your knees will further limit the activity of your muscles and over time can cause further weakness. Weakness of the inner thigh muscle  will affect the movement of the knee cap as you do your normal activities. Weakness in your hip muscles also can affect activities like climbing stairs and walking.
  • Excessive loading or rapid increase in the load for muscles around the knee-Depending on your usual activities, your knee will have a level of activity that is tolerated by your joint. Rapid increases in loading of activity may lead to a highly irritable or sensitive joint. This can cause Patellofemoral pain syndrome.
  •  Posture or position of hip, knee and feet-Flat feet or excessive turning in of feet can change movement mechanics further up the leg and cause excessive strain in your knee cap.
  • Tight muscles around the knee-Tightness in the muscles can reduce the movement of your knee and affect  how your joint works . This will lead to excessive loading during activities. The common muscles that become tight are your hamstrings, Quadriceps, Iliotibial band and calf.
  • Previous injury or dislocation of knee cap
  • Desk top work, where a lot of sitting can cause pressure on the kneecap.
  • Irritation of fat pad around the knee
  • Tendinitis of quadriceps tendon
  • Bursitis around the knee
  • Osteoarthritis

When poor biomechanics are repeated with each step of your walking and running it may lead to a highly sensitive joint and Patellofemoral pain syndrome.


  • The onset of  knee cap pain is normally gradual rather than traumatic.
  • Pain at the front, back and sides of the knee with or without swelling.
  •  Bending and straightening of knee can cause pain.
  • Pain after prolonged sitting or when you keep the knee bent for longer periods of time.
  • Clicking or grinding when you bend or straighten your knee.
  • Pain when you go up and down the stairs, up hill /down hill, squatting, running or jumping.
  • Poor knee control or stiffness

Physiotherapy Treatment

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome treatment

  • Physiotherapy is the most effective treatment for short- and long-term management of Patellofemoral pain syndrome. Your Physiotherapist will fully assess you on your first visit to identify your functional limitation. They will also help to set goals and identify contributing factors for the pain.   They will  provide a customized rehabilitation program.
  • In the initial phase of rehabilitation, treatment is directed towards reducing the pain, swelling and muscle inhibition. To do this PhysioNow will  use electrotherapy modalities, acupuncture, rest, taping, gentle motion or joint mobilization and muscle setting exercises.
  • Once the pain and swelling reduces, treatment is focused towards modifying the  factors that have been identified as a cause for the problem.
  • Rehabilitation typically emphasizes increasing strength and pain free movements.  It also will address postural correction, improving the  stability of the pelvis, balance and functional abilities.
  • Stretching exercises to address the tight muscles and strengthening the weak muscles will improve your load tolerance.
  • Successful rehabilitation requires adherence to your exercise program .
  • You will also need to reduce the aggravating movements and slowly build the endurance and strength for those activities over time.
  • Prior to discharge you will be given a safe progression of exercises and functional activities.
  • For long term management, your foot and knee control will be assessed by your Physiotherapist.
  • As a result, you may require  custom foot orthotics to correct your foot position.
  • This will  help to improve foot and knee control.
  • Others might need a hip stabilization program and your Physiotherapist will be happy to discuss with you the long term rehabilitation plans if this is needed.Custom orthotics for Patellofemoral Pain syndrome

How long it will take to get better?

We expect to see improvements with Physiotherapy over a 3 to 6-month period.   Further improvements continue beyond this period. Adherence to your specific exercise program is important in maintaining the improvement. Most people will get back to their normal function with rehabilitation in the short term. Many patients can continue in their chosen activity during rehabilitation.  Some modification of activity may be all that is needed.

If you play sports, you will need to do sports specific exercises to ensure a safe return to sports. It is good to wear proper supporting footwear to help keep your feet in a good position.  This will  improve alignment of your knees.

How to book an appointment with a Physiotherapist at PhysioNow?

We have four Physiotherapy clinics of which three are located in Mississauga and one is in Etobicoke. You can call 289-724-0448 to book into any of these clinics  for an appointment with a Physiotherapist.

Most of the time we can arrange your initial visit on the same day in a location which is nearest to you. Your initial appointment will be a one to one 40-60 minute session with a Physiotherapist which includes treatment as well on the first day.

Your follow up appointments  will typically take  40 minutes.  Normally, we would recommend 2 to 3 sessions per  week depending on the factors identified on initial assessment, treatment plan and your goals.  If you have limited funding available, we will be happy to work with you to develop a home exercise program.

Please call today to get started on your treatment for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome at PhysioNow!

TMJ syndrome

TMJ syndrome

TMJ syndrome is broadly classified into 2 syndromes.
The temporo- mandibular joint (TMJ) is the synovial joint that connects the jaw to the skull. These joints are located just in front of each ear.

TMJ syndrome

Classification of TMJ syndrome

TMD is broadly classified into 2 syndromes:
• Muscle-related TMD (myogenous TMD), sometimes called TMD secondary to myofascial pain and dysfunction
• Joint-related TMD, or TMD secondary to true articular disease

Causes of TMJ syndrome

• trauma
• disease,
• wear and tear due to aging
• oral habits, such as chewing gum, tobacco, candy or ice

  • grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw


Signs and Symptoms of TMJ syndrome

• Pain in the jaw
• Clicking and popping sound in the ear
• Pain while chewing the food
• Stiff and sore jaw muscles
• headaches

Treatment for TMJ syndrome

? general

  • • including heat to the joint,
    • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
    • avoiding chewing gum, candy, ice, or tobacco
    • stress reduction.

    • wear a mouth guard at night
    • avoid activities that require you to keep your mouth open such as fellatio
    • avoid eating food that is hard to chew such as steak

If you are interested in knowing a bit more about this syndrome, check out this link .


? Physical therapy techniques for TMJ syndrome may include:

• Jaw exercises to strengthen muscles and improve flexibility and range of motion.
• Heat therapy to improve blood circulation in the jaw.
• Ice therapy to reduce swelling and relieve pain.
• Massage to relieve overall muscle tension.
• Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS),
• Movement of the temporomandibular (TM) joint to release scar tissue that restricts muscle movement and to improve range of motion.
• Ultrasound therapy- to reduce pain and swelling and improve circulation.

If you have any further queries please call PhysioNow. Our experienced Registered Physiotherapists would be happy to help you recover from TMJ syndrome.  There are Registered Physiotherapists at each of our locations that are trained specifically to assess and treat this injury.  Assessment takes about 40-50 minutes and each treatment typically takes about 30-40 mins.  Resolution of TMJ syndrome can be quite rapid with some patients only requiring a few visits for the pain the stop.

Call today!

Heat therapy

Heat and Cold therapy

How it works

When we apply Heat therapy, it improves circulation and blood flow to  that area due to increased temperature. Heat therapy can relax and soothe muscles and heal damaged tissue.

Heat therapy


  • Dry Heat therapy includes sources like heating pads, dry heating packs, and even saunas. This heat is easy to apply.
  • Moist Heat therapy includes sources like steamed towels, moist heating packs, Theratherm heating pads that take moisture from the air, or hot baths. Moist heat may be slightly more effective as well as require less application time for the same results.


  • diabetes
  • dermatitis
  • vascular diseases
  • deep vein thrombosis
  • multiple sclerosis (MS)

 Heat is useful for relieving:

  • osteoarthritis
  • strains and sprains
  • tendonitis, or chronic irritation and stiffness in the tendons
  • warming up stiff muscles or tissue before activity
  • relieving pain or spasms relating to neck or back injury, including the lower back

Cold therapy

How it works

Cold therapy is also known as cryotherapy. It works by Louis- hunting reaction theory. When we apply Ice to an injured site, it reduces the blood flow by vasoconstriction. After some time, it causes vasodilatation and increases the blood flow to the area. This process goes on continuously. This reduces inflammation and swelling that causes pain, especially around a joint or a tendon. It can temporarily reduce nerve activity, which can also relieve pain.

Types of Cold Therapy

There are a number of different ways to apply cold therapy to an affected area. Treatment options include:

  • ice packs or frozen gel packs
  • coolant sprays
  • ice massage
  • ice baths

Cold treatment can help in cases of:

  • osteoarthritis
  • a recent injury
  • gout
  • strains
  • tendinitis, or irritation in the tendons following activity


  • people with sensory disorders
  • uncontrolled diabetes
  • You should not use cold therapy on stiff muscles or joints.
  • Cold therapy should not be used if you have poor circulation.

Here’s a general guide that helps you to decide which to use heat or ice : https://www.healthline.com/health/chronic-pain/treating-pain-with-heat-and-cold#cold-therapy

In General,  use ice for the first few days after an injury.  Beyond that, heat usually does the trick.  There is some evidence that suggests that using ice beyond the first few days can actually slow down injury healing.  It pushes away the healing agents that help you to get better.

If you have been injured and need advice or treatment, please call PhysioNow today.  We are always happy to help!

Benefits of massage therapy 

Benefits of Massage Therapy

There are many Benefits of massage therapy.  Below you will find some of the injuries that benefit most from massage therapy.

  1. Whiplash Injury

    A common injury from a motor vehicle accident, whiplash is a neck sprain resulting from the sudden forces typical of a car crash.


    • Neck stiffness
    • Headache
    • Dizziness
    • Paresthesia
    • Shoulder, back or arm pain

    Benefits of massage therapy

    Massage therapy can be used for the treatment of both acute and chronic conditions. RMTs can work with a wide variety of patients, of all ages, in the treatment of illness, injury rehabilitation and disability.

  2. Fibromyalgia

    Fibromyalgia is associated with widespread chronic pain, fatigue, memory problems and mood changes. It occurs more often in women than in men. It is not a disease, but rather a syndrome that can be managed.

    • Benefits of massage therapy
    • The first will be relaxation to improve sleep.
    • The second benefit is improved muscle tonicity
    • A fifth benefit is diminishing the effects of any anxiety or depression
  3. Low Back Pain.

    The low back is susceptible to strain because of its weight-bearing function. Connection in movements, such as twisting and bending can cause Low back pain. Muscle strain is caused when muscle fibers are over-stretched or torn. Inflammation is common at the site of injury.  This is usually accompanied by pain with movement.


    • Facet joint disease
    • Osteoarthritis
    • Muscle strain
    • Mechanical pain
    • Degenerative disc disease

    Benefits of massage therapy

    Some benefits of Massage therapy for Low Back Pain include the following:

    • Reduced pain.
    • Improved joint mobility.
    • Improving circulation.
    • Improving lymphatic drainage.
    • Reducing muscular tension.

  5. Pregnancy

    Massage Therapy performed during pregnancy can:

    • Reduce anxiety
    • decrease symptoms of depression,
    • relieve muscle aches and joint pains,
    • improve labor outcomes and newborn health.

If you or someone you know could benefit from Massage Therapy,  please call PhysioNow. Our highly experienced Massage Therapists would be happy to help you!



The topic of concussion has been in the media quite frequently in the last several years. Top athletes, like Sidney Crosby, have definitely put concussion in the spotlight.

Crosby was unable to return to his game for almost a whole year because of persistent symptoms related to concussion. Furthermore, research has shown that 96% of deceased ex-NFL players have a form of brain damage called Chronic Traumatic Encephelaphathy (CTE), which may be related to repeated head traumas like concussions.

Safety Of Athletes Involved In Contact Sports


This calls into question the safety of athletes involved in contact sports. In contact sports, there seems to be a higher incidence of these injuries.

However, concussions do not just happen to the famous pro-athlete. They can happen to athletes playing at any level or any age. They can do more than take away playing time.

Rowan Stringer, a high school rugby player, sadly made headlines in the media in 2013 after she lost her life to Second Impact Syndrome (SIS). This occurs when multiple concussions occur in rapid succession. SIS specifically affects the peadiatric and adolescent populations.

Concussions can also happen to anyone who is involved in an accident involving some form of head trauma. This includes falls and motor vehicle accidents. It is important to understand, that concussion is a serious injury.

If not managed appropriately, it can lead to persistent symptoms. Concussion can prevent you from returning to your beloved sport and/or regular life activities including work and family.

What Exactly Is Concussion?

So, what exactly is concussion and why does it have such a major impact? The changes that happen with concussion happen at a deep cellular level of the brain.

The injury starts with some form of trauma to the head, which creates stretching of the cells in the brain. These changes are microscopic and most often not picked up on imaging exams. As a result, concussion is often labelled as an invisible injury process.

Symptoms of Concussion

These chemical processes produce symptoms such as headache, nausea, dizziness and fogginess that are classic to concussion injuries.

Another major hallmark symptom of concussion is fatigue. This feeling of persistent tiredness is due to the energy crisis in the brain that results from the initial cellular stretching. These symptoms can wreak havoc on a person’s life and take them out of their sport or work.

How long do Concussion symptoms last?

Although the chemical reactions from the initial trauma take about 7 to 10 days to stabilize, the symptoms that are experienced by the patient can last for several weeks and months or even years. The lasting symptoms happen as a result of the changes that have been made to the different processing systems of the brain.

These changes produce an inability to make sense of either the visual or vestibular information in our environment. This overwhelms the brain and further aggravates the symptoms. It is vitally important, that appropriate management strategies have to be in place to treat these symptoms in an effective and timely manner so that an individual can return to their life.

How Do You Treat Concussion?

So how do you treat concussion if it is an invisible injury? The mechanism may be invisible but the symptoms are definitely not. Therefore, it is important to do a thorough assessment. This helps to understand what the exact symptoms are and which brain systems are at fault.

imPACT Testing

During the initial assessment, the patient will most likely be starting the appointment with a computerized test called imPACT, which is a heavily researched and validated neurocognitive test. This test looks at a variety of categories including verbal memory, visual memory, speed and reaction time. At completion it provides important information on a patient’s performance.

The test can be repeated over time and it can be used to check if there has been any meaningful change in performance. Once the imPACT test is completed, the patient will be assessed by the physiotherapist.

The Physiotherapist will go through a detailed history of the injury and symptoms to get an understanding of what the patient is going through and which brain systems are affected. The Physiotherapist will then go through a series of physical tests that test the visual and vestibular systems.

The therapist will be looking at how the patient is performing on the test and what symptoms are produced with the tests. If there are any other injuries present, such as neck pain, the physiotherapist will assess these issues as well.

Concussion Treatment

With the information gained from the assessment, the therapist will start providing the appropriate treatment to start reducing the symptoms of concussion. The treatment provided will vary from person to person because each case of concussion is unique.

Therefore, there cannot be a cookie-cutter approach to treating this complex injury. A large component of the initial treatment plan will involve education to rest and reset the brain and modify work/home/sport activities to allow for appropriate healing.


On follow up visits, the therapist will prescribe specific exercises to start healing the affected systems in the brain. These exercises are important to be continued at home. Consistent and regular practice of these exercises will ensure improvement in the symptoms. It is important to understand that these exercises will produce some of the symptoms of concussion but they are meant to do so.

It is in this manner, that the visual and/or vestibular systems are retrained. Once the exercises are mastered at one level, the physiotherapist will continue to progress them to be more and more challenging until the patient is able to perform them without any symptoms. It is through these progressions that the therapist will be able to help the patient return to work and/or play and just life in general.


Concussion symptoms can be very debilitating and can go on for a long time. It is important to seek out a qualified Physiotherapist trained in concussion management as soon as possible so that these symptoms are not affecting a person’s quality of life and taking them away from the things that they love.

At PhysioNow, we have highly trained Registered Physiotherapists ready to assess and treat Concussions.  Call today to get started on your recovery!